Descrição do Produto: Sulfato de Potássio – 5 Pounds
O Sulfato de Potássio, também conhecido como sulfato de potassa, é um fertilizante altamente eficaz que fornece uma excelente fonte de potássio e enxofre, essenciais para o crescimento saudável das plantas. Com 5 libras de produto, este fertilizante é ideal para jardineiros e agricultores que buscam otimizar a nutrição de suas culturas. O potássio é um nutriente vital que ajuda a regular a fotossíntese, a resistência a doenças e a absorção de água, enquanto o enxofre desempenha um papel crucial na formação de proteínas e na síntese de clorofila.
O produto é enviado em um saco resselável, garantindo segurança e frescor. O design inclui uma aba destacável que facilita a abertura, permitindo que você acesse o conteúdo de forma prática e rápida. Com sua formulação concentrada, o Sulfato de Potássio é facilmente solúvel em água, tornando-se uma opção versátil para aplicação em diversas culturas, desde hortas caseiras até plantações em larga escala.
– Fonte de Nutrientes Essenciais: Proporciona potássio e enxofre, fundamentais para o desenvolvimento das plantas.
– Melhora a Resistência das Plantas: Aumenta a resistência a doenças e estresses ambientais, promovendo um crescimento mais robusto.
– Aumenta a Qualidade dos Frutos: Contribui para a formação de frutos mais saborosos e nutritivos, melhorando a colheita.
– Fácil Armazenamento e Uso: O saco resselável e a aba destacável garantem praticidade e frescor do produto.
– Versatilidade de Aplicação: Adequado para diversas culturas, desde hortas urbanas até grandes plantações agrícolas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se aplicar o Sulfato de Potássio no solo antes do plantio ou durante o ciclo de crescimento das plantas. A dosagem ideal varia conforme o tipo de cultura e as condições do solo, mas uma aplicação comum é de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa por planta, misturando bem com a terra ao redor da raiz. Para aplicações em larga escala, dilua o produto em água, utilizando uma proporção de 1 a 2 kg por hectare, dependendo das necessidades específicas da cultura. É importante realizar análises de solo para ajustar a quantidade e garantir que as plantas recebam a nutrição adequada.
Kathy –
For some reason our tomatoes wouldn’t turn red this year, as a matter of fact they were falling over with the cages due to so much weight on the plants, someone told us to try potassium & it was truly amazing, within 3 days we had red tomatoes!! Of course our neighbors stopped making eye contact, it was like “don’t make eye contact with them they’ll give you more tomatoes!!” this stuff worked!! & we told a bunch of people about it that were having the same problem & they all had great results, good stuff, good seller, very happy with the results
Nico –
RogerPasadena –
This is a straight bag of the “K“ component of NPK fertilizers. Based on other Q&A, it is somewhere between 44 and 50+ on a traditional NPK formula. IF YOU NEED K, this is an economical, efficient, usable way to acquire it.
If you don’t know if you need K, or how much, you’ll need to do a little research, and definitely will want to do a soil test (or test of whatever you plan to use it for) to see if you have a potassium deficiency. There are also lots of signs you can find on leaves that indicate potassium deficiency, but they can be confused with overwatering and other deficiencies (as noted in yet other Q&As)
One thing I have not noticed in my quick scan of Q&As is the fact that a potassium deficiency can cause fruit set to be low, particularly in tomatoes.
I didn’t really want to add nitrogen to my fruiting tomatoes via an “All-In-One” NPK special from the hardware store where the soil test showed sufficient nitrogen but the potassium in the planting bed was deficient, so this is exactly what *my* plants needed.
Start with or soil test, or knowing the signs and symptoms of potassium deficiency, and be prepared to start slowly and experiment.
Great stuff, good price, what’s not to like?
vladimir verenich –
great product
Steve F –
As others have indicated this is a raw product, and turns a dirty brown in solution. My 5lb package contained approximately 1.5% insolubles, as seen in the picture.
Nino –
Good quality
joshklim –
Great product! If you are a hydroponic gardener you will want this for your plants. We had a great crop !. My only negative would be I wish it was packed in a canister vs bag.
vinnie –
I use this product (K2SO4) as a portion of a fertilizer blend. It is OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) approved.
If you run the numbers it is indeed 50% potassium.
You also get a little sulfur. 17%
If you drill down through the list of companies that have repackaged the product you will find that it has been approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute for agricultural purposes. You have to be careful about this if you’re going for organic certification. Often the OMRI approval may be for livestock purposes only.
I seem to recollect that there was caveat when I first started using this product; something about “only with a soil report”, for OMRI approval.
If you are looking at this product I assume you have a soil report and are interested in compounding your own fertilizer.
Say your garden is divided into four 20 x 4 foot plots and your soil test suggest and addition of 250 lbs of potassium per acre. That would mean an addition of 3.67 lbs of K2SO4 for four 20 x 4 plots; a cost of $12.50 for potassium. That includes shipping and handling. Not bad.
That is if you’re into thinking about the cost of the thing. If not… so what.
It did/does the job and you get to deduct that 17% sulfur from your sulfur cost.
It’s also soluble in water so it is easier to apply to the plants after they are growing and, going directly into the soil solution, it becomes readily available to the plant.
Optimus Prime –
I divide it into five 1lb ziplocks. Apply 1lb per 1k sq ft, repeat monthly as needed.
1lb will dissolve almost completely in about 1.5gal of hot water. I do this in a bucket and stir with a kitchen scooper about 1 min to dissolve. Then pour into a 2 gal sprayer and top off with water. When pouring, the non dissolving stuff will stay at the very bottom. No straining required, no clogs in sprayer, nothing on filter.
After spraying I go back and water in lightly to get off blades and onto soil. Amazing difference after a rain, my centipede is growing stolons and spreading like never before. A month later bare spots are filling in like magic. The sulphur added the best even greening I’ve ever had, no streaks. This is the way.
Everett Roberts –
great to use on rose bushes and other blooming flowers, recommended to me by Diane at Lowes in Lakewood, WA. have been using it for two years and my roses are beautiful. i have a rose bush that is about 25 plus years old and blooms usually in late spring or early summer, this years using the potassium sulfate as last year second blooming going on right now and more blooms on the way. it is a great for all types of blooming bushes.