Descrição do Produto: Stinger Detox 7-Day Permanent Drink – Sabor Limão – 8 FL OZ
O Stinger Detox 7-Day Permanent Drink é a solução ideal para quem busca uma desintoxicação eficaz e natural. Com um sabor refrescante de limão, este produto foi desenvolvido para proporcionar uma limpeza completa do corpo, utilizando uma poderosa mistura de suplementos proprietários que potencializam o processo de remoção de toxinas. A fórmula 100% natural é projetada para otimizar a saúde e o bem-estar, permitindo que você se sinta renovado e revitalizado.
A embalagem prática e fácil de beber torna o Stinger Detox uma escolha conveniente para quem deseja iniciar um processo de limpeza natural. Para obter os melhores resultados, é fundamental seguir as instruções de uso com precisão, garantindo uma experiência de desintoxicação eficaz. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Stinger Detox conta com mais de 25 anos de experiência em formulação de produtos de desintoxicação, sendo produzido em uma instalação registrada pela FDA, o que assegura a qualidade e a segurança do produto.
É importante ressaltar que os produtos Stinger Detox não são destinados a qualquer finalidade ilegal, e a empresa se isenta de qualquer representação ou referência a tais propósitos por parte de distribuidores, varejistas e consumidores.
– Desintoxicação Completa: Promove a eliminação de toxinas acumuladas no organismo, melhorando a saúde geral.
– Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes 100% naturais, é seguro para o consumo e não causa efeitos colaterais indesejados.
– Facilidade de Uso: A embalagem prática permite que você leve o produto para qualquer lugar, facilitando a adesão ao seu plano de desintoxicação.
– Experiência Comprovada: Fabricado em uma instalação com mais de 25 anos de experiência, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor limão torna a experiência de desintoxicação mais agradável, incentivando o consumo regular.
Para utilizar o Stinger Detox 7-Day Permanent Drink, agite bem a embalagem antes de abrir. Beba todo o conteúdo de uma só vez, preferencialmente em jejum, para maximizar a absorção dos ingredientes. Após o consumo, recomenda-se ingerir pelo menos 16 onças de água ao longo do dia para auxiliar no processo de desintoxicação. Siga as instruções rigorosamente e evite o consumo de alimentos pesados ou bebidas alcoólicas durante o período de desintoxicação para otimizar os resultados.
Jada W –
I was very skeptical about the effectiveness, claims & reviews on this particular product but I decided to give it a shot anyway. Before taking this product I had already stopped smoking about a week and a half prior!! I didn’t drink or intake any other “toxins” while using this product! I took the exact amount listed in the instructions twice a day for 7+ days at same times (9am & 9pm daily). No dairy No eggs at least 30 mins before and after taking product. I did not do any work outs or drastically change my diet BUT I did decrease my carb intake. I’m fairly active (5’5, 128lbs) because of my job but again I did not have to work out for this product to work for me. You should drink a gallon of water a day so you’re flushing out your system faster…but if you can’t drink a gallon everyday that’s fine some days I didn’t drink that much and I still passed. I purchased some at home THC test strips and Nicotine test strips to track my progress and see how long it would take to get negative results for both. For me I was testing negative for nicotine on day 3 guessing because I only use a small amount of it in my ouid..for the THC test I stated testing negative after day 5 and continued to take the product twice a day as mentioned before even past the 7 days just for good measure. You will have extra product in your bottle even after taking it twice a day for 7 days it’s normal.. you could either stop at day 7 if your already testing negative or finish the bottle until you are testing negative. I bought this test because I need to pass a 14 panel drug test for surgery which went smoothly! I hope this helps someone. Good luck!
Dom d –
Have been using the stinger regular detox for years has worked greatly but this 7 day permanent cleanse did next to nothing . I’ve been toxin free for almost 3 weeks as well to try and give it the best chance of success but still testing positive don’t waste your time with this one M 145lbs
C. L. –
My partner and I both tested today and we’re both completely negative however, I took the detox seven day and he did not so it’s hard to tell if the detox did anything he’s actually smoked since and I have not so I don’t really know it’s been about 10 days for me since I last smoked, 8 for him so I don’t really know if the stinger actually did anything at all. I am a female 5’7” 165lbs he is a male 5’7” 175lbs.
DJ –
I started this detox about 4 days ago. However, I had not used thc in about 2 weeks when I started this detox. I used every day multiple times a day for over 2 years at peak using up to 1 gram of concentrate per day (rarely). Now I am approximately a 20 days clean and halfway through this detox and am urinateing clean tests. My tests are single panel tests that I got for under a dollar each. Now the tests could be bad (though i got them a week ago) or poor quality. My metabolism might be faster than most (I’m slim but not in good shape). But as far as I’m concerned it works. I’m going to finish the detox anyways because it doesn’t make me feel bad just thirsty. That’s all I can think to say about it.
Anonymous –
I picked this product based on a story by Vice News, since they found that it was effective. My experiment on myself is at least not negative – meaning, this stuff doesn’t *not* work, if that makes sense. But I can’t prove that it’s 100% effective.
I’ve tried a number of ways to get clean prior to drug tests. FWIW I only smoke weed, nothing else, so I’m not sure if this stuff works for other stuff. For reference, I have tested myself pretty scientifically over the last few times I’ve had to get clean – I have a bunch of simple pee tests from Amazon that detect at 50 ng/ml, as well as some that test at multiple levels.
Here’s the set of factors that could influence my overall rate of getting clean:
1. I’m a medium level smoker, probably 1 bowl/day most days – a heavier smoker might take longer
2. I’m in my 40s and somewhat overweight (BMI = 27). Younger or thinner smokers might get clean faster.
3. I exercise a few days a week and drink about 6 pints of water a day, but biology says that you only excrete 20% of THC metabolites via sweat & pee. THC metabolites are fat soluble, meaning excreted through feces.
5. I also didn’t drink alcohol during this week. Consuming alcohol can impact the rate at which you eliminate THC since both substances are broken down by the liver.
My experiment: I stopped smoking on a Sunday. Tested myself with a multi-level drug test that you can get on Amazon, and I was positive at 100 ng (which will fail a standard pee test like LabCorp or Quest – they test at 50ng).
I didn’t smoke for a week, followed the instructions on the Stinger bottle to the letter, and tested myself again the following Saturday. Based on a home test, I was clean at 50 ng. That will pass a standard drug test.
Now – there are a LOT of things that can impact your body’s elimination of THC metabolites (this is what drug screens test for). If I just abstain (tolerance break), I am generally able to pass a drug test in 2 weeks, but I would definitely still fail a test in 7 days.
So, I can’t be 100% certain that this product got me clean just because of all those other factors. But: since I got clean in 7 days, and that’s what they promise, I can’t prove that it *doesn’t* work. If you have to get clean, it’s worth trying whatever you can, and this just might help.
Brian B –
Tasted very good to be honest. I don’t know if it has the results it promises. Get ready for multiple trips to the bathroom.
Thomas –
Nothing to like about it. 7 day permanent detox doesn’t work at all waste of time and money. Can’t even pass a drug screen,not even from home. Straight garbage.
lernsmith –
Unsure if this actually works because I didn’t follow instructions. I will say that it’s easy and the taste isn’t bad at all