O Suco From the RAW 9-Dia Vitamina-C Imunidade é um detox altamente eficaz, composto por 18 garrafas de sucos prensados a frio, totalmente crus e repletos de vitamina C. Este programa de limpeza de 9 dias é ideal para quem busca desintoxicar o corpo e fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Cada garrafa é elaborada com frutas e vegetais frescos, garantindo que você receba uma dose concentrada de nutrientes essenciais. A prensagem a frio preserva as enzimas e nutrientes, oferecendo de 3 a 5 vezes mais benefícios do que sucos comuns. Durante o programa, você consumirá dois sucos ricos em vitamina C e um Shot de Limão, Gengibre e Pimenta Caiena diariamente, complementando com refeições veganas saudáveis.
- PROGRAMA DE PERDA DE PESO DE 9 DIAS: Repleto de nutrientes saudáveis e enzimas, nossos sucos desintoxicantes são projetados para ajudar a desintoxicar e desobstruir o seu corpo. Cada uma das opções de limpeza irá desintoxicar o seu corpo de impurezas acumuladas e deixá-lo com uma aparência e sensação radiante. Nosso suco desintoxicante contém altas quantidades de proteínas, bem como uma dose saudável de minerais essenciais e vitaminas.
- 🧃PRENSADO A FRIO E CRU (não misturado): A prensagem dos ingredientes ajuda a manter as enzimas ricas em nutrientes intactas e é a maneira mais saudável de obter seus sucos crus e não adulterados. A prensagem a frio fornece de 3 a 5 vezes mais nutrientes e enzimas do que um suco comum.
- FRESCO E SEGURO: Feito a partir de frutas e vegetais frescos.
- ❓PARA QUEM É ESSA LIMPEZA? Essa limpeza é ideal para qualquer pessoa que queira fazer uma limpeza parcial de sucos a longo prazo, projetada para fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Todos os dias, além de refeições veganas saudáveis (não incluídas), você desfrutará de dois sucos ricos em vitamina C, além de um Shot de Limão, Gengibre e Pimenta Caiena. Muitos de nossos clientes gostam de tomar o shot logo pela manhã e depois usar os sucos como lanches ou substitutos de refeição ao longo do dia.
- ❓O QUE ESSA LIMPEZA FAZ? Apesar de nossos melhores esforços, a maioria de nós não atende aos requisitos diários de vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes. Uma limpeza parcial de sucos (um tipo de limpeza que combina sucos com alimentos) pode ajudar a fortalecer o seu corpo, preenchendo as lacunas nutricionais em sua dieta. Isso é importante quando se trata de saúde imunológica, que é significativamente impactada por fatores do estilo de vida, como dieta e hidratação.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico
- Desintoxica o corpo e remove impurezas acumuladas
- Fornece nutrientes essenciais e vitaminas
- Prensado a frio para preservar os nutrientes e enzimas
- Feito com frutas e vegetais frescos
O Suco From the RAW 9-Dia Vitamina-C Imunidade oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua saúde e bem-estar. Primeiramente, ele fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças. Em segundo lugar, promove a desintoxicação do corpo, eliminando impurezas acumuladas que podem afetar sua saúde. Além disso, fornece uma rica fonte de nutrientes essenciais e vitaminas, que muitas vezes faltam na dieta diária. A prensagem a frio garante que você receba todos os benefícios nutricionais sem aditivos ou conservantes. Por fim, é feito com frutas e vegetais frescos, garantindo frescor e qualidade em cada garrafa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se seguir rigorosamente o programa de limpeza de 9 dias. Durante esse período, consuma duas garrafas de suco rico em vitamina C e um Shot de Limão, Gengibre e Pimenta Caiena diariamente. É fundamental complementar a limpeza com refeições veganas saudáveis ao longo do dia. Agite bem os sucos antes de consumir e armazene-os em local refrigerado para preservar sua frescura e eficácia. Aproveite ao máximo os benefícios de desintoxicação e fortalecimento do sistema imunológico que o Suco From the RAW 9-Dia Vitamina-C Imunidade oferece!
Amazon Customer –
Wow!!! These juice were amazing and they all tasted great to me. I received 18 bottles still frozen with the 9 shots that were good as well. I noticed the shot helped stop cravings so I did them in between the juices. The juices arrive 2 days after I ordered them off of Amazon. Now I have to be honest this was my 2nd order because the first time I ordered them I wasn’t mentally prepared to start the cleanse so I drank the first order as a supplement instead of drinking water only, that’s another reason I knew this would work because I knew they were delicious.
I started this juice cleanse July 6th 2023 at 299.2 lbs today July 15th my weight is 288.6 lbs. I’m a 56 year old female 5″5 in case you’re wondering. I know a lot of you will say it was water weight but it wasn’t because I started my weight loss journey May 29th 2023 at 312.4lbs doing intermittent fasting 16:8 and cutting out all white carbs. I used this cleanse as a total detox from the processed foods and sugars so that I could start fresh with eating more of a plant based diet without the cravings for bad foods. As I started this juice cleanse I did continue to eat in my 8 hour window between 12p-8p, I drank 8 bottles of 16.9oz of purified water a day with no exercise. My sister also started this cleanse with me she did 7 days a dropped 8lbs. It helped me alot having her support. I feel you’ll definitely do well with support with someone keeping you accountable and they’re experiencing the same affects with the cleanseas you are. I’m not going to lie the first 4 days was tuff because I like to have a full meal at 730p that seems to help me sleep better LOL, but that got better with time. There were several benefits of the cleanse by the 4th day the brain fogg was gone and I swear my eye sight was crystal cleared by 5th also I wasn’t tempted to fall off the plan and I could sit with other and drink my juice and not want to eat. I did add collagen to each of my juices because I trying to prevent sagging skin as much as possible especially under the chin. I never felt compelled to eat any solid foods but by the 6th day I was wanting something hot with flavor so I would have cup of chicken broth with a little garlic salt and that felt like a meal, the broth was only 10 calories a serving I didn’t think it would hurt. I hope this review help you make this life changing decision.
MOY Valencia –
These juices are the absolute best tasting! I was so impressed! I have always avoided the juices with ginger because I’ve always gotten an after taste that pricks my tongue, but these juices did not do that. Even the shot wasn’t bad. Also, I was very weary about the charcoal one, but again, it was so delicious and refreshing. I will absolutely buy these again.
Jennifer –
The shots are so awful tasting, that you can’t even drink them & the drinks are nasty to, I’ll be throwing them all in the trash! Yuck !
Jennifer Perez –
I love how the ones I’ve tried so far, taste. I am on Day 2 and I am not going to eat any solid foods for the entire duration of the 9 days. It says to keep your activity level low, so I guess I will take these days off from working out. I am usually hungry 24/7, but I have skipped days and not had anything but water in the past, so my body is adjusting nicely. I don’t feel hungry or even weak, at all. I already feel better on Day 2. I can’t wait to see how much weight I can lose in these 9 days. When I go back to solid foods, my stomach should have shrunk and it will take less to fill me up, so I can continue to lose weight, going forward. I am very happy with this product!
TxAg10 –
First let me say, this is my first Juice Cleanse ever. I saw on the reviews that some people only drank the juice and ate nothing else for fast weight loss. So I decided to give it a try. I probably should have done a simple 3 day one. I wanted to get a jumpstart on my weight loss. I will say in the first 3 days of only drinking the juice and eating nothing else I lost right on 3 pounds (could have been water weight). However, by the 3rd day I was tired, had headaches and was just really hungry. So I ate at the end of the 3rd day.
The juices themselves taste great. The green detox one was my least favorite but it does “detox” you. If you know what I mean. I could not finish a bottle of the lemon cayenne shots. I ended up throwing them all away. It tasted like straight up lemon juice with a spice. It gave me bad bad heartburn.
I would probably do again, but In 3 day increments since I am a novice. Obviously, you will lose weight if you are eating nothing and only the juices. I think my average calorie intake on the juices alone for a day were under 500 calories. But the juices are not filling thus I had my hunger pains. I feel I would do better with a smoothie. Those are way more filling to me.
Overall, I say give it a try at least most of them taste good.
MOY Valencia –
I am extremely pleased with my purchase. The package was well-packed for delivery and arrived still frozen. I enjoy the taste and quality of the juices. The prices are fair. I will certainly suggest this service and its juices to my friends.
Kim –
Wow! To be honest I’m not really doing a fast. I just wanted to try this juice. 😃 I’m so glad I bought it. Totally exceeded my expectations! The juices aren’t high calorie and they don’t have added sugar. The ingredients are so healthy and taste great. I’m drinking two bottles a day and they are filling. But I’m also eating healthy food along with this juice. I will definitely buy again! I like to keep them partially frozen and drink them as they thaw. Buy them! You wont be sorry. I also think the price is reasonable.
Angelsent –
I have nothing but positive thoughts about this juice. They are delicious, healthy and convenient. I’ve ordered 2 boxes so far and had really good results. I ordered the juices to detox. However, I want to start making these juices part of my monthly routine to help me get in the daily nutrition needed and still eat the food I normally consume.
I will say I only had one bad experience with the juice. I put too many juices in the fridge, thinking I had time to drink them before they went bad. Oh no… 3 of my juices was in the fridge about a day or two after they thawed, and the juice went bad. That was completely my fault, I learned my lesson. Overall, my experience has been great and this purchase was worth the money. I also feel it’s affordable enough to purchase often.