Super RetinolC (Pó, Suplemento de Cuidados com a Pele)
Descubra o poder transformador do Super RetinolC, um suplemento inovador que combina a eficácia do retinol com uma rica mistura de vitaminas e nutrientes essenciais para a saúde da pele. Este produto, desenvolvido em colaboração com dermatologistas, é a solução ideal para quem busca uma pele radiante e uniforme. O retinol presente no Super RetinolC promove o crescimento e desenvolvimento das células epiteliais da pele, estimulando a regeneração celular e normalizando os ciclos de renovação da pele, resultando em uma pele saudável e vibrante.
A fórmula iluminadora do Super RetinolC é enriquecida com um complexo vitamínico que inclui as vitaminas C, A, D, E, extrato de cítricos e L-cisteína, proporcionando uma proteção antioxidante intensa e um tom de pele mais claro e brilhante. Além disso, a presença do ácido pantotênico e do zinco ajuda a melhorar a aparência de acne e manchas, tornando este suplemento uma escolha inteligente para quem deseja um cuidado completo da pele.
Com um sabor refrescante de cítricos e manga, o Super RetinolC é fácil de consumir. Sua formulação em pó pode ser ingerida diretamente ou adicionada a água, iogurtes, smoothies de colágeno ou qualquer outra preparação que você preferir. A qualidade e a confiança são garantidas pela VitalBeautie, que fabrica este produto sob rigorosos padrões de boas práticas de fabricação (cGMP) e é certificado por terceiros quanto à pureza e segurança. Com mais de oito décadas de experiência, a AMOREPACIFIC é uma referência em inovação no setor de beleza e bem-estar, comprometida em promover estilos de vida mais saudáveis e inspirar um mundo mais bonito.
– Cuidado com a pele com retinol comestível: Promove a regeneração celular e melhora a textura da pele.
– Desenvolvido com dermatologistas: Garantia de eficácia e dosagem adequada para todos os tipos de pele.
– Fórmula iluminadora: Combinação de vitaminas e antioxidantes que clareiam e uniformizam o tom da pele.
– Sabor agradável: Fácil de consumir, podendo ser adicionado a diversas preparações.
– Compromisso com a qualidade: Produto não-GMO, livre de conservantes e hormônios, fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir um pacote de Super RetinolC diariamente. O pó pode ser misturado em água, iogurte ou smoothies, facilitando a incorporação na sua rotina diária. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde, especialmente se você tiver condições de pele específicas ou estiver em tratamento dermatológico. A consistência no uso é fundamental para perceber os benefícios ao longo do tempo.
Cristina CG –
This is a review for VITALBEAUTIE Super Retinol C (Powder, Skincare Supplement)
VitalBeautie is in the AMOREPACIFIC SkinCare family.
Their products are made in Korea. This Super Retinol C Powder is a 30 day supply of powdered low dose basic vitamins in a stick that can be taken by mouth as is or in water. The taste is fruity but some of the ingredients are not exactly natural.
Artificial Flavors, Cherry and Strawberry. Side Effects possible.
Artificial Sweeteners: Xylitol, Side effects Possible
Food additive: Maltodextrin, it has a high glycemic index (GI) value, which means it can cause a spike in your blood sugar. Side Effects Possible
Food Additive: Trehalose is a naturally and commercially produced sugar used as a food stabilizer and sweetener. It is found in some mushrooms, seaweed, honey, and yeast. Side Effects possible.
Lets talk about the rest if the vitamin ingredients:
Magnesium Oxide: the poorest absorbed magnesium
Zinc? what form of zinc is this?
Vitamin E,D,A, what form are these ie D3? or ,
The cost is reasonable but then this is what you are getting, a less for the money.
VitalBeautie states they are 3rd party tested for purity and safety (?)
They are non GMO, and preservative free (?)
I think I’ve learned enough this afternoon to say “I pass”.
There are products out there with similar blends that are healthier and at the same cost or less.
Keep Shopping –
Retinol C is a combination of Vitamin C and Retinol, which is a specific type of Vitamin A. I’ve seen retinol C in many different skin care products but never in my life have I seen it in an edible form like this. At first I assumed you mix this with water and drink it but no, you are supposed to just pour it in your mouth. I was surprised how pleasant that was, it melted away quickly and I swallowed it without any issues. It was sour for sure but not so much that I was squinting or running for a cup of water. I’m sure you can mix it if you want. I’ll have to wait to see if I see an improvement in my skin, regardless though the extra vitamin C will be useful. I googled Retinol C powder and so far this is the only company making something like this. If you are unfamiliar with the brand it is a very popular Korean cosmetic company.
Katniss –
I have been taking this supplement since I feel like I need help in the complexion of my face. The supplement has a flavor of gummy bears and tastes good, but I have not yet had any discernible change in my complexion. It is a small pouch of powder and is very easy to take, you dont even need to drink water with it or dissolve it in anything.
Keep Shopping –
This is my first time trying a “drinkable” beauty supplement and I was excited that it is made in Korea. The box arrived well packaged and in perfect condition. There are 30 packets included, each one being 0.06oz in size. They dissolve easily, with little to no sediment. I would describe the taste as a muted strawberry. It is not a sweet drink; it is subtly tart and very enjoyable/”drinkable.” More specifically, it makes it easier to drink a larger quantity of water, quicker.
I like that this is a great way to hydrate myself while getting extra vitamins into my system but I would like the nutritional content to be more specific (such as what type of zinc and what type of Vitamin C, etc). Also, the product contains maltodextrin so do keep this in mind if your stomach is sensitive.
Overall, I really like it and am excited to keep drinking it. The stick form makes it easy to always keep some on hand in your purse.
Sprouties 🌱 –
This VITALBEAUTIE Super Retinol C powder taste surprisingly nice, I often get nervous trying powder supplement as more often they don’t taste good. So I am very happy to find this Super Retinol C taste good. I have never had Retinol in oral form before, so can’t tell is it is better than lotion form but I am keen to try.
Product of Korea. With an expiry date that is about 18 months from when I received this.
Celiz –
This is a simple-to-take daily skin support powder. You only need one small packet per day, and it blends easily with water and other liquids. The flavor is gentle and refreshing in my opinion, and it tastes great mixed with water and a splash of fruit juice. I haven’t experienced any negative effects from taking this supplement. I trust the AmorePacific brand and I definitely recommend this product!
hoffa –
I was surprised to find the powder to have a nice taste after mixed with water. It disolved easily, and I couldn’t see granules at the bottom of the water bottle. That is why my first try was in a water bottle. I rarely use bottled water, as the bottle is not good for enviroment. Now I feel okay to disolve it into my travel cup. I am not confident it the claims about the benefits for complexion in regards to the retinol in a powdered form. But the type of vitamin additives do directly correlate to aiding skin renewal. Remains to be seen, but worth a try! It did not upset my stomach or any part of my digestive system.
Lollipop kid –
I wish the instructions were a little more instructive, but these seem to be pretty high quality and I enjoyed them a lot. There’s an English-language sleeve over the original Korean packaging, which is much nicer than a printed sticker stuck over the original labeling.