Suki Skincare Barra de Limpeza para Pele Sensível, 113g
O Suki Skincare Barra de Limpeza para Pele Sensível é um sabonete em barra de 113g, especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades de peles sensíveis. Com uma composição livre de sulfatos e fragrâncias artificiais, este produto se destaca por sua fórmula suave que limpa delicadamente a pele, removendo impurezas e maquiagem sem causar irritações. Ideal para quem busca um cuidado eficaz e gentil, a barra de limpeza acalma e hidrata, deixando a pele macia e nutrida.
Este sabonete é perfeito para acalmar vermelhidão e irritações, proporcionando alívio imediato e promovendo um equilíbrio saudável da pele. Sua fragrância cítrica exclusiva transforma o momento da limpeza em uma experiência revigorante, elevando o espírito e proporcionando uma sensação de bem-estar. O Suki Skincare Barra de Limpeza é uma escolha versátil, podendo ser utilizado tanto no rosto quanto no corpo, garantindo um cuidado completo e eficaz.
Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se aplicar o sabonete em todo o rosto e corpo, massageando suavemente para ativar suas propriedades. Após a aplicação, enxágue abundantemente e seque delicadamente a pele. Para potencializar os benefícios do produto, o uso do pano facial orgânico Suki é altamente recomendado.
- Nutre, amacia e hidrata a pele ultra-seca, proporcionando conforto e suavidade.
- Alivia vermelhidão e irritações, promovendo um alívio imediato e uma pele mais equilibrada.
- Fórmula especialmente desenvolvida para pessoas com sensibilidades, garantindo um cuidado seguro.
- Fragrância cítrica exclusiva que transforma a rotina de limpeza em um momento de prazer e bem-estar.
- Versatilidade de uso no rosto e corpo, oferecendo um cuidado completo e prático para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Suki Skincare Barra de Limpeza para Pele Sensível, aplique o sabonete diretamente sobre a pele úmida do rosto e corpo. Massageie suavemente com movimentos circulares para ativar a limpeza e os benefícios hidratantes do produto. Em seguida, enxágue abundantemente com água morna e seque delicadamente com uma toalha limpa. Utilize diariamente para manter a pele nutrida, suave e hidratada, garantindo uma rotina de cuidados eficaz e gentil.
Devin –
First of all, I’m a huge fan of the Suki line. Everything I’ve tried has been nothing short of exceptional. This product is no different. (The products are 100% organic, also…not a single synthetic ingredient.)
While some people use this on their face, I use this on my body when I shower and always come out with soft skin. Like most Suki products, the scent is a mild lemongrass. Unlike other brands, this is the real deal. It’s made with lemongrass essential oil but the smell doesn’t linger on your body. Also, it’s non-irritating.
I’m going on my third bar of this cleanser. I can’t say how much I enjoy the Suki line. If price is an issue, just think about how nice it is to use a product with no harmful ingredients from a company with ethics and values. I’m a fan for life.
Koko Black –
I switched to this Suki bar after hearing good things about it. Previously, I used Cetaphil twice a day to wash my face. I have struggled with acne since I was 14, and I have been using Cetaphil since a dermatologist recommended it (10 years ago…). My acne has never gotten better, despite my well-balanced clean diet and diligent hygiene routine. I always thought it was because of my hormones, or a skin bacterial infection, or something out of my control. After reading about parabens, and other potentially harmful chemicals in cosmetics, I wanted to switch to something more wholesome than Cetaphil. I changed my face wash, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and body lotion. I wasn’t expecting my acne to go away. But — my skin completely cleared up in two weeks!! It has stayed clear now for several months, with only a few pimples popping up during PMS days. I was extremely surprised and attribute this small miracle to the Suki bar! My skin feels clean after washing. The Suki bar does a better job removing makeup and dirt. Suki bar and witch hazel is a great combo.
helloworld –
I’ve been using this for a couple of years.
It’s gentle on my incredibly sensitive and temperamental skin. After use my skin feels clean but moisturized. Not sure it’s really deep cleaning but can we really have if all, folks?
Lauren –
I brought a variety of moisturizing soap bars in December, and have been trying them one by one to see if I can find one that is gentle on my sensitive skin, moisturizing, and has a pleasant but gentle scent. This is the most expensive of the bars I found, but it has turned out to be my favorite. It is completely non-irritating, and leaves my skin feeling softer and less dry than any other bar soap I have used. Lovely soap — even if they don’t call it that!
JJB335 –
I love this face soap! It has a very light scent, cleans makeup well, and doesn’t irritate or dry my skin at all. It is perfect for use with the Mia face scrubber.
Willy –
My first time using this bar I noticed my skin tone had evened out so that was good, and it didn’t make me break out but even though it didn’t dry my skin, it left it flaky for some odd reason but I do have very sensitive skin so maybe it’s just me.
JBrown –
Take my review with a grain of salt as I may be allergic to something in the soap. I ordered this after reading all of the great reviews about the soap being excellent for sensitive skin, which I definitely have. The first time I used this soap it stung quite a bit and when I rinsed it felt like my skin was stripped of any and all moisture. I had raw skin for the rest of that evening, even after icing and applying moisturizer. I tried the soap a few additional times, but same reaction. I also found the smell pretty off-putting; to me it smells like a lemon cleaning solution. I know the soap is laced with lemon grass but to me the smell seems pretty synthetic. My advice: check the ingredient list before purchase. I’m not sure why my reaction was so severe – again, I think it’s an allergy to something in the soap – but someone may be able to catch their allergy before purchase. Overall, I’m glad I gave this product a chance, but unfortunately it’s not one I’ll be able to add to my skincare regiment.
Miss Nesbitt –
I love Suki.. my skin is oily at times and sometimes the hype about different cleansing gel is all well and good but you just need a good soap sometimes and this one is lovely. Pricey but last forever.. if not this the Suki foaming lemon cleanser is amazing.
Jessica Lee –
I use this as a daily face cleaner. It foams up and cleans well. It does not leave my face feeling stripped or dried. I make sure the bar has a chance to dry out to prevent waste. It has lasted for over a month now and still has a lot left. I originally purchased it because I was looking for a less toxic beauty regime and it is fitting in nicely.
OutdoorMama –
Great little bar of soap. It might be a bit expensive but it lasts forever. Gentle enough for my face and when I’m out of other soap or my norwex cloth is in the wash, I use this on my body. I live in a high altitude desert and this bar doesn’t suck the moisture out of my skin like some soaps do. I also love the “clean” ingredient list and the fact it is safe to use when nursing or pregnant (at least according to the company and my own research, but do your own checking to make sure).