Descrição do Produto: STACKER 2 YELLOW HORNET (3) 20CT. BOTTLES
O STACKER 2 YELLOW HORNET é um suplemento alimentar projetado para aqueles que buscam maximizar seu desempenho físico e mental. Cada frasco contém 20 cápsulas, formuladas com uma combinação potente de ingredientes que visam aumentar a energia, melhorar a concentração e auxiliar na queima de gordura. A fórmula do Yellow Hornet é baseada em uma mistura de extratos naturais e compostos sintéticos que atuam sinergicamente para proporcionar um efeito estimulante e termogênico.
Entre os principais componentes do STACKER 2 YELLOW HORNET estão a cafeína, que é conhecida por suas propriedades energéticas, e o extrato de chá verde, que contribui para a oxidação de gorduras. Além disso, o produto contém ingredientes como a sinefrina e o yohimbina, que são reconhecidos por suas capacidades de aumentar o metabolismo e promover a perda de peso. A combinação desses elementos torna o Yellow Hornet uma escolha ideal para atletas, praticantes de atividades físicas e qualquer pessoa que deseje aumentar sua disposição e foco ao longo do dia.
O STACKER 2 YELLOW HORNET é especialmente formulado para ser utilizado antes de treinos ou em momentos em que uma dose extra de energia é necessária. Sua ação rápida e eficaz permite que os usuários sintam os efeitos em pouco tempo, tornando-o um aliado indispensável na rotina de quem busca resultados.
1. Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso energético significativo, ideal para treinos intensos ou dias cansativos.
2. Melhora da Concentração: Ajuda a manter o foco e a clareza mental, essencial para atividades que exigem atenção.
3. Aceleração do Metabolismo: Os ingredientes termogênicos ajudam a aumentar a taxa metabólica, favorecendo a queima de gordura.
4. Suporte à Perda de Peso: Combinado a uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios, pode auxiliar na redução de peso corporal.
5. Fórmula Prática: Disponível em cápsulas fáceis de ingerir, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o STACKER 2 YELLOW HORNET, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes do treino ou em momentos que necessitem de um aumento de energia. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada de duas cápsulas por dia. Para maximizar os efeitos, combine o uso do produto com uma alimentação balanceada e um programa de exercícios regulares. Mantenha-se hidratado e evite o consumo excessivo de cafeína de outras fontes durante o uso do suplemento.
nc.h –
I have been taking yellow hornet stackers for 6 years off and on. I use these to help elevate my mood. I suffer from mild depression and anxiety. Also as a weight loss but I don’t take them everyday.
The good: I can only take one dose per day. It elevates my mood. It helps me leave the house. I make goals, I exercise and feel “artificially” happy.
The bad: Making your self “artificially” happy has it down fall because you go back into the rut. Goals disappear, exercise I’ll do it tomorrow. With management maybe half a dose each day. It might be helpful.
The ugly: Shaky hands, can’t sleep, mood swings from the emptiness to a hyper manic,.
They do help. At the end of the day it’s a choice I make.
evo4g63t –
These pills give serious energy and I am one that has about 800mg to 1g of caffeine per day. It certainly isn’t caffeine alone doing this, since I’ve had yohimbine on its own I am certain that’s where the primary energy is coming from perhaps synergy with caffeine as well.
Yohimbine is a fairly dangerous substance as there is a very small variance between overdose and clinical.
This substance should definitely not be abused or you could be heading for trouble. Even the 3 times a day seems excessive since I gained about 6 hours of energy per dose.
Those with anxiety should avoid and anyone sensitive to caffeine.
As someone with a high tolerance for stimulants this have me a rapid heart beat, nervousness, focus and reduced my appetite even when I took 1/4 of the powder out, I suggest 1/2 a pill for the first time and judge from there.
Linda ertel –
You’re taking this for a while? Because I don’t drink coffee or energy drinks. So this gives me the right amount of energy to get me through my day and there’s no crash whatsoever.
Renee Peacock –
I have taken caffeine pills for a while and have done great on them. This one is not for me. Every time I tried one of these I felt extremely jittery, nauseous, clammy and had indigestion to the point that soda water is the only thing that relieves the indigestion. I just have to wait for all of the negative side effects out and it can take a few hours or so. I do not like feeling this way at all. No more of these for me. I will be ordering something else that doesn’t have such an extremely strong punch!!
DLink –
I am in my 50’s and sometimes my get up and go has got up and went so I tried these and let me tell you they are nice. I drink one energy drink in the morning and then right before I am about to get busy cleaning or doing whatever besides sitting here I take one and I have so much energy and want to push myself more. I have spinal stenosis and a bad hip so I am constantly in chronic pain and it is starting to affect my quality of life and it is pissing me off because I am so not a couch potato. It does make me shake but I expected that. I sleep good at night when I am done pushing myself to get things done with these. I hope this helps
Carl –
I have had good results and experiences with this product. It helps me remain alert when I really need it.
Jon –
This stuff certainly “works” – in a sense. Let me just say, I’m a big guy, I have a huge caffeine tolerance, I’ve tried a variety of energy/diet pills over the years from ephedrine/synephrine on down, and this stuff ranks up there, but in a bad way. I assume it’s the pepper content and perhaps I’m just not as tolerant with pepper, but these pills leave me feeling jittery, flushed, a bit nauseous, and with difficulty concentrating, and it persists for many hours… certainly don’t take more than recommended no matter what you do until you see how you tolerate it! But I wouldn’t recommend this unless you laugh at spices…
Lori –
To my complete surprise I have to say this alone can give you jitters and a seriously alert awake feeling… Which is exactly what I need want desire etc.
HOWEVER… I have combined this with a coconut oil supplement and it gives me the same boost and appetite control as phentermine used to and I’m not some crazy fast talking mad woman… Yogurt seems to balance it nicely as well. I also do not feel a crash. My advice is… Do not take too late in the day tho you will have issues trying to get to sleep at night.