Conheça o Superior Labs – Melhor L-Lisina NonGMO – Suplemento Alimentar – 500 mg de L-Lisina Pura Ativa – 120 Cápsulas Vegetais – Suporta a Absorção de Cálcio – Sistema Imunológico.
O Superior Labs – Melhor L-Lisina NonGMO é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade que oferece uma série de benefícios para a saúde. Cada cápsula contém 500 mg de L-Lisina pura ativa, que suporta a absorção de cálcio e a função imunológica, ajudando a manter a massa muscular e promover o bem-estar geral.
A L-Lisina é um aminoácido essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na síntese de proteínas e no metabolismo do cálcio. Ela pode ajudar na reparação e restauração do tecido muscular, o que contribui para a manutenção da massa muscular e redução do tempo de recuperação após os treinos.
Além disso, o Superior Labs – Melhor L-Lisina NonGMO se destaca pela sua pureza absoluta. Não contém aditivos sintéticos, cargas, metais pesados ou adulterantes. Diferente de outras marcas que utilizam esses ingredientes para baratear o processo de fabricação, nós garantimos que todos os nossos produtos são 100% livres de contaminantes. Realizamos testes rigorosos em todos os ingredientes e produtos para garantir a qualidade e segurança.
Nossa qualidade é inquestionável. Todos os nossos produtos são fabricados em instalações que passam por auditorias rigorosas de terceiros para garantir os mais altos padrões de qualidade. Esse processo de garantia de qualidade é projetado para atender e superar os padrões da indústria, garantindo que nossos produtos sejam os melhores suplementos do mercado.
Não há risco e nem complicações ao adquirir o Superior Labs – Melhor L-Lisina NonGMO. Há quase uma década, temos encantado os clientes da Amazon. Se você não estiver satisfeito com os benefícios, resultados ou de qualquer outra forma insatisfeito com o produto, entre em contato conosco e teremos prazer em reembolsar seu dinheiro em até 48 horas. Sem perguntas, sem complicações, sem riscos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporta a absorção de cálcio
- Auxilia na manutenção da massa muscular
- Produto de qualidade inquestionável
- Livre de aditivos sintéticos e contaminantes
- Garantia de reembolso sem riscos
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
OK Tamease –
Lately I have many question and apprehensions about supplements and what is exactly in the capsules that I take. I am a believer in good nutrition and supplementing my diet. That said— the rash of articles that have surfaced these days regarding supplements and what is (and is not) in them has become a real factor in what and from whom I buy from.
I am impressed with the labeling and the steps the folks at Superior Labs have taken to alieve my anxiety around the contents of the capsules they make.
It was especially nice to get someone on the phone in the middle of a Saturday afternoon to answer question about the L-Lysine product they are currently selling. The response was straight forward and unambiguous. I also appreciate the fact that these supplements are American made.
Hopefully this company will do well and expand its product line.
Prettygirl –
Definitely a lysine that I don’t mind taking as it’s in capsule form and the size is not hard to swallow. The most important thing about this Superior Labs L-Lysine is that they don’t contain lots of unnecessary added and potentially harmful ingredients. (Do your own research, decide what’s important to you, and what you do and don’t believe.)
I’m glad I have this brand a try and I’m happy with the results I see while I’ve been taking these. I do wish Superior Labs had a 1,000 mg capsule.
Johnson –
I’ve been on Linus Pauling’s vitamin c and L-lysine therapy program since October 2014 after having a stent. I had tried the statins but they made me feel bad as well as another stress echo showing the heart muscle starting to stiffen because of these drugs. The stiffening heart muscle also caused chest discomfort at the beginning of exercise prescribed by the cardiologist. Vitamin c and l-lysine and l-proline work to protect the heart, no more chest pain, and I feel much better. I chose the Superior Labs product because it has NO junk in it. Stearates reduce the body’s absorption capabilities of the nutrient and that’s just a waste of money. As long as they make it this way, I’ll keep buying.
John G Shannon –
I found this product by researching for the best quality lysine available. My reason for looking was that I had found a few mentions on the ‘net of people accidentally finding that lysine supplements alleviated their trigeminal neuralgia pain, which I suffer. The product arrived on time, and when I began taking it, I carefully tracked its efficacy with and without another pain med. My findings are that the lysine alone does indeed work to alleviate the constant moderate-level type of pain, which is a pulling/ripping apart sensation from damaged face bones and muscle tissue and sinus after an accident. Lysine removes that final 1/4 of the pain which no other pain reliever could help. So, I wanted to report, that your lysine does indeed do what I had hoped. Thank you for a quality product!
Kathryn –
This is a miracle worker. I just happened to read a review for a skin care product and a commenter mentioned that l-lysine helps with acne and I decided to give it a try. I have suffered with acne for over 20 years. I have literally tried everything (dermatologists, proactive, diet changes, natural oils, manuka honey, egg yolks, tons of water, ACV, coconut oil, herbal remedies, DIM supplements, hormonal supplements, old wives tales, etc.) and nothing helped me. When I read about l-lysine I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try. It hasn’t even been two weeks and the change in my skin has been amazing. Almost miraculous. I want to mention l-lysine to everyone I know and let all the acne sufferers out there know about it. Granted it has only been two weeks (and I hope I haven’t jinxed myself now) but this stuff is outstanding. My skin is almost completely clear (I have two or three small pimples) and getting better every day. I know it is the l-lysine because nothing else in my routine has changed. I love Superior Labs because it is all natural and the pill is not large and is very easy to swallow. Please, if you suffer from acne give this a try. This is an absolute game changer. I take one pill in the morning and one pill at night. I would recommend taking it with a little food. Organic African Black Soap works amazingly well for acne prone skin too. It’s the best soap I’ve ever purchased. I love it. It is all natural (I eat clean and try to use natural products/oils) and work very well with acne prone skin.
If my skin reverts back or anything changes I will update my review.
Thank you, Superior Labs for a great product!