O StriVectin Multi Action Clear é um produto inovador desenvolvido especialmente para peles propensas a acne e manchas. Com uma fórmula avançada, ele atua de forma eficaz na limpeza das espinhas e na melhoria da aparência das marcas de acne em apenas 7 dias*. Este kit de teste de 30 dias foi clinicamente comprovado para oferecer resultados visíveis sem comprometer a barreira natural da pele. Além de limpar, o produto mantém a pele hidratada, prevenindo futuras erupções e proporcionando uma aparência saudável, clara e radiante.
O StriVectin Multi Action Clear não só limpa as espinhas, mas também melhora a aparência das marcas de acne em um curto período. Estudos mostram que 97% dos usuários relataram uma pele mais clara após o uso, enquanto 91% notaram uma melhora significativa nas marcas de acne. Além disso, 100% dos participantes afirmaram que a rotina de cuidados não ressecou a pele, garantindo uma experiência de uso confortável e eficaz. **Baseado em questionários de autoavaliação preenchidos por 30 indivíduos.
Modo de Uso Sugerido
Para maximizar os resultados do StriVectin Multi Action Clear, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Passo 1: Lave o rosto com água morna e seque suavemente.
- Passo 2: Aplique uma quantidade adequada do produto nas áreas afetadas pela acne.
- Passo 3: Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja absorvido pela pele.
- Passo 4: Use diariamente, de manhã e à noite, para obter melhores resultados.
Com o uso regular do StriVectin Multi Action Clear, você poderá desfrutar de uma pele mais clara, suave e radiante, com menos espinhas e erupções cutâneas. Adquira agora mesmo e experimente os benefícios deste incrível produto!
- Resultados comprovados em apenas 7 dias*
- Reduz a aparência das marcas de acne
- Hidrata a pele sem ressecar
- Previne futuras erupções cutâneas
- Recomendado por especialistas em cuidados com a pele
Para garantir a eficácia do StriVectin Multi Action Clear, é essencial seguir um regime de aplicação rigoroso. Comece lavando o rosto com água morna para abrir os poros, facilitando a penetração do produto. Após secar suavemente, aplique uma quantidade adequada do produto diretamente nas áreas afetadas pela acne. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Para resultados ideais, utilize o produto duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite, integrando-o à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
Robert A –
Item: StriVectin Multi-Action Clear: 30 Day Trial Kit Acne Control System for Breakouts and Blemishes
Price (at time of review *): $39.00
(* Note that I receive some items at discounted or zero cost through Amazon Vine participation. The price indicated is the purchase price, with or without discounts, as advertised on the product page at the time this review is posted)
Pros: This is a modern version of the old Pro-Activ 30 day 3-stem system for skin cleansing and acne management. All three products are generally effective, in that regular use will keep skin clean and treat acne to a greater degree than using soap and water alone.
Cons: The combined three products will clean your skin and treat acne. Used as directed, the products will not get you through an entire month. There will be enough of a supply of the cleanser to use in the shower and of the lotion with the salicylic acid (if you use both sparingly), but not enough of the toner. The 3-5 drops they recommend you use on a cotton round will not even suffice to clean your forehead, let alone the rest of your face. As a result, you will use more and be out of this in a couple of weeks (and spending another $39 to ‘re-supply’). If the combination of products worked significantly better than alternatives, then many out there would gladly pay the price rather than deal with the emotional toll acne can take, but the reality is they don’t. You can get the same or better results using a facial scrub with the same 2% salicylic acid formula in the shower, then following up with a Stridex or other pad with the same active ingredient. For spot treatment, you can purchase a lotion with benzoyl peroxide. The total cost of the shower cleansing scrub with the solution, a 90 pad supply of Stridex/Oxy pads and the spot treatment will be under thirty dollars … for a 3 month supply (or roughly ten dollars per month). Contrast that with $40/month for this product – and that’s presuming the toner lasts you a full month, which it won’t. Over a year, you’re talking $120 for the store bought products with the same efficacy compared to $480 or more for this 3 step system. I wish I could tell you this system worked better, but the reality is it’s no more effective than cheaper alternatives (as the active ingredients aren’t any different).
Ratings (1-10 scale; 0 = Very poor, 5 = Average, 10 = Exceptional)
Quality: 6
Value (based on purchase price of $39.99): 2.5
Utility: 6
Overall: 4.5
Hopefully you found this review helpful in identifying the best product to meet your needs.
CynBio –
I have trouble with irritation and little zitlets along my jawline. I used to use a benzoyl peroxide cream from a manufacturer that shall not be named, and that stuff worked GREAT, but then some labs did some testing and that item tuned up as one that pretty rapidly becomes a big pile of benzene if it sits on a store shelf or in your cabinet for even a little while. Benzene’s a pretty sincere carcinogen, so I trashed that stuff.
This non-benzoyl-peroxide stuff had an immediate impact and I’m still seeing improvement a week later. 10/10, definitely keeping this in the regimen. As an added bonus, it doesn’t bleach any clothes it touches, like the BP stuff did.
RayRod –
I ended up with more break outs
Taylor –
I struggle with acne prone skin and I’m always on the hunt for products with great ingredients. I’m honestly blown away by the amount and variety of awesome active ingredients in this kit alone. The products are great and don’t irritate my skin at all. The acne spot treatment/last step can be really drying if you’re new to retinoids, so start slow and don’t overdo it. You really only need a tiny amount, a little goes such a long way. I can honestly see this small “trial kit” lasting me well over 30 days since you don’t need much product for it to be effective. I highly recommend!
raychel –
This is an excellent face wash. To be honest I don’t have acne problems, just the occasional pimple. I use full make up everyday so I need to control the oil and clogged pores. The bottles are pretty small but you use so little that these bottles will last a while, probably more than the 30 days. The cleanser has a nice smell, not overly scented but not chemical smelling. This washes away my make up really easily. Foundation, mascara, etc all cleaned away. My face is also soft, not dry after use.
Customer Review –
I really like this company’s products so I was excited to try their acne control line.
I suspect that in my case I may be having a different experience compared to other reviewers, but I’m not discouraged.
I very rarely experienced acne as a teenager, and I’ve since learned that it’s common for those of us with “perfect skin” as youth to have acne as adults, how fun.
I already know that part of my issue is hormones, but while using the trial set I started to experience breakout patches on either side of my checkbones which I was not expecting. I suspect the solution is drawing out the skin impurities and brining them to the surface.
I feel like after two weeks I’ve not seen a noticeable difference like the advertisement from their marketing campaign promises, but I’m not yet discouraged, and I’m hoping that by the time I finish the contents of my trial package I’ll be happy with the results. That said I do feel the price is a little high for such a small set.
JoshV –
After using this for a week I can say that that this is a pretty darn good product. It performs as expected and as advertised. My skin looks and feels better off. It is gentler than some other daily face washes and the skin treatment makes some difference. Additional time will tell if the product continues to perform but initial impressions are that it does.
I have a couple spots that breakout occasionally. I’m using this more so proactively and as needed vs. daily.
The skin cleanser leaves skin feeling clean and oil free. The toner actually smells nice and the acne treatment i’m using as a spot treatment.
RayRod –
We ordered this product for our 15y.o. son. As you can see from the pictures, it is definitely working. The 3 pics are over a 10 day period, and he did miss a day or two. This is a trial pack, so the bottles are a little smaller, but they are supposed to last for 30 days, and that seems to be the case so far. Our son has zero complaints about the product and the directions for use. And clearly he is very pleased with the results. Recommend!
aj –
I love this product but go through it fairly quickly using it twice a day, wish it came in a larger size.