Descrição do Produto: Stem
Descubra o poder transformador do Stem, um probiótico potente que combina enzimas digestivas e ingredientes botânicos clinicamente estudados para oferecer um suporte abrangente à sua saúde. Diga adeus à sensação de mal-estar e recupere seu melhor estado com nossa fórmula inovadora, projetada para homens e mulheres que buscam otimizar seu bem-estar. Com 1 bilhão de CFUs de DE111, uma mistura poderosa de probióticos, o Stem fortalece seu microbioma intestinal, promovendo uma digestão confortável e um humor equilibrado.
Além de suas propriedades digestivas, o Stem é enriquecido com botânicos como Ashwagandha e Rhodiola, que não apenas melhoram a saúde intestinal, mas também elevam o humor, reduzem a fadiga e ajudam a manter uma resposta saudável ao estresse. A conveniência é uma prioridade: nossos probióticos não requerem refrigeração, permitindo que você os leve para qualquer lugar, sem preocupações. Com ingredientes não-GMO e isentos de cores, sabores, conservantes, enchimentos e sulfitos artificiais, você pode confiar que está consumindo um produto puro e eficaz.
Na Stem & Root, a ciência é a base de nossos suplementos. Cada ingrediente é cuidadosamente selecionado e respaldado por estudos clínicos que comprovam sua eficácia em apoiar a saúde digestiva, melhorar o humor e fortalecer a imunidade. Experimente o Stem e sinta a diferença em sua vida diária.
– Suporte Digestivo Eficaz: Melhora a digestão e alivia desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Equilíbrio Emocional: Os botânicos ajudam a elevar o humor e a reduzir a fadiga.
– Resiliência ao Estresse: Promove uma resposta saudável ao estresse diário.
– Praticidade: Não requer refrigeração, ideal para o estilo de vida moderno.
– Pureza e Segurança: Livre de aditivos artificiais, garantindo um suplemento natural e seguro.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Stem diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos probióticos e enzimas digestivas, promovendo uma digestão eficiente e um suporte contínuo à saúde intestinal. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Kate Matson –
This botanical blended supplement serves multiple purposes. So far, I’m really impressed with it. I work a stressful job, and I can already tell there is improvement with my mood and stress. I am not new to probiotics, but I appreciate many of the benefits of this “bye bye blah” capsule. Just to name a few of those benefits:
-You only have to take ONE capsule a day (with a meal).
-Free from artificial preservatives, fillers, sulfites, artificial colors, and flavors.
-Shelf stable, no need to store in the fridge.
This product is designed to uplift your mood, reduce fatigue and sluggishness and supports a healthy stress response (the label says “be more resilient against life’s daily stressors”).
I really like what this product offers. I just wish the price was cheaper.
Kaela Spence –
It is a small capsule and easy to swallow. The price is affordable and I hope that with continued use I will see an improvement in my general well-being.
Becca Z. –
I have been using this for 3 weeks and it works equally well to other probiotics I have taken, but none of those offered the addition of ashwagandha and rhodiola to support stress-response and mood, love the two-fer and that the price is in the same range as probiotics that don’t have these additional ingredients.
The product is all natural and doesn’t have artificial anything added, this is a must for me.
Jennifer –
So when I opened the bottle I was a little taken back from the size of the capsules. They were so hard to get down. After a couple days I was use to taking them tho. I’ve been taking them for almost two weeks now. Some things that I have noticed are my mood has lifted, I have more energy and I’m able to consume foods more regularly without rushing to the restroom after. I love that it’s made with plant based ingredients and is safe for my stomach. I can’t wait to see what the long term results are.
YM1001 –
I just finished my bottle of these and while they have functioned fine as a probiotic, they’re not worth the price. They have helped control my IBS symptoms but I don’t feel particularly perky or like I’m experiencing any other benefits they claim to give.
The capsules themselves are quite large – bigger than any of my other meds or supplements. They’re not what I’d call “horse pills,” but they’re definitely uncomfortable to swallow with my sensitive gag reflex.
Overall, you can definitely do better.
EspressoYourself –
Bye bye blah buy stem and root really did help my digestive system It’s packed with probiotics and it also has ashwagandha!!! I was very impressed by this product!!
YM1001 –
The capsules of Stem & Root Bye Bye Blah Daily probiotic supplement with digestive enzymes are very easy to take since it is only one daily. The bottle comes with 30 so the price is acceptable. I bought them to improve my memory and I hope to see results over time.
Celeste velasquez –
I’ve been taking this product and let me tell you: it literally changed my mood!!, I am in a better mood, and because of that, im being patient (patient is the least if my virtues lol ) I feel great! In a matter of a few days . There’s no aftertaste, easy to swallow. Definitely will be getting more!