Descrição do Produto: Superior Labs — Melhor Suplemento Dietético de Vitamina B6
A Vitamina B6 é um nutriente essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde do sistema imunológico, na função cerebral saudável e no suporte à saúde cardiovascular. O suplemento de Vitamina B6 da Superior Labs oferece uma dosagem eficaz de 50 mg em cápsulas vegetais fáceis de engolir, garantindo que você receba todos os benefícios dessa vitamina vital sem aditivos sintéticos ou contaminantes.
- SUPPORTS CARDIOVASCULAR & IMMUNE SYSTEM HEALTH — Este suplemento de Vitamina B6, livre de OGM e sintéticos, é eficaz e demonstrou apoiar a saúde cardiovascular e do sistema imunológico.*
- EFFECTIVE 50 mg DOSAGE — Os suplementos de Vitamina B6 da Superior Labs são altamente eficazes graças às potentes, mas seguras, dosagens de 50 mg, embaladas em nossas cápsulas vegetais fáceis de engolir.
- ABSOLUTE PURITY – ZERO ADDITIVOS SINTÉTICOS, FILLERS, METAIS PESADOS, ADULTERANTES — Você nunca verá aditivos desnecessários, como estearatos, dioxidos, glicerídeos ou fillers que outras marcas usam para tornar a fabricação mais barata, rápida e fácil. Além disso, submetemos todos os ingredientes e produtos a rigorosos testes para garantir que estejam 100% livres de contaminantes.
- UNQUESTIONABLE QUALITY – Nossos produtos são fabricados em instalações que passam por rigorosas auditorias de terceiros para garantir os mais altos padrões de qualidade. Este processo estrito de garantia de qualidade é projetado para atender e superar os padrões da indústria, garantindo que nossos produtos sejam os suplementos de mais alta qualidade no mercado.
- NO RISK AND NO HASSLE – Por quase uma década, temos encantado os clientes da Amazon. Se você não estiver satisfeito com os benefícios, resultados ou estiver insatisfeito com o produto de qualquer outra forma, entre em contato conosco e reembolsaremos seu dinheiro em 48 horas ou menos. É isso – sem perguntas, sem complicações, sem riscos.
1. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: A Vitamina B6 é fundamental para a produção de anticorpos, ajudando a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a regulação dos níveis de homocisteína, promovendo a saúde do coração e reduzindo o risco de doenças cardiovasculares.
3. Função Cerebral Otimizada: Essencial para a produção de neurotransmissores, a Vitamina B6 melhora a função cognitiva e o humor.
4. Pureza Absoluta: Sem aditivos sintéticos ou contaminantes, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
5. Garantia de Satisfação: Política de reembolso sem complicações, proporcionando confiança e segurança na compra.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula vegetal de Vitamina B6 da Superior Labs diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção do nutriente, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições médicas preexistentes.
Sharon –
I purchased this for my husband, who has Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, which is a horrible disease with no known cause or no cure. CIDP eats the myelin sheath from your nerves, therefore, your muscles wither away because when the myelin sheath is damaged, nerve impulses slow or even stop, therefore, your muscles do not work. After lots of research, I found out that Vitamin B6 helps stimulate the immune system, eases muscle cramps, and helps with the formation of myelin. After reviewing many Vitamin B6 supplements, I chose SuperiorLabs Vitamin B6 because it is the purest form of B6 available without any bad ingredients used as fillers. I waited to give an honest review of the Vitamin B6 until my husband had taken the supplement at least 2 months. I can’t give a definite yes the Vitamin B6 is helping with the CIDP, however, I can say the disease was progressing very fast and we feel the B6 is helping with the muscle cramps as well as helping maintain the nerve function. He will continue to take the SuperiorLabs Vitamin B6 not only for the purity but knowing the company is an U.S.A. based compliant company gives us confidence in this company and their products.
I would recommend anyone to give this B6 a trial.
I have only been taking Superior Labs B6 #1 Vitamin B6 – Powerful 50mg, 120 Vegetable Capsules – Formulated and Manufactured in USA – 100% Money Back Guarantee for only a few weeks but I have been feeling much more energetic and my mood has improved as well during this time. How much of this improvement can be credited to B6 is hard to say as I am taking other supplements like Magnesium, Chromium, and Vanadium as well but knowing the importance of B6 in nerve function and metabolism I think it is fair to say it deserves credit. I looked for a long time on Amazon for a brand that had a good level of B6 at an affordable price and chose this brand for those reasons and am happy with the purchase.
WillyG –
Learning what the body is deficient in, is a study, since our diet throughout our lives is critical.
KD –
I always promised myself that if I couldn’t take spectacular care of my beloved show dogs that I would place them with people who could. After 21 years of dogs and dog shows, that’s exactly what happened when I suddenly didn’t have the energy to take care of them. That was in the early 1990s.
What came after that was years of sitting in front of a TV. I had to get through a day somehow. I could load and unload the dishwasher and nuke myself a meal, but little else. Where was the lively me?
About 10 year ago, I started studying specific supplements, trying to solve this and other problems. I managed to get the upper hand on some other physical troubles with supplements, but not the extreme lethargy.
I later changed my diet (no junk food or drinks at all) and started a daily log of everything consumed (both foods and supplements) to try to trace down the cause…after all, this could be done in front of the TV!
Nothing worked that had given other lucky people energy. So all I could do is go on to the next supplement and then the next supplement and write down what happened with each long trial.
But today and for the last week, there’s been a BIG difference. I’m constantly go, go, go with housework and more. I LOVE being industrious again after all these years! But, here’s the kicker: I started, at the time of this change, taking the B6 and also Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid. I don’t know which one is my hero here. However, I’ve never seen anything in what’s written about Collagen and Hyaluronic acid that says they’re good for energy. They’re good for skin elasticity, healthy joints and other good things…no mention anywhere about energy. But there’s A LOT said about energy with B6!
Now that I’ve got a combination of supplements that work, I don’t intend to change or add anything.
Now to the brand itself. The reason I chose this brand is because it doesn’t have any stearates! I like the fact that this product is made in the USA too.
Lastly, I’ll mention this: Some supps. keep me from falling asleep at night. This product hasn’t done that!
LJ –
I purchased this product back in May. At the time, I paid $14.95 for 250 capsules of 100 mg each. Now the price is more than quadrupled to $14.95 for 120 capsules of 50 mg each. I asked why in the questions area, and it was immediately deleted. I find this highly unethical and misleading.
peach92 –
These capsules are easy to swallow and are a good quality product. Before starting chemotherapy (drug – Taxol), my oncologist recommended B6 for the common side effect of peripheral neuropathy. I did not want to purchase a low quality B6 so after some research I chose this product. I have been taking this B6 for three months now and I do not have any neuropathy. In addition to the B6, I also kept my hands and feet in cold water (using freezer packs) during every taxol treatment. I believe the reason I do not have neuropathy is due to the cold water and this B6.
Denise Olson –
I usually have an issue with staying asleep all night. However, taking a good B6 before bed is really a game changer for me. It’s also important to have the right ingredients in the capsule, ie: no magnesium stearate or other undesirable ingredients. Only a vegetable capsule like this one is best! Also, great price point for the amount you get in one bottle. Most people do not get enough of the B vitamins in their diets. I highly recommend this supplement. You only need one per day.
CC –
I’ve been taking B6 for quite sometime and it really makes a difference for me and it was a pretty good price for this quantity. Thanks also for the prompt service .