O Super Lysine Plus Coldstick SPF21 Quantum 1 Stick é a solução ideal para quem busca proteção labial eficaz e tratamento para feridas causadas por herpes labial. Com uma fórmula inovadora que combina a poderosa lisina, um aminoácido amplamente estudado, e ingredientes naturais, este bastão oferece não apenas alívio imediato, mas também uma barreira protetora contra os danos solares. A lisina atua suprimindo a atividade da arginina, um gatilho comum para o herpes labial, ajudando a reduzir a frequência e a gravidade das feridas. Além disso, a calêndula, conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, proporciona conforto à pele irritada, enquanto ingredientes como folha de hidraste, equinácea, óleo de melaleuca e própolis fortalecem o sistema imunológico, tornando-o mais resistente a infecções virais.
Os óleos hidratantes, como o de cártamo, semente de mamona, jojoba e vitamina E, garantem uma hidratação intensiva, mantendo os lábios macios e suaves. Para completar, o Super Lysine Plus Coldstick contém octinoxato e oxybenzone, ingredientes confiáveis de protetor solar que ajudam a reduzir a irritação causada pela exposição solar em feridas de herpes labial. Com sua aplicação prática em formato de bastão, o Coldstick é perfeito para o dia a dia, proporcionando proteção e cuidado em um único produto.
1. Supressão eficaz de herpes labial: A lisina ajuda a controlar a atividade da arginina, reduzindo a frequência e a gravidade das feridas.
2. Acalma a pele irritada: A calêndula oferece alívio imediato para a pele, proporcionando conforto e suavidade.
3. Suporte imunológico: Ingredientes naturais como equinácea e óleo de melaleuca fortalecem o sistema imunológico contra infecções virais.
4. Hidratação intensiva: Os óleos hidratantes garantem lábios macios e bem cuidados, prevenindo o ressecamento.
5. Proteção solar: Com FPS 21, o produto protege os lábios dos danos causados pela exposição solar, especialmente em áreas vulneráveis.
Aplique o Super Lysine Plus Coldstick nos lábios sempre que necessário. Deslize suavemente o bastão sobre os lábios, garantindo uma cobertura uniforme. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, especialmente em situações de exposição ao sol ou em períodos de maior vulnerabilidade a herpes labial. A aplicação regular não só proporciona proteção, mas também contribui para a saúde e bem-estar dos lábios.
I’m amazed as to how well such an inexpensive product like this works. I have been getting sores since I was in grade school. When I started getting them more regularly at age 21, I was prescribed an antiretroviral to be taken with outbreaks. By age 22, my med regimen was suppression therapy. Although suppression therapy worked, the risks were far too great for me so I just decided to take care of the pesky sores as they came. After several visits with my new MD (I lost my health insurance for quite a number of years), I learned he was hesitant to prescribe me the higher dose of antiretrovirals I needed to keep them at bay. So I turned to amazon and voila. I can’t believe I’d never heard the benefits of lysine on cold sores! All those recent nasty outbreaks could have avoided! I read the reviews and knew for such a good price, it was worth trying. I had an active sore when my first lip balm coldstick arrived. I applied the balm onto and around the blister, taking care to clean the balm after each use to prevent spread of infection. I didn’t notice much difference and was disappointed. But the great thing about this balm is that I learned to love just the nice, soft feeling it left on my lips so I kept using it off and on. What I discovered is that this balm works VERY WELL for me when I feel a tingly, numb, itchy sensation in its early stages. I get paranoid and lather this balm on maybe an average of 5 times a day and the sensation goes away completely…no sore emerges! I don’t think anyone was as ecstatic as I was when I came to this realization, but of course, my fellow cold sores sufferers. Now I keep one balm in my purse, and one on my bed-stand. I must also mention shortly after this revelation, I purchased the same brand’s lip CREAM/OINTMENT which comes in a tube with similar pricing. OMG. Just try it please. It’s $4-7 and worth the shot. You’ll probably spend twice that much buying useless abreva. One last thing, I also bought the same brand’s lysine oral tablet supplements and began taking one daily the same time I started using the balm religiously. I’m not sure if it’s a combination of the 2-3 that’s been effective but I suggest these 3. My routine: I take 1-2 lysine tabs daily (sometimes I’ll skip a day or two bc I’m lazy), lip balm ~5 times a day, and I apply the ointment every 2-3 hrs when I have that tingly, itchy sensation, which I only have to use maybe 2 days tops bc that sensation completely goes away fairly quick. The days I get these sensations are usually around the time I neglect taking the pills and use less balm. Apologies for the long read but I hope this helps someone!
Andrée C. –
Protect you lips on zones where coldsores have not yet developped. This is a game changer for me!
Teek D –
I started buying this chapstick years ago when I thought I had a coldsore. I haven’t had one since then, but this is and will always be my go-to lipbalm. It’s so moisturizing and tastes mildly yummy. It goes on smooth without being chalky and makes my lip feel plump and hydrated. It also has sun protection that I trust, unlike other chapsticks.
It’s a tad more expensive than other products, but it’s worth it for me. And I’ve recommended it to my Mom who gets frequent coldsores and she said it seems to really work!
Nikki –
I paired this with an oral lysine supplement as well for frequent coldsore breakouts and am beyond pleased with how well they worked. I waited until I actually started to get an outbreak before posting so I could see if this really helped. But, first of all I didn’t have a breakout for awhile while using this and taking the lysine pills which impressed me initially because I get coldsores very frequently. If you look at me wrong, bam! Coldsore! So I went longer than normal without anything. Then, a vacation of course did cause a breakout. I took this as soon as I noticed it. I was taking one pill each day then two a day when I felt a cluster of sores starting to sprout. This chapstick I used probably 5-6 times a day during my breakout… Just as often as I could. This stopped them from getting big which I don’t think has ever happened. And it cleared up in just 3 days. This was amazing!!!! It worked far better than anything I’ve used including prescription medications. I think pairing the two is something I’ll continue to do because it worked so well. The chapstick is also incredibly soothing though. Definitely helped with irritation/discomfort from the sores. I was so happy at how well these seemed to really kick my coldsore problem to the curb. So glad I gave this a chance. I was nervous it wouldn’t work. I get one coldsore, or a cluster of many coldsores at least once a month, or more. And they usually take a few weeks to go away… Just in time for my next outbreak. This stuff was amazing. My coldsores didn’t even really become coldsores while using this and the oral supplement. It really made my breakout so minimal and then cleared up completely so quickly. The healing process was MUCH better than what’s been my norm for so long, too. I am back to using the chapstick just once a day before bedtime and I’m relieved to know that any future coldsores will be successfully eliminated easier than I’ve ever experienced. These are the longest reviews I’ve ever written (for the lysine products) because I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about a product. Great stuff!
Amazon Customer –
Would recommend! Works well.
Sherri Murray –
Its a great product
Laura –
It was opened and used when we got this, very gross need our money back asap wtf
It came almost a month late!! 😡 I literally forgot I ordered it. I’m satified with the product it’s very moisturizing and I believe its use should not be restricted to just cold sores. It has great ingredients tht can be used to heal scars, blemishes and protect skin like a sunscreen.
jtbuster –
These lysine sticks are rather pricey, but they are way cheaper than the Abreva and other topical cream treatments I’ve seen. Every cold sore treatment product says to place the product on your lips within the first hint of a tingly feeling in your lip. Super Lysine is no different. Abreva and knock off brands of the sort dry up your lips and make them feel umcomfortable, whereas this lysine stick keeps your lips feeling moist and normal feeling. I use the lysine stick for lip chap prevention and have never had a cold sore ourbreak since I’ve used it. I know, it seems like an old wives tale, but it works for this 27 year old guy. Not all “natural remedies” work, but Super Lysine has. I have at least a 2 year track record of using this product and can say that it definitely works. When I buy these, I usually but the multi-pack options to bring the cost down. They last forever; the only time I have to buy more is when I lose them.