Descrição do Produto:
O Certified Organic Juice Cleanse (OJC) – OJC Super Reds é uma poderosa mistura de sucos orgânicos que combina a riqueza de frutas e vegetais para oferecer uma experiência de desintoxicação completa. Com 5 gramas de fibra por porção e um total de 10,5 oz (297 g), este produto é ideal para quem busca uma maneira prática e saudável de revitalizar o organismo. A fórmula é cuidadosamente elaborada com ingredientes 100% orgânicos, garantindo que você receba todos os nutrientes essenciais sem aditivos artificiais. O OJC Super Reds é perfeito para quem deseja aumentar a ingestão de antioxidantes, melhorar a digestão e promover uma sensação de bem-estar geral. Com um sabor delicioso e uma textura suave, este suco é uma adição fácil à sua rotina diária, seja como um lanche nutritivo ou um complemento às refeições.
1. Desintoxicação Natural: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma limpeza interna eficaz.
2. Aumento de Energia: Os ingredientes energizantes proporcionam um impulso natural, combatendo a fadiga e melhorando a disposição.
3. Saúde Digestiva: A fibra presente na fórmula auxilia na digestão e contribui para um trânsito intestinal saudável.
4. Rico em Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo e a promover a saúde a longo prazo.
5. Praticidade: Fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, ideal para quem tem um estilo de vida agitado e busca uma alimentação saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma porção de OJC Super Reds diariamente. Misture 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 15 g) do pó em 250 ml de água, suco ou smoothie de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o produto esteja completamente dissolvido. Para uma experiência ainda mais nutritiva, combine com frutas frescas ou vegetais. O uso regular pode potencializar os efeitos de desintoxicação e revitalização do organismo, contribuindo para uma saúde otimizada.
Elvia Aurora San Martin Molina –
When I opened the container, I was disappointed to see that the container was not all the way filled, the container is about three-quarters full of the powder. When I dissolve the powder in juice or water, it is very difficult to get all the powder completely dissolved in spite of stirring the powder with a spoon for several minutes; then when I finish drinking the somewhat dissolved powder, half of the wet powder is left all over the glass I used for drinking it. This powder is not a good value for the high amount of money I paid for it. Definitely I will never buy it again. I think that there are other similar products out there for a much better price, quality and quantity.
Jess –
I’ve been drinking this once a day for over two weeks now and love it. It has helped with bloating and tastes good. I am picky and don’t like fake tasting things but this tastes like a water down fruit drink! Not to be TMI but for my whole life I have bloated gaining an easy 5 pounds around my period and for the first time in my life (late 30s) I didn’t bloat.
Some complain about it being gritty but if you mix it well (I add a handful of ice) I have never had a problem. This is a cheaper version of a cleanse and I will continue to buy!
MJ –
Flavor is fine, but the product doesn’t dissolve easily, if at all. I have tried various temperatures of my water base and different methods of “stirring”. I drink it rapidly. However, there is always a good bit of the product on the bottom and sides of my glass, in addition to feeling the undissolved product in my mouth. I have used at least 5 jars of this product. I don’t remember the solubility problem before. Seems more difficult with the last 2 purchases.
KH –
I like that this isn’t a heavy or thick tasting mix. I haven’t had any clumping or blending problems like others have noted. I use it with 12 ounces of water in a Blender Bottle that has the coil ball to really blend things nicely. Then when I’m done drinking it I just add a couple ounces of cold water to the blender bottle and swish the water around to get any of the residual powder that is in there, which is very minimal and not clumped. Just want “good to the last drop” use.
What I don’t like is that this is advertised in the picture as having 5 g of fiber. When it arrived I looked at the label and it said it has 2 g of fiber. To compensate for this I add a tablespoon of a store brand of Benefiber which has virtually no calories, doesn’t add an odd taste, and it instantly increases the fiber. I shouldn’t have to do that, though. This isn’t enough for me to not purchase it in the future, but if a product’s nutritional label changes I think the retailer owes it to the customer to at least represent it accurately and update.
I used to use Country Farms Super Cleanse, but it has nearly 3X the calories and it also has thicker taste and seems overly artificial.
David W. –
Ive been using this for6 years
I drink it every morning with home made kifer.
I think it keeps me going. Im 60 and work about 60 hrs a week in a hot kitchen and I have two teenagers.
I do have a lot of energy for someone my age …… I think
kenny –
I have been using one scoop with a banana and grapefruit juice in a smoothie several times a week and say that it adds some good flavor and added healthy boost
Amazon Customer –
I absolutely LOVE OJC Super Reds. I feel amazing and it tastes amazing. I only add OJC to water and I love the taste of it. I am a very on the go person so it is nice to be able to get all the benefits of fruits without having to take the time to eat them all. And I have even noticed that I have lost a good amount of weight in my stomach since I have started using OJC. I wish I had exact numbers but I did not weight myself before hand. So if you are looking to feel healthy and look healthy, buy OJC and start drinking it now!
Ella Moore –
Makes a great smoothie. Add raspberries or strawberries n banana. Great health benefits.