Super Algae Spirulina: A Revolução Verde em Sua Saúde
Descubra o poder da Super Algae Spirulina, um suplemento alimentar que combina o melhor da natureza em cada comprimido. Com uma fórmula inovadora que contém 50% de Spirulina e 50% de Chlorella, cada porção de 12 comprimidos oferece 1500 mg de Spirulina e 1500 mg de Chlorella, proporcionando uma dose poderosa de nutrientes essenciais. Este superalimento é uma fonte impressionante de proteínas, com mais de 60% de seu conteúdo composto por proteínas de alta qualidade, incluindo todos os 9 aminoácidos essenciais que o corpo humano necessita para funcionar de maneira ideal.
A Super Algae Spirulina é rica em clorofila, micronutrientes e macronutrientes, além de ser uma fonte abundante de antioxidantes e compostos anti-inflamatórios. Esses elementos trabalham em sinergia para oferecer uma gama única e completa de benefícios nutricionais, promovendo a desintoxicação do organismo e fortalecendo o sistema imunológico. Os comprimidos são produzidos por meio de um processo de prensagem a frio, garantindo que não haja adição de ligantes ou enchimentos, resultando em um produto puro e eficaz, originário da Coreia do Sul e Taiwan.
– Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Desintoxicação Eficiente: Auxilia na eliminação de toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
– Fonte Completa de Proteínas: Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos que buscam uma alternativa proteica completa.
– Rico em Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde celular e a longevidade.
– Melhora da Energia e Vitalidade: Proporciona um aumento natural de energia, ideal para o dia a dia agitado.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 4 comprimidos de Super Algae Spirulina duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Este suplemento pode ser integrado facilmente à sua rotina, seja como um reforço energético antes de atividades físicas ou como parte de uma dieta equilibrada para promover a saúde geral.
The packaging is smaller than what I was expecting. I really don’t know what I was expecting though lol. The tablets are really easy to swallow or just chew if you don’t mind the flavor. Did it make a difference? I have no idea tbh but I do like snacking on them daily. I eat 8 at a time and give 1 to each of my dogs. They taste like what I imagine fish food tastes like—They literally taste like the smell of fish food if that makes sense lol. Kind of like dehydrated green peas. I like them a lot. I *think* I’ve going to the bathroom more regularly and have been having more ~effective~ bathroom trip.
Salem –
انتبهوا لهذا المنتج غير مطابق
Ron –
Sunfood’s Chlorella is 100% Vegan and raw. It’s “broken cell” Chlorella which makes it’s benefits accessible, therefore useable in the body. Some call this a “Superfood”, being a blue-green algae, and packed with so many health-helpful benefit. Most good sources will not go on record in including Chlorella as a super-food, there’s question as to how much good it does, where the Chlorella is harvested and contamination, and has not had the advantage of long-term studies to draw hard lines. Here’s what WebMD has to say:
Chlorella is a type of algae that grows in fresh water. The whole plant is used to make nutritional supplements and medicine. Most of the chlorella that is available in the U.S. is grown in Japan or Taiwan. It is processed and made into tablets and liquid extracts. These extracts contain “chlorella growth factor,” which is described as a water-soluble extract of chlorella containing chemicals including amino acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins, sugars, and nucleic acids.
Be aware that chlorella products can vary significantly depending on the way “the crop” used to make them was cultivated, harvested, and processed. Investigators have found that dried preparation of chlorella can contain from 7% to 88% protein, 6% to 38% carbohydrate, and 7% to 75% fat. As a medicine, chlorella is used for preventing cancer, reducing radiation treatment side effects, stimulating the immune system, improving response to flu vaccine, increasing white blood cell counts (especially in people with HIV infection or cancer), preventing colds, protecting the body against toxic metals such as lead and mercury, and slowing the aging process. Chlorella is also used to increase “good” bacteria in the intestine in order to improve digestion; and to help treat ulcers, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and diverticulosis.
Some people also use chlorella for the prevention of stress-related ulcers; treatment of constipation, bad breath, and hypertension; as an antioxidant; to reduce cholesterol; to increase energy; to detoxify the body; and as a source of magnesium to promote mental health, relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and reduce asthma attacks. It is also used for fibromyalgia. Chlorella is applied to the skin for treating skin ulcers, rashes caused by radiation treatment, and a sexually transmitted disease called trichomoniasis.
How does it work? Chlorella is a good source of protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals. The cell wall of chlorella must be broken down before people can digest it. This is “broken-cell”, ready to be used by your body providing iron/blood, protein/muscle growth & repair, vitamin A/eyes and skin, and trace minerals for maintenance & repair.
I simply see from the research I’ve done, and selecting Sunfood’s brand of chlorella, I’m getting a great source of “green”, along with some very impressive health benefits. You should always research potential dietary supplements, as well as asking your Dr., or a nutritionist’s opinion.
Gen Bor –
Recommended by my doctor for extra boost of greens. I love how easy it is to take.
Purchaser –
Small tablets that are easy to chew or crush. Mild seaweed-like taste but if eaten with other foods like nuts or crushed into yogurt, flavor dissipates even more. The biggest surprise/perk has been not having side effects or major sugar cravings as I’ve been cutting out refined sugar.
cheryl d. cofer –
i like the fact that is desolves fast and blends well in my blender hopefully i feel better and detoxes my body like it should i will post later if any complication in future i also eat it by it self no pictures i make smoothies early in the morning folllowing water i feel better pain still there but i i am taking 6 tablets daiily 3 in the morning and 3 at night so i hope this is enough it does it doesnt say on instructions please send insturctions how to take but i needed this cleanse
TH –
have used for 2 years
J.T. –
Easy to swallow 3-4 tablets in the morning and lunch . Size of mini m&m . Will be doing a blood work soon to see any improvement but regardless very interesting natural supplements considered as the super super food spirulina. All that I read it’s not harmful so I will be taking this for while. Too many beneficial factors
Protein: Chlorella is 50–60% protein. What’s more, it’s a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids (3, 5Trusted Source).
Vitamin B12: Some chlorella varieties may also contain vitamin B12, but more studies are needed (6Trusted Source).
Iron and vitamin C: Chlorella can be a good source of iron. Depending on the supplement, it may provide anywhere from 6–40% of your daily need. It’s also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps you absorb iron (1Trusted Source, 3, 7Trusted Source).
Other antioxidants: These tiny green cells provide a wide range of antioxidants (1Trusted Source, 3).
Other vitamins and minerals: Chlorella provides small amounts of magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, folic acid and other B vitamins (1Trusted Source, 3, 8Trusted Source).
Omega-3s: As with other algae, chlorella contains some omega-3s. Just 3 grams of chlorella delivers 100 mg of omega-3s (8Trusted Source).
Fiber: In large quantities, chlorella can be a good source of fiber. However, most supplements don’t provide even 1 gram of fiber per dose (1Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).
Khmer Soldier –
good product
Theodore Kadela –
Great product for a good price