Descrição do Produto: SMART Pressed Juice Digest
O SMART Pressed Juice Digest é uma solução inovadora e cientificamente formulada para aqueles que buscam um alívio eficaz e natural para o desconforto digestivo. Com uma combinação poderosa de enzimas digestivas, este produto foi desenvolvido para atuar em todo o sistema digestivo, proporcionando alívio após as refeições, reduzindo a formação de gases, a fadiga e ajudando a desinchar. As enzimas permanecem ativas em toda a faixa de pH do sistema digestivo, garantindo uma digestão eficiente e completa.
Entre os componentes-chave, destacam-se as enzimas BioCore Optimum Complete, que facilitam a rápida decomposição de carboidratos, amidos, gorduras, proteínas, laticínios, açúcares e lactose. A presença da enzima papaína, extraída da fruta papaia, é fundamental para quebrar proteínas difíceis, enquanto a bromelaína, proveniente do abacaxi, atua suavemente no alívio de gases, inchaço e indigestão. Além disso, as enzimas de origem vegetal promovem a regularidade intestinal, eliminando problemas como a constipação.
Outro destaque é a alfa-galactosidase, que ajuda a prevenir o desconforto intestinal e a formação de gases provenientes de alimentos como feijões, brócolis, repolho, cenouras, couve-flor e milho. O pó de vinagre de maçã, conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas, apoia a digestão, o controle de peso e o bem-estar geral. Produzido nos Estados Unidos, o SMART Pressed Juice Digest é vegetariano, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (non-GMO) e é compatível com dietas cetogênicas.
– Alívio rápido do desconforto digestivo após as refeições.
– Redução significativa de gases e inchaço abdominal.
– Melhora na regularidade intestinal, combatendo a constipação.
– Suporte à digestão de uma ampla variedade de alimentos, incluindo proteínas e laticínios.
– Contribuição para a saúde geral e controle de peso através do vinagre de maçã.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula do SMART Pressed Juice Digest imediatamente antes ou durante as refeições. Isso garantirá que as enzimas digestivas estejam ativas no momento em que os alimentos entram no sistema digestivo, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente e minimizando o desconforto. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Alex Mottler –
I’m always a bit skeptical of products like this but can now say that this absolutely works. My bloating has gone down significantly after meals…. I’m now a firm believer in this product. It works! Also bonus points for high quality ingredients & no fillers.
em –
Great product that actually works. I found it effective. I feel much better and less bloated than before I started taking it.
speedkills –
I bought this knowing I’d be going on vacations coming up and eating out more. It has helped SO much!! I put some in my purse and take two when I need it so that I don’t feel gross after restaurant meals! I would highly recommend, especially for the clean ingredients!! Will definitely be ordering again.
AmZAnon –
The SMART Pressed Juice Digest and Debloat Digestive Enzymes with Apple Cider Vinegar, seems like decent product, but it would be more reassuring if it had some third party certifications for the ingredients. The description on the webpage says these ARE 3rd party tested and verified, but I didn’t see any of stamps or logos indicators on the bottle. I didn’t see any expiration date either, only a manufacture date of 11/2023. The bottle was properly sealed.
The ingredients are mostly enzymes to help with food break down. My bloating issue seems related to bacteria inbalance, so not sure this type of supplement will help. I took a few of these with my known trigger foods to see if I noticed any difference. I have not noticed that my symptoms noticeably improved or worsened, but perhaps I need to give this more time. Note, the bottle says that the product contains Sulfites, which sometimes give me problems. But so far, no issues.
Removed a star for lack of 3rd party testing certifications and because I don’t know yet if it works. I will update this when applicable.
Aaron –
My girlfriend said the protein farts were getting a bit too intense, so I thought I’d try something new. What’s the saying, “happy lady, let’s practice making a baby?” But in all seriousness, this seems to have helped. I would highly recommend if you’re a gym junkie like me!
Jdela –
I used to only get bloated with certain foods but now that I’m in my 40’s, it seems like any and everything I eat is a trigger. I chose these debloat pills because I have been using and loving their greens and pineapple cleanse for years. I took two pills after a night of Mexican food and I didn’t even realize until hours later that I wasn’t uncomfortably bloated. Love this stuff
AmZAnon –
Seems like an okay option for digestion and bloat prevention. The capsules are reasonable to ingest and only have a mild apple cider-like taste, however, compared to similar products, I just did not see clear effectiveness. There were no adverse effects.
Joshua A. –
I have been using their other products with success, and I was curious to explore this new addition. Now, I have been using this for a week with dinner because that’s usually when I have my heaviest meals. I often feel bloated the next day, especially after eating carb-focused meals. However, I’ve noticed that I don’t have that feeling the morning after I take this. The bonus is that it helps me go to the bathroom more regularly. Will definitely buy again.