Descrição do Produto: Suco de Orégano da North American Herb and Spice, 12 oz
Descubra o poder do Suco de Orégano da North American Herb and Spice, uma verdadeira joia da natureza que traz consigo a essência do orégano selvagem mediterrâneo. Este produto é mais do que um simples suco; é uma experiência de saúde e bem-estar, formulada com Oreganol P73, o único óleo de orégano selvagem não processado e de espectro completo disponível no mercado. Com 12 oz de pura vitalidade, este suco é uma fonte rica em oxigênio que apoia a saúde cardiovascular, respiratória, hormonal e imunológica.
A fórmula do Suco de Orégano é composta por água de nascente das montanhas e a essência de hidrossol de orégano selvagem, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto livre de químicos, pesticidas e aditivos. Além disso, é não-OGM, o que significa que você pode confiar na pureza e na qualidade dos ingredientes. Os componentes são cuidadosamente coletados de regiões remotas e intocadas do mundo, permitindo que a North American Herb & Spice utilize ingredientes crus e integrais que aproveitam o poder da natureza para uma nutrição suprema.
Tomar o controle da sua saúde nunca foi tão fácil. Todos os ingredientes premium são baseados em alimentos integrais e ervas, permitindo que você utilize este produto pelo tempo que precisar para melhorar sua qualidade de vida. O Suco de Orégano não é apenas um suplemento; é um aliado na sua jornada rumo a um estilo de vida mais saudável.
– Suporte à Saúde Geral: Promove a saúde cardiovascular, respiratória, hormonal e imunológica.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Composição livre de químicos, pesticidas e aditivos, garantindo pureza e segurança.
– Fonte de Nutrientes: Hidrossol rico em oxigênio que potencializa a nutrição do corpo.
– Origem Sustentável: Ingredientes coletados de regiões remotas e intocadas, respeitando o meio ambiente.
– Uso Prolongado: Pode ser consumido por longos períodos, ajudando na manutenção da saúde e bem-estar.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Suco de Orégano da North American Herb and Spice, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa por dia. O produto pode ser diluído em água ou sucos naturais para facilitar a ingestão. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do organismo. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade dos ingredientes.
Amazon Customer –
Well, if the headline doesn’t hit the nail on the head.
I was tired of my usual regiment of farm raised oxygen and so when I heard that Oreganol was an excellent source of wild oxygen I pounced on the opportunity to exchange labor credits for captured plant essence. I’ve felt more or less the same since I tried it, but I’m sure the benefits will take at least 13 bottles before the results will begin to express themselves.
thank you lort and thank you Oreganol, and bless Saint Bezos for making this available to me.
Shari Harter –
When they say to use 2-drops, they aren’t kidding! This stuff is HOT, HOT, HOT! One online recommendation was to hold 2-drops under tongue as long as possible and then spit and rinse. I thought I could get more bang for my buck by putting those 2-drops on my toothbrush. Sometimes I just use it alone with warm water, sometimes I put a dab of toothpaste on top. But, either way, my teeth come away feeling SUPER clean and as if they won’t allow any plaque build-up for awhile. But you have to brush fast, because the longer you hold the Oregonal in your mouth the hotter it becomes.
Actually, favorite way to take this is 2-drops in 8oz. of hot water that has 1-tbs. of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with “Mother”). I also add 5-drops of Cayenne Tincture (Dr. Schulze’s), two shakes of Cinnamon, and a dropperful of Stevia sweetening. I take this twice a day, as a morning wake-me-up and as a before-bed-time drink. I have come to look forward to both, and can definitely feel the subtle but continued progress toward overall health in the process.
I don’t have any specific illnesses, but I figure this is a good preventative — assuming all other things aren’t too out of balance. I am moving more and more toward things that are good for me and more and more away from things that are bad.
This is clearly a very superior product as far as Oregano Oil is concerned. The benefits seem to be quite broad (according to online sources). I will always have some in both my kitchen and my medicine chest from now on.
Erin Meirich –
I love this stuff and this brand. 10/10
aqrukcvdghhhcv –
Its good for your health and mild compared to the beloved oil.
Onelovejoycreations –
OK, I don’t love it. It tastes horrid. But it works. After years of trying to figure out what the white bumps on the backs of my daughter’s arms are (developed at 2 yrs old after a round of antibiotics for an ear infection), we found that the most likely cause is overabundance of Candida Yeast. Oreganol sells at my local health food store for $30 per bottle but has natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that fight Candida yeast. I wasn’t going to pay and arm and a leg to try it so found it on amazon for $10! I tried it first thing because I developed an ear infection that became a 4-day migraine with jaw pain. I first took a Tbs and held in in my mouth for 10 minutes which burned a little but upon swallowing..I almost died! Needed a sip of water.nothing.milk.nothing..washed it down with a whole glass of Orange Juice and still burped oregano for 2 hours. Yuck! So the next day I tried it in herbal tea with a spoonful of sugar. That’s it! 3 days of Oreganol and 6 days of colloidal silver..massive ear infection…gone! And, my daughter’s bumps are slowly retreating. Thanks Oreganol.
@ClaireSkyColorado –
I feel it helps my smog raised bronchials on difficult days. I feel it raises my vibration as well for health. Light, champagne-like. Spicy like fresh ginger.
RC-1968 –
This is not oregano oil, it is water. I don’t know what they are selling as oregano oil.
D. N –
This is my 1st 5 stars review on amazon, and this products deserves it. I got food poisoning from Trader Joe’s frozen food, and days later found out that the food ended up having listeria on a recall. no sure if food had something else inside, but I could not move my body well, my eyes felt really weird, really intense headache, vomit, I ended up having all the symptoms listed below, it was really bad. I did not know what to do, but thanks God, I had my bottle of oreganol which I use when I get the cold/flue. I was really scared with all those symptoms because I felt like I ate a poison. I felt so bad, that my relatives were going to take me to the hospital.
About like 30 minutes after drinking a tablespoon of oreganol, I started to recover and I was able to sleep, and by next day I felt fine. We in our family don’t trust pharmaceutical companies that instead of creating medicines that cure people, pharmas create dependency products so that people end up having multiple side effects, become dependent so that greedy $$ hospitals and pharmas become richer, and patients end up with other diseases. We only trust natural products, and wish I had know sooner of the wonderful properties of oreganol.
10 stars for Oreganol.
Minus 100 stars for Trader Joe’s huge lack of quality control, they have had multiple recalls lately! People can even die from food poisoning, if they are not treated properly and on time. One friend of mine, and a friend of my relative died from food poisoning at 2 different restaurants, so this food poisoning stuff is not a joke.
examiner. com/article/trader-joe-s-leads-the-way-listeria-scares-and-product-recalls-2012
cbsnews. com/news/trader-joes-recalls-frozen-butter-chicken-meals-over-possible-listeria/
The symptoms of listeriosis include fever, muscle aches, and sometimes nausea or diarrhea. If infection spreads to the nervous system, symptoms such as headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, or convulsions can occur.