Descrição do Produto: Superior Labs – Melhor Suplemento de Bromelina Não Transgênico Natural
A Bromelina da Superior Labs é um suplemento natural de alta qualidade, extraído da fruta do abacaxi, que se destaca por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde. Com uma dosagem potente de 500 mg e uma concentração de 2.400 gdu por grama, este produto não sintético é ideal para quem busca um suporte eficaz para a digestão saudável e o bem-estar geral. A Bromelina é conhecida por promover o conforto das articulações, contribuir para a saúde cardiovascular e facilitar a digestão, tornando-se uma adição valiosa à rotina diária de qualquer pessoa.
A pureza absoluta é um dos pilares da Superior Labs. Este suplemento é livre de aditivos sintéticos, enchimentos, metais pesados e adulterantes. Ao contrário de outras marcas que utilizam substâncias como estearatos e dioxidos para reduzir custos, a Superior Labs prioriza a qualidade e a segurança. Todos os ingredientes passam por rigorosos testes para garantir que estão 100% livres de contaminantes, oferecendo aos consumidores a confiança de que estão consumindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
A qualidade inquestionável é garantida através de instalações que passam por auditorias rigorosas de terceiros, assegurando que os padrões mais altos de fabricação sejam atendidos. Este processo de garantia de qualidade é projetado para superar os padrões da indústria, posicionando os suplementos da Superior Labs entre os melhores disponíveis no mercado.
Além disso, a Superior Labs se compromete com a satisfação do cliente. Com quase uma década de experiência em atender clientes da Amazon, a empresa oferece uma política de reembolso sem complicações. Se você não estiver satisfeito com os resultados ou com o produto de qualquer forma, basta entrar em contato e o reembolso será processado em 48 horas ou menos, sem perguntas ou complicações.
– Suporte à Digestão: Melhora a digestão e alivia desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Conforto Articular: Promove a saúde das articulações, ajudando a reduzir a inflamação.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a saúde do coração e do sistema circulatório.
– Pureza Garantida: Produto livre de aditivos sintéticos e contaminantes.
– Satisfação do Cliente: Política de reembolso sem complicações, garantindo a confiança do consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de 500 mg de Bromelina da Superior Labs, preferencialmente com um copo de água, antes das refeições. Isso maximiza a absorção e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento na digestão e no conforto articular. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
A Floridian –
According to Dr. Peter McCullough, bromelain helps to remove spike proteins from the v-x. It also is great for digestion.
Linda Fitzgerald –
My problem is that I bruise easily. These one a day supplements prevent bruising. I would bruise if I carried grocery bags on my arms or hit the door jamb. I hit my hand on the door jamb coming inside the other day and I did not have a mark. I can’t believe how fabulous this is. I got the recommendation from a friend with the same problem who was advised by her dermatologist to start these supplements before some eye surgery and she had hardly any bruising – which was amazing.
M. F. Walsh –
I had a cosmetic filler procedure done which left some bruising in my mouth area. The nurse said to put pineapple on it. Yes, like hold a piece of pineapple against my face. I used this pineapple enzyme instead. I took it for about a week and got rid of those bruises very fast. I told the nurse and she now suggests it to other patients, and I’ve used it several times since and gotten the same great results..
Tiffany N. Hughes –
Good product
Brenda Provow –
My bottle smelled like rotten pineapple about 6 months after opening it. If you are going to use this. Do not let it sit.
CZGator –
Bromelain capsules made by Superior Labs are amazing! I have only been using them about a week, but they be a regular part of my daily regimen from now on. I had known about the fact that bromelain was supposed to be effective for musculoskeletal pain relief but had been basically been relying on NSAIDs in various forms to help with osteoarthritis for many years. My dog had a slow-healing wound which I had used scarlet oil (in the form of Scarlex, another good product) to fill in with granulated tissue. When some of the tissue grew above the level of the skin area, (often called proud flesh), I had turned to an old standby, Wonder Dust (a horse product) to get rid of it but it was too harsh. I read that some vets used meat tenderizer to do the same thing; most meat tenderizers have salt (ouch!) and use either papain (enzymes from papayas) or bromelain (enzymes from pineapples). I figured I’d get bromelain capsules to use on my dog (it works!) and try the rest myself. I have pretty significant joint and back pain from a long-ago car accident and have tried many things over the years, many things help but the side effects (actual or potential) are often not worth the risk. This stuff really helps and it’s all natural. A side benefit for me–my face was smashed up in that same accident and rebuilt and my sinuses and breathing have never been right since then; when my sinuses get congested, they don’t drain through my nose like normally but to my ears, which hurts and makes you dizzy. After I took a couple of these pills, I noticed my sinuses clearing with thin secretions draining out of my nose, which had been congested. For most people that might seem like a bad thing but it means this stuff really is good for people with sinusitis. (Sorry, this might beTMI but some people might need to know.) It is also supposed to help with digestion, but I usually take it on an empty stomach to maximize its other benefits. However, with the results I’ve seen so far, I’m sure it would work. There have been several studies on bromelain which demonstrate its effectiveness in several different health issues so you might want to do a little research to see if you think it will work for you, but it has already helped me (and my dog)! I like the capsule form, but it is a little big, (it is 500 mg and all natural, after all), and some people with swallowing issues might have a problem with it.
sandra roman –
Pain reliever, effectiveness 100% is an amazing product to help your stomach feel better. If you have the uncomfortable feeling of bloating this is that you need to buy. I love ittttt
Trish –
I have been taking this bromelain for quite some time and was very happy up
until receiving my last bottle. The smell that everyone talks about in reviews is real –
I probably should have returned at that point but instead I kept bottle and ingested the capsules almost every day until I realized that something was making me sick – It was the Bromelain – I am not sure what has happened with this product and why companies think that change is better (maybe because of the cost factor) I buy other supplements from Superior Lab but now, I am questioning the integrity of the company ? I would not recommend this product to anyone because of how sick it made me. I don’t normally post negative reviews but I feel this review is important as I do not want anyone going through what I went through taking these supplements.