Descrição do Produto:
O Sumifun 4%%%% Lidocaine Relief Patches é um adesivo de gel anestésico de máxima potência, projetado para proporcionar alívio eficaz e rápido para dores nas costas, joelhos, pescoço e articulações musculares. Com 30 unidades em cada embalagem, cada adesivo mede 3,9″ x 5,5″ (10 cm x 14 cm) e é ideal para se adaptar a diferentes áreas do corpo, como pescoço, costas, ombros, joelhos e cotovelos. A fórmula contém 4%%%% de lidocaína, um analgésico potente que atua diretamente na fonte da dor, aliviando desconfortos musculares e articulares. Além disso, os adesivos são elegíveis para reembolso por meio de FSA ou HSA, tornando-se uma opção acessível para quem busca alívio.
- 30 Patches Value Pack: O pacote contém 30 adesivos embalados individualmente a vácuo, cada um medindo 3,9″ x 5,5″ (10 cm x 14 cm). Esses adesivos de lidocaína são especialmente dimensionados para se encaixarem em áreas específicas de todas as partes do corpo, como pescoço, costas, ombros, joelhos e cotovelos.
- Força Máxima: Os adesivos de gel de lidocaína com 4%%%% de concentração proporcionam alívio rápido, profundo e temporário para músculos doloridos nas pernas, costas e quadris, além de articulações nos joelhos, ombros e pescoço.
- Ação Rápida e Duradoura: Nossos adesivos de lidocaína de força máxima funcionam rapidamente entorpecendo os nervos irritados e proporcionam alívio duradouro para músculos, articulações e nervos por até 8 horas.
- Fórmula sem Odor: Nossos adesivos de lidocaína com 4%%%% de concentração são sem perfume, permitindo que você os utilize em qualquer lugar público sem se preocupar com o forte cheiro afetando seu tempo com a família e amigos.
- Suporte e Instruções: Por favor, leia atentamente as instruções de uso, bem como os avisos e precauções antes de usar. Eles podem ser encontrados na parte de trás da caixa e na embalagem individual. Se tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato conosco por e-mail ou pela plataforma da Amazon.
1. Alívio rápido e eficaz para dores musculares e articulares.
2. Embalagem com 30 adesivos, proporcionando um ótimo custo-benefício.
3. Fórmula sem odor, permitindo o uso em qualquer ambiente.
4. Adesivos de lidocaína de força máxima, garantindo resultados efetivos.
5. Suporte e instruções detalhadas para uma experiência segura e satisfatória.
Esses benefícios tornam o Sumifun 4%%%% Lidocaine Relief Patches uma solução prática e acessível para quem sofre de dores crônicas ou agudas, permitindo que os usuários continuem suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
Para utilizar o adesivo de lidocaína Sumifun 4%%%%, siga as instruções abaixo: 1) Limpe e seque a área afetada antes de aplicar o adesivo. 2) Remova o filme protetor e aplique o adesivo diretamente sobre a pele. 3) Pressione suavemente para garantir uma aderência adequada. 4) Deixe o adesivo agir por até 8 horas. 5) Após o uso, remova o adesivo e descarte-o adequadamente. É fundamental ler as instruções completas antes de usar o produto para garantir uma aplicação segura e eficaz.
Gerald W. Greer –
These are better and more economical than what I used before, but I still have the problem of them somehow moving and sticking to my shirts.
Joseph S. Marasco –
Tried them and they seem to be working!!
Pat P. –
These patches are great for pain relief and are a good size to spread over an area. They stay where they are placed and provide hours of relief. Good value for the money.
Wynter –
I like that each patch is in its own package. Each one is fresh. Easy to apply and they stay on pretty well. I wipe the area with an alcohol pad and let it dry before applying. This was a hint from a previous review I read before purchase. Good price and good quality. Works well for my pain.
Gina K –
My elderly mother recently fell and broke a rib. Her doctor suggested Lidocaine 5% patches but her insurance wouldn’t approve, so we got the 4% ones instead. We purchased both name and CVS store brand and they worked well, but were expensive. These were considerably cheaper and the patches were also a bit larger, which is great for her needs. They were also very easy to apply. However, mom said they weren’t as strong as the ones we purchased at the drugstore. They definitely helped, just not quite as much. Worth it if you have to wear them for several weeks and can’t afford the drugstore ones, though! They’re a good value and work good…not great. I guess it depends on how much pain relief you need if it’s worth the extra money to go with the drugstore!
gregory heyl –
Did not stay where placed.
Brenda A –
I am not one for writing reviews, but if I can save you a buck or two, I will have done my good deed for the day. I tried it and got 0 pain relief. I had two other people try it in case it was just me or a fluke, nope. They didn’t feel a thing either. This cannot be returned. Don’t do it. I got this on a lightening deal. Complete waste of money. In case you are wondering, the expiration date alleged they would be good for another 18 months. Not expired.
Laura M. –
This is a lengthy review however there are some tips for using this and other lidocaine patches. I’ve tried Salon Pas, Aspercreme, a couple of the off brands, this Sumifun lidocaine patch is by far the best patch I’ve used. Plus it’s a great value. I haven’t had to throw away ONE patch yet because of patch defect, lining defect, didn’t stick, etc.
First of all…I have many anomalies in my lower back. I was given prescription samples of 5% lidocaine and the ingredient in Voltaren. It’s an excellent patch, however I do not qualify for that patch medically (strange, but it is what it is). These Sumifun patches use the same gooey gel, fabric backing, plastic liner as those prescription patches. Those script patches are 24 hour patches, and I’ve worn these Sumifun OTC’s for 24 hours and they’ve stayed put! They are also VERY effective at relieving pain. My pain is pretty bad too as it nauseated me sometimes.
1. Wipe the area you’re going to apply the patch to with rubbing alcohol before you do anything! This will remove any skin oils and give the skin a chance to dry while you cut open the envelope and remove the patch. This is especially important for those of you who wear close-fitting clothing, leggings, slim fit jeans, turtlenecks if you wear the patch on your neck.
2. If you have a lower back problem like I do? TAKE YOUR TIME for the first few tries and expect to use at least a couple of patches as they do tend to fold on each other and stick like glue! At first you CAN peel them apart! If you have a trusted partner have them apply the patch for you.
3. After you pull the patch from the envelope you’ll see a fabric side and a shiny plastic side. The plastic side is the lining that needs to be removed. Remove it by taking a corner and rubbing the layers against each other so the plastic side gets exposed so you can easily grab it.
4. Only expose the patch and medicine a little bit as this prevents the patch folding on itself. Straighten the pain area out as much as you can (bend over for lower back, bend the knee, etc.) so the skin is as taut as possible. Then gently apply the patch to the skin and remove the lining as you apply. After it is applied stretch the patch as far as it will go and smooth the patch so there is complete contact with the skin.
5. Give yourself an ahhhhhh like I always do and about 5-10 minutes for the patch to adhere to the skin before putting on tight fitting clothes.
I hope this review and these tips help you! I’m so sorry that you suffer pain, and I wish you the best on your journey to pain free days!