Descrição do Produto: Superior Labs – Extra Strength Natural DHEA
O Superior Labs apresenta seu suplemento de DHEA de força extra, uma fórmula inovadora que promove o envelhecimento saudável em homens. Com 100 mg de DHEA puro em cada cápsula vegetal, este produto é a escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam manter sua vitalidade e bem-estar ao longo dos anos. O DHEA, ou dehidroepiandrosterona, é um hormônio natural produzido pelas glândulas adrenais, essencial para a saúde hormonal e o equilíbrio do corpo.
- POWERFUL & NATURAL DHEA – O suplemento de DHEA da Superior Labs é seguro e ajuda a apoiar seu sistema imunológico e o bem-estar geral.
- 100% PURE DHEA – Nossa cápsula de DHEA contém 100 mg de DHEA puro, sem estearato de magnésio, conservantes, dioxidos ou outros ingredientes potencialmente prejudiciais.
- ABSOLUTE PURITY – ZERO ADDITIVOS SINTÉTICOS, FILLERS, METAIS PESADOS, ADULTERANTES – Você nunca verá aditivos desnecessários como estearatos, dioxidos, glicerídeos ou fillers que outras marcas usam para tornar a fabricação mais barata, rápida e fácil. Além disso, testamos todos os ingredientes e produtos para poluição por metais pesados industriais e bactérias nocivas comuns em materiais vegetais e ingredientes.
- Non-GMO and Pure DHEA – O uso correto e recomendado do nosso suplemento de DHEA vegetariano não-GMO pode promover a massa muscular e apoiar a libido.*
- NO RISK AND NO HASSLE – Por quase uma década, temos encantado os clientes da Amazon. Se você não estiver satisfeito com os benefícios, resultados ou insatisfeito com o produto de qualquer outra forma, entre em contato conosco e reembolsaremos seu dinheiro em 48 horas ou menos. É isso – sem perguntas, sem complicações, sem riscos.
1. Apoio ao Envelhecimento Saudável: Contribui para a manutenção da saúde hormonal, essencial para o envelhecimento ativo.
2. Aumento da Vitalidade: Promove energia e disposição, ajudando a combater a fadiga e o cansaço.
3. Melhora da Libido: Auxilia na manutenção da libido, favorecendo a saúde sexual masculina.
4. Promoção da Massa Muscular: Contribui para o aumento da massa muscular, ideal para quem busca um corpo mais tonificado.
5. Pureza e Segurança: Com 100% de DHEA puro e sem aditivos sintéticos, garante um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula vegetal de Superior Labs – Extra Strength Natural DHEA diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
gk86 –
So I have been noticing some issues in the bedroom in the past couple of years that have lead me to think maybe something wasn’t right. My libido has plummeted, often times I wont get hard, and I often wont stay hard. After going down a rabbit hole on google, I came to realize these symptoms are all in line with low testosterone. Furthermore, I realized that I also had many other symptoms such as chronic fatigue, weakness, depression and, erratic sleep cycles. Now because I do not have health insurance, much of my non emergency medical concerns are often cast aside. At my partners urging, I decided to look into alternative treatments for this – and thats where Test WorX and DHEA came in.
Just to be clear : I am taking both Test WorX and DHEA daily – so it is difficult to say if one is working better than the other, or if they are working in conjunction with each other.
I take two Test WorX pills in the morning before food, and cycle five days on, two days off with one week between bottles. Pretty simple. The DHEA is one or two pills daily – (100-200mg respectively). I have been taking 1 pill a day, but plan on increasing it to two to strengthen the results that I am seeing. I have done some research and it seems that 200 mg is the recommended dose for someone in my age group.
I have been pretty happy so far – I am about five weeks into the cycle. Before I was taking superior labs supplements, I was taking yohimbe and maca powder – which definitely woke me up a bit but I never felt any change in the bedroom. Since taking Test WorX and DHEA – I have found myself much more interested in sex. I think about it much more, I am more interested in sex with my partner, it is more fulfilling, and things seem to be working better. Because of the additional supplements, its hard to say if its specifically one thing or another, but either way I am happy. These things have been a persistent issue for years and it feels good to see them resolving. I plan to continue taking both DHEA and Test WorX.
nick –
I dictated my first attempt at a review and it didn’t turn out all that great, nor did amazon appear to post it, so this is my second go:
With a product like DHEA, it can be hard to assess the effects compared across brands, but I selected one on the recommendation of people that I trust to know what they are talking about, and I could not be happier with that choice. In fact, I just reordered. The company is superb, has a fantastic reputation and, rather than selling every supplement known to man, focuses on DHEA and related/quasi-similar products. This was an important factor for me. Below, I present some research and then describe my own experience.
I need to make it absolutely clear at the outset that I AM NOT A MEDICAL DOCTOR AND ANYTHING I SAY SHOULD NOT BE REGARDED, OR RELIED UPON, IN ANY WAY, AS MEDICAL ADVICE, and should even regarded as incomplete, untrue or even misleading until you choose to verify these claims with a qualified and properly certified professional. With that said, I did a lot of research on DHEA before deciding to take it, focusing on clinical studies and academic papers available on Google scholar (and pub med). In the majority of what I read, the effects of DHEA improved male functioning on several levels and (at least to some degree) had pronounced and noticeable effect, especially in “older” men (as defined as mid-20s and up; sorry guys but you are old). Documented effects include greater energy, improved mood, improved cognitive functioning, greater motivation, sexual benefits, and others that escape me right now as it has been a while. From a subjective standpoint, I experienced virtually all of the benefits listed above and DHEA has certainly improved my life and general outlook considerably. I am in my late 30s and, at times, previously experienced symptoms similar to those of mild depression, such as a lack of motivation, increased fatigue, mental “fogginess,” problems with sleep, decreased libido, a pronounced lack of motivation in many aspects of my life, a more negative mood and pessimistic outlook, and some others as well. Many doctors, let alone lay people, are unaware that the symptoms of mild depression mirror those associated with low androgen levels, and the latter can often be the culprit. DHEA supplementation returned me to normal (or close to normal) within 2-3 weeks. [I am NOT suggesting that those suffering severe or worrying symptoms should not seek psychiatric care or request a full hormone panel from your GP]
As mentioned, I just reordered and plan to take this product indefinitely, especially given the dramatic drop in DHEA levels following one’s very early 20s. I wish I had started at roughly the age when endogenous levels plummet, but better late than never.
There is also evidence that DHEA plays an important role in the human body with respect to the proper/more optimal functioning of various body systems (even on the cellar level), and while not subjectively felt, they are beneficial to the organism, including their effects on aging. And thus is not only for vanity’s sake because of potentially serious age-related diseases — IF one can lessen the likelihood of age-related diseases, such as heart problems, supplementation is a no-brainer for me (I would have to review my research and verify that what i am writing has been documented or theorized by experts).
Anyway, because of its status as a demonstrably important pro-hormone, it was very important for me to buy a pure and well regarded brand, manufactured in the USA in a FDA-Registered according to GMP standards, and perhaps as tellingly, an ironclad 100% guarantee. I found all of this with Superior Labs.