Descrição do Produto:
O Stakich Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Propolis Raw Honey é uma mistura excepcional de geleia real, pólen de abelha, própolis e mel cru, oferecendo uma experiência única e nutritiva. Com 40g de pura essência da colmeia, este produto é 100% puro, não aquecido, não filtrado e não processado, garantindo que todas as propriedades benéficas sejam mantidas. A geleia real, rica em nutrientes, é conhecida por suas propriedades energéticas e revitalizantes, enquanto o pólen de abelha é uma fonte poderosa de proteínas e vitaminas. O própolis, com suas propriedades antimicrobianas, complementa a fórmula, tornando-a uma escolha ideal para fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Este mel é certificado como kosher, assegurando sua qualidade e pureza, e não contém corantes, sabores artificiais ou conservantes, preservando todas as enzimas naturais, textura, sabor e cor.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. 100% Puro e Natural: O Stakich Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Propolis Raw Honey é feito apenas com ingredientes naturais, sem adição de substâncias artificiais.
- 2. Certificado Kosher: Esse mel possui certificação kosher, garantindo sua qualidade e pureza.
- 3. Rico em Nutrientes: Além de ser uma fonte de energia natural, esse mel contém vitaminas, minerais e aminoácidos essenciais para o bom funcionamento do corpo.
- 4. Proveniente das Abelhas: Todos os ingredientes desse mel são provenientes das abelhas, garantindo sua autenticidade e benefícios naturais.
- 5. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Esse mel não contém corantes, sabores artificiais ou conservantes, preservando sua pureza e qualidade.
- 1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de própolis e geleia real ajuda a aumentar a resistência do corpo contra infecções.
- 2. Fonte de Energia Natural: O mel cru e o pólen de abelha fornecem energia rápida e sustentável, ideal para o dia a dia.
- 3. Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: Os nutrientes presentes ajudam a regular o sistema digestivo e promovem uma flora intestinal saudável.
- 4. Ação Antioxidante: Os compostos naturais combatem os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde celular e o envelhecimento saudável.
- 5. Suporte à Saúde da Pele: Os nutrientes e propriedades antimicrobianas ajudam a manter a pele saudável e hidratada.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Stakich Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Propolis Raw Honey, recomenda-se o consumo de uma colher de sopa diariamente. Este mel pode ser consumido puro, adicionado a bebidas quentes ou frias, utilizado como adoçante natural em receitas ou espalhado sobre pães e torradas. Para preservar suas propriedades, armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. A inclusão deste produto na sua rotina diária pode proporcionar um impulso significativo na sua saúde e bem-estar geral.
Brasfield Beauty –
I was buying a much more expensive version of a propolis and royal honey blend at Whole Foods, the container was tiny and it was expensive so I thought I would give this brand a try. Not only does this one taste so much better, I still get the energy benefits, way more product, and it’s way less expensive!
Frank Machin –
This product is excellent and had all the aspects that the bee kingdom produces that contributes to health!
Miles Hershberg –
Has a great taste and food value so I use it for two purposes.
1. At night when I am dying to eat a sweet or ice cream I take a tablespoon full.
A chocolate bar or ice cream is between 200 and 400 calories while this wonderful scoop of this sweetness is only 60 calories.
The junk food is empty calories while this little tasty gift from nature has well documented food value.
2. I like to take it just before going out for a run. One tablespoon and I am flying like a killer bee!!!!!
Kordless –
I haven’t the faintest idea if I’m getting any health benefits from this but I decided to order this product after a friend brought a piece of honeycomb from a nest that had not been treated and had Royal jelly in the cells. It was so good and so sweet I’ve tried to find something close locally and haven’t had any luck. This product seemed to fit the bill.
Got it today and was a bit disappointed that the jar leaked a bit; the edge of the lid was sticky so I had to wipe it down after I opened it and removed the plastic ring seal.
I took a spoonful and ate it. Oh my goodness, this matched the raw honeycomb I ate and then some. So sweet it hurt my teeth but oh so good. I put half a teaspoon in a cup of hot green tea and enjoyed it immensely.
My wife tried a bite and couldn’t handle how rich it is (she doesn’t do sweets at all) but was amazed at how a little bit sweetened up her coffee.
I’ll add later if I see any health benefits but so far I’m impressed.
Update; so I’m on my second jar and spring has sprung in the Midwest. Normally my sinuses go haywire once everything starts blooming and I have to go on daily Claritin and/or Flonase until the fall. Knock on wood, no issues so far and it seems likely it’s because of this product. I haven’t changed anything else.
I will also point out they need better packaging. The first jar the product oozed out of the top as noted above even while sealed. The second jar had a different taste and color which I just chalked up to different bees etc (it wasn’t bad). A day or two later I noticed the lid had a crack around the rim that I hadn’t noticed when I received it that probably led to some dust infiltration and violated the seal during shipping. I heated the jar up and poured the product into a mason jar and have been using the mason jar since. I probably should have sent the damaged jar back, but this stuff is so good I didn’t want to go without it.
Update: The most recent jar was much thinner and darker than others. Still the same great taste but also a higher concentration of black grit at the bottom of the jar. I store it upside down for a couple days and it seemed to thicken up, still has the same taste, maybe a bit more like molasses but still good. Also, since I’ve been consuming this all summer and into fall, no sinus issues and very little allergy reactions. Very unusual for me. This item is the only consistent change to my routine this year so I’ll keep going with it.
D. Hudgins –
The box was larger than item and only one short piece of brown paper that wasn’t providing any support, allowing item too much movement inside. Amazing it didn’t crack. Honey inside is wonderful. Seem so dense with the good stuff in it that it holds shape in the spoon better and less messy to measure. This is a medicinal type of honey and works best if never heated and no wet spoon ever put in it. As long as no water enters the jar it will remain shelf stable. I will likely stick with this brand.
NoName –
Zero star is not available, so one star…
The breakaway security cap pictured here as of this writing was not used on the plastic jar I received. Just a regular screw on cap and NO SEALING WHATSOEVER, around the cap or across jar’s opening.
I have for a couple of decades enjoyed for my health a daily heaping teaspoon of raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, organic honey. As well occasional slathering some onto a waffle or muffin. Of the literally countless brands and types I’ve bought and consumed, none has ever been anything but delicious. That doesn’t include the gazillions of others I’ve bought over 50 adult years and consumed prior to my daily regime. And the ones mom fed me…
Knowing of the additional health benefits of royal jelly, bee pollen and propolis I thought I’d give an enriched honey a try and settled on this “Amazon’s Choice” product.
What a mistake! This is an awful, awful tasting concoction, practically evoking a gag reflex.
Judging by the reviews here, Stakich ingredients and/or production consistency varies enormously or enriched honey uniquely elicits the full spectrum of human taste sense unlike any other food. I’m perplexed by the yuck-thru-yummy dichotomy.
However, my review must reflect my experience.
Paraphrasing Disney composers Sherman and Sherman: not even a spoonful of sugar will help this medicine go down. (Ref: Sound of Music)
And no refund, of course, so I’m out almost thirty bucks. A friend says it will do good in her compost pile, so off it goes.
bouafia –
Too much sugar and sweet
Aelred A. –
I love to take a couple of spoonfuls of raw honey every day as a health food, but this is multiple times better. You get raw honey plus, the nutritional powerhouses of pollen and royal jelly and the immune benefits of propolis—everything the bees have to offer. The only (not really) negative is I was hoping it’d be more solid to facilitate spooning (like much really raw honey is), but I can live with that and will continue to have this in my diet. Thank you, Stakich!
Kevin R –
This is outstanding anyway you use it, especially for charcuterie. Thank you for making a consistently outstanding product.
P. H. Dickson –
I had two hives of bees that were located on the left and right side of the entrance to my tipi (teepee) back in the mid seventies. Eating raw honey, chewing on a honeycomb and munching fresh pollen were delights enjoyed daily. I am rarely impressed with honey, but this honey with the pollen, propolis and royal jelly powders added is superb. Not to be damaged by drinking it in hot tea or coffee. I eat a teaspoon of the raw honey to start my day.