Stasis Nighttime – Calm: A Revolução do Sono Restaurador
Em um mundo repleto de estímulos constantes, onde a mente nunca parece descansar, o Stasis Nighttime – Calm surge como um aliado essencial para aqueles que buscam um sono profundo e reparador. Este suplemento noturno foi especialmente formulado para apoiar a saúde cerebral de usuários de estimulantes, proporcionando uma combinação única de ingredientes que promovem o relaxamento e a tranquilidade. Com a poderosa presença da Camomila, Magnésio e L-teanina, Stasis Nighttime ajuda a descontrair a mente, permitindo que você mergulhe em um sono restaurador e acorde revigorado.
Os ingredientes do Stasis atuam rapidamente, minimizando os efeitos colaterais dos estimulantes. O Magnésio, conhecido por seu papel no suporte ao humor, é combinado com antioxidantes e flavonoides clinicamente estudados, como Skullcap e Astaxanthin, que trabalham em sinergia para estabilizar a mente e promover um estado de relaxamento. Com o uso contínuo, os benefícios se tornam ainda mais evidentes: após semanas, você pode notar uma melhoria significativa na qualidade do seu descanso, e após meses, o Stasis pode ajudar a reduzir o estresse oxidativo, promover a regulação saudável da dopamina e diminuir os níveis de cortisol.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar o Stasis Nighttime cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Estudos indicam que 88% dos clientes relataram uma qualidade de sono mais profunda no primeiro mês de uso. Além disso, para maximizar os benefícios, o Stasis Nighttime pode ser combinado com o Stasis Daytime, criando um sistema de suplementação em duas etapas que promove energia sem tremores e um humor positivo durante o dia.
– Sono Profundo e Restaurador: Promove um descanso de qualidade, essencial para a recuperação mental e física.
– Redução do Estresse Oxidativo: Ajuda a proteger o cérebro contra danos causados por radicais livres.
– Regulação da Dopamina: Contribui para um equilíbrio saudável dos neurotransmissores, melhorando o humor e a motivação.
– Suporte ao Humor: O Magnésio e outros ingredientes ajudam a estabilizar o humor, reduzindo a ansiedade e o estresse.
– Sistema de Suplementação Integrado: A combinação com o Stasis Daytime oferece uma abordagem holística para o bem-estar diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Stasis Nighttime – Calm, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma dose cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Isso permitirá que os ingredientes ativos comecem a agir, preparando sua mente e corpo para uma noite de sono reparador. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação.
PragmaticScholar –
This supplement does result in deeper sleep for me. It does have some ingredients in it that other sleep supplements don’t have which can somewhat explain the high cost. But especially for an expensive supplement I don’t think there is an excuse for no information on where this is made, whether it is made in a GMP facility and if it is 3rd party tested. The listing does say it is manufactured in the U.S. The bottle does not say that. There is a stick-on label covering part of the bottle but it doesn’t appear the missing information is under that. For those reasons I wouldn’t order this again even though it did work for me. I like to be sure what I am putting in my body.
Amazon Customer –
Loved this product really helped wind down at the end of the day!
Surfed & Turfed –
I like the thinking behind the Stasis Nighttime – Calm & Sleep Capsules to Pair with Your Stimulant.
We know that taking some meds can deplete vitamins and this is a great blend to help right your system overnight.
We also know our meds will work better when we get enough sleep, so smart to include ingredients to facilitate good sleep.
The directions recommend two capsules per night. I started with one and felt a little hung over, but felt much better when taking two, as directed.
Just be certain your other supplements aren’t overloading any particular vitamin, and I think you will find some success with these supplements.
Also expect long term use to improve over extended use.
Surfed & Turfed –
These sleep aid pills from Stasis worked for me and did not have any negative side effects. I was able to sleep good through the night and felt refreshed and ready to go in the morning. Not all sleep aides are created equal nor do they help but these did the job.
The only complaint that I see is with the price. With only a 25 day supply these cost almost $3 a day. I don’t see great value at that price but if they could lower the price I’m sure more people would want to buy them. The bottle was well sealed with 2 tamper proof seals and the pills were on the medium size and did not have any after-taste.
areelgrl –
Stasis is expensive, which is why I never tried it. However, I’ve spent more money than I’d like to admit trying to find something that will help me sleep better on my meds. Every sleep aid I tried either didn’t help, had a paradoxical effect, or made me groggy the next day and/ rendered my meds ineffective. Yes, stasis is expensive, but I’ve never slept better. I’ve ordered the daytime formula and am looking forward to (hopefully) seeing more benefits. Highly recommend for those who suffer from insomnia that is worsened by ADHD meds.
J. BakerB –
My wife has the hardest time sleeping and going to sleep, so I figured this supplement would be worth a try for her. She has found that it does help her get off to sleep and she sleeps better through the night. I have noticed that about 30 minutes after taking it she is actually beginning to doze off. I don’t mean just one night either, Stasis has been consistent in how it helps her get to sleep and stay asleep. She was finally getting to sleep around midnight and would wake after a couple of hours and then just doze the rest of the night until 6 or so and that would be it. What I have witnessed is that about 30 minutes after taking Stasis Nighttime she will lay on down in the bed and begin to nod off. I don’t know why it works when she’s tried similar things in the past that did not, but I can say from seeing it with my own 2 eyes that it does help her.
areelgrl –
I tried these for two nights and they just didn’t help me fall asleep. With ingredients like Magnesium, L-theanine and Melatonin I had high hopes.
I took these as directed, on an empty stomach, a thirty minutes before bedtime. It had been 4 hours or so since I had eaten a light meal.
I had no side effects overnight or in the morning, and when I did fall asleep about 3 hours after taking them and going to bed, I did sleep pretty well.
I did have pretty stressful days so that may well have contributed to the capsules not working well.
Caitlin B –
So I have only tried this once. It was easy to swallow and did seem to help me stay asleep. And it may never work again, like most sleeping aids I have tried.