Descrição do Produto: Strip Nc Natural Cleanser Extra Strength Grape 32 Fl Oz
O Strip Nc Natural Cleanser Extra Strength Grape é um limpador natural de alta potência, desenvolvido para proporcionar uma limpeza profunda e eficaz. Com 32 fl oz de fórmula concentrada, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficiente para desintoxicar o organismo. Sua composição à base de ingredientes naturais, como extrato de uva, garante uma ação poderosa na eliminação de toxinas e impurezas, promovendo um bem-estar geral. O sabor agradável de uva torna a experiência de uso ainda mais prazerosa, facilitando a adesão a um estilo de vida saudável. Este limpador é especialmente indicado para quem deseja preparar o corpo para uma dieta, auxiliar na recuperação após festas ou simplesmente manter uma rotina de desintoxicação.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Remove toxinas acumuladas no organismo, promovendo uma limpeza interna.
2. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais, é uma opção segura e saudável para o corpo.
3. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de uva torna o consumo do produto mais agradável e fácil.
4. Apoio à Dieta: Ideal para quem está em processo de emagrecimento ou quer manter uma alimentação equilibrada.
5. Praticidade: A embalagem de 32 fl oz oferece uma quantidade suficiente para várias aplicações, tornando o uso econômico.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Strip Nc Natural Cleanser Extra Strength Grape, recomenda-se agitar bem a embalagem antes de usar. Misture 4 oz do limpador com 16 oz de água e consuma a mistura em um único gole. É aconselhável tomar o produto em jejum, preferencialmente pela manhã, para maximizar a absorção e eficácia. Para resultados ideais, utilize o limpador uma vez por dia, durante um período de 7 dias, e mantenha uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia. Evite alimentos pesados e bebidas alcoólicas durante o uso para potencializar os efeitos do produto.
Shari –
I drank the whole thing as described. The product itself tastes horrible and it’s a lot to drink. I drank the whole bottle refilled with water afterwards. Gave me diarrhea after an hour. I peed 3 times before testing myself and was still positive. I even waited until the next day after drinking over a gallon of water and was still testing positive. Mind you, I am not a heavy smoker. I smoke a blunt every two days.
Shari –
This did not taste nearly as badly as I was expecting it too. Of course it wasn’t delicious but it was tolerable and it did as it promised. I stopped using a THC over 5 weeks ago knowing I needed to pass a pre employment test. At this point I was running out of time. I drank the whole bottle in about an hour then drank another 64 oz of alkaline water. After urinating 4 times I tested myself at home with a thc test and finally it was negative. Unfortunately THC can take up to 4 months to leave your system naturally. But if I ever run into needing to test clean again I know where to look I recommend 100%
. –
I rated this a 5 because I ordered it to pass my probation UA and it worked, I came out clean, therefore I’m happy with the product.
Yeah, it sucks to drink it because its a big bottle of nasty ass liquid that no one in the right mind would choose to drink unless they needed to for piss test purposes. BUT it works if its done right, so in my opinion, it’s worth it.
There’s also no clear instructions that come with it but you can just do a quick google search for them and you’re good to go.
1. Drink ALOT of water while before, during, and after you finish the bottle. I found it easiest to chase it with water like I do a shot of alcohol (take a drink of water, leave it in your mouth, then take a big chug of strip, swallow, then take another drink of water to wash down the bad taste).
2. I made sure I peed like 4 times after finishing the bottle and before I took the UA.
3. Don’t eat a big meal before you drink it or you’ll probably puke. I just ate a couple slices of toast then waited til after my UA to grub.
Overall, it’s a good product that I do recommend if you need to pass a piss test for any reason.
Hope this helped, GOOD LUCK my fellow ganja lovers (;
kyle –
Did not work – drank the whole bottle – the taste wasn’t as bad as other reviewers had said but it wasn’t fun. True to other reviews, this stuff started to work as a laxative. It was the brightest green poo I’ve ever seen! So I had to give this time to work through the body and get the urine color to normalized. Chased it down with water and then a gateraide and waited 3 hours from the time I started the drink in the morning .. did a home test and it was still showing positive for THC. Waited until the next day and tested again, still positive for THC. Used Synthetic instead.
Candice Rose –
I’ve used this several times and it has not let me down. I did not like the taste of the product personally but it does its job.
eflair –
I had a drug test on a Thursday. I smoke a lot and often, however I didn’t stop smoking until Tuesday (1 day before the test). The day before the drug test I made sure to sweat a lot (3 mile run with a sweat shirt in 80 degree heat), drink an almost unbareable amount of water, and 2 shots of apple cider vinegar. The morning of the test I took another shot of apple cider vinegar and then drank about half a gallon of water. The test was at 10:30 am, so I started drinking the strip nc around 8 am. It took me around 20 minutes to get it all down. It is best to chase it with water. Like you have read in other reviews the taste of it is absolutely brutal, I don’t know how to describe it. Even worse than the taste is what it does to your stomach. It gave me uncontrollable diahera, and a horrible pain in my gut. LEAVE YOURSELF PLENTY OF TIME TO USE THE BATHROOM AND LET IT PASS THROUGH YOUR SYSTEM! Once I finally made it out the door I was pretty upset with myself for not quitting earlier. I started to doubt it would work, because it doesn’t seem to have the greatest success rate (what i’ve read from others). Next tuesday rolls around and I got the job! this stuff works but its not pretty. Good luck!
Mike –
I was clean for like 8 days, drank the drink three hours before my test, turns out I didn’t have to give a test at my appointment. But I drank the drink at home and then did a dip stick test for marijuana and passed my at home dip stick test 2 hours after I drank the drink. So this does work! I was shocked. It does work, my suggestion would be to not smoke a week before your test.
I have tried a “stuff” drink once at home and took an at home dip stick test and I failed. I had smoked 24 hrs prior. So the key must be to give yourself a few days before drinking a drink to pass a drug screen.
Angela –
I’ve tried this product before in the fruit punch and it is a much better tasting product. Don’t get me wrong, they both tase pretty terrible, but the fruit punch is much better.
I’ve used this product before for UA purposes and am a daily smoker. If you use this product correctly, you will pass.
On an empty stomach, drink the entire contents of the bottle. Then refill the container with water and drink the all the water. Repeat the water step a minimum of two more times. I would suggest purchasing urine THC test strips. Urinate at least two to three times before you begin to use the test strips. Use the test strips each time you urinate until you’re clean. FYI, you will pass as long as there is ANY indication in the second box, it doesn’t matter how faint. As long as there is SOMETHING there, you will fall within the passing guidelines. As soon as your test strips indicate a “pass,” immediately take the UA that you are preparing for. This is only a masking agent, not a true “cleanser.”
I’ve used this product three times now and have passed all three times.