Descrição do Produto: Scotchgard Fabric Water Shield
O Scotchgard Fabric Water Shield é a solução definitiva para quem busca proteção duradoura contra manchas e umidade em tecidos. Com duas latas de 10 oz, este spray repelente de água é ideal para proteger tanto roupas de primavera e verão quanto itens de estofados em sua casa. Sua fórmula inovadora cria uma barreira invisível que repele líquidos à base de água, garantindo que seus móveis e vestuário permaneçam impecáveis mesmo em dias chuvosos.
Este spray é perfeito para uma variedade de itens domésticos, tornando-se um aliado indispensável durante a estação das chuvas. Ele é ideal para estofados, cortinas, almofadas, mochilas, malas e muito mais. Além disso, o Scotchgard Fabric Water Shield é uma excelente escolha para roupas de verão, como camisas, vestidos, gravatas de seda e ternos, além de ser eficaz como spray para calçados de lona.
Uma das grandes vantagens deste produto é sua segurança em tecidos delicados. O spray é seguro para uso em materiais que exigem limpeza a seco, como seda e lã, permitindo que você proteja suas peças mais preciosas sem preocupações. O Scotchgard não apenas repele a água, mas também é inodoro e não interfere na respirabilidade do tecido, garantindo que você possa aproveitar os encontros de verão sem se preocupar com o conforto.
Com uma cobertura proativa, uma única lata de Scotchgard é capaz de proteger um sofá de tamanho médio, duas cadeiras ou cinco jaquetas, tornando-o uma escolha econômica e eficiente. Para manter a proteção, recomenda-se reaplicar o produto após a lavagem, assegurando que seus itens continuem protegidos contra derramamentos.
– Proteção Duradoura: Cria uma barreira invisível que repele líquidos, mantendo seus tecidos secos e limpos.
– Versatilidade: Ideal para uma ampla gama de itens, desde roupas até estofados, adaptando-se às suas necessidades.
– Segurança em Tecidos Delicados: Pode ser usado em materiais que exigem cuidados especiais, como seda e lã.
– Não Interfere na Respirabilidade: Mantém o conforto dos tecidos, permitindo que eles respirem sem comprometer a proteção.
– Cobertura Eficiente: Uma única lata é suficiente para proteger vários itens, oferecendo uma excelente relação custo-benefício.
Para aplicar o Scotchgard Fabric Water Shield, comece garantindo que a superfície a ser tratada esteja limpa e seca. Agite bem a lata antes de usar. Mantenha a lata a uma distância de aproximadamente 15 a 20 cm do tecido e aplique uma camada uniforme, cobrindo toda a área desejada. Evite saturar o tecido; uma leve névoa é suficiente. Após a aplicação, deixe secar completamente antes de usar o item. Para manter a proteção, recomenda-se reaplicar o spray após cada lavagem ou sempre que notar que a repelência diminuiu.
catviews –
Seems to repel water on shoes
Peaches –
Works great. A light spray, dry overnight and it’s a perfect water and stain repellent. We used on fabric bar stools, uggs, vans and converse.
Karen Krull –
I bought this to keep my white canvas sneakers looking clean, and so far, it’s doing a great job of repelling the dirt and soil.
I’ve been wearing these white canvas sneakers since I sprayed them a week ago and so far the spray is doing its job well. It is easy to use. I took the laces off and placed the shoes inside a cardboard box and on the inside I stuffed with newspaper to prevent the spray from collecting inside the shoe. This kept the spray off other surfaces. I sprayed three coats, waited about 30 minutes between coats to make sure each coat was not too heavy and dry before applying the next coat. It’s been a little bit rainy outside and I have no marks or soil on the shoes. This was a good value and because I used thin coats that I let dry before applying the next, there is no stickiness. I plan to spray my canvas backpack next and see how it works on that. The sprayer was even and easy to direct and did not stick or leak. Good product.
Tim Eichholz –
Works great
Oscar De Peña –
Se lo apliqué a la tela de una chamarra y cuando seco hice la prueba de hechar agua y la resbaló sin problema .
Walter –
We bought this to spray on some new dining room chairs before a family event with 6 kids. Went on quickly but do it in a vented area (we did in an open garage). After applying and drying there was no smell or staining on the cloth material or the bronze metal part of the chair (we didn’t tape to protect the metal just tried not to saturate). We had many spills at the event but everything wiped up great. Butter and marinara sauces came out but we didn’t let them stand overnight. Survived wine droppings too (no soaking from a spill yet). Very happy so far!
Amazon Customer –
We always buy this water proofing spray. It’s the best. Strong smell at first but works great. Smell goes away.
Ardvark –
This product claims to work for several months but I’m not quite sure that’s the case. We sprayed our furniture and while it did make water roll off during initial test, there are a few caveats. It works when liquid drips, but not so much if you knock over a glass full of something. Also, you have to blot up the liquid IMMEDIATELY. If you take more than 5 seconds to grab a towel some of it will definitely seep into the fabric.
3 months after spraying, it seems like it wore off a bit as well. The sections we use most seem to absorb liquid immediately and there is not much of a barrier left.
Also, this stuff STINKS! If you spray your furniture, beware that you will not be able to use that room and probably any room adjacent to it for at least 12 hours. We sprayed our living room furniture in the evening, opened the windows downstairs and went to sleep upstairs with our bedroom where the windows were also open yet I could still smell it all night long and well into the next day
Christopher –
Scotchgard is a very good and dependable product well to protect upholstery allowing it to retain a nice appearance and longer life.
Solomon_King –
So I am writing this for the comedic value, the pants are still drying so I have no idea the result.
The break of dawn was the only time I had to spray my new White Tommy Hilfiger pants and I was outside working in very low light. As a result I could not see how much product was being applied. I sprayed a whole can and for some ridiculous reason I figured a second can was needed. Do I emptied the whole second can into those Tommy’s as well. I let them sit outside for about 6 hours to dry.. When I went outside to bring them in, the cold had been absorbed by all the Scotchguard and then I realized my mistake, because they were soaking wet. I brought them inside and they immediately stunk up the whole house, so they went back outside. I hung them up near a porch light and even the bugs wont come near the light. So here I am 24 hours later and they are no longer soaking wet, but they stink god awful. Surprisingly the texture and feel of the fabric has not changed. They are still obviously not completely dry based on the smell, could take another 24-48 hours to fully cure.
My Tommy Hilfiger pants are now going to sink slower than the Titanic! I could be outside in a category 5 hurricane and my nuts will still be bone dry! There could be a tidal wave and an epic flood, everyone around me will be drowning, but I am going to just float by like a leaf on top of the water while looking like a Boss is my spotless white Tommy Hilfiger’s… There is so much Scotchguard in my Tommy’s, that after humanity is extinct and the world is covered in ice, Aliens are going to dig them up and study them as the last surviving remnant of human engineering. Then the intergalactic federation of planets are all going to be wearing reverse engineered Scotchguarded Tommy Hilfiger knockoffs for space uniforms… That is how much Scotchguard is now in my Tommy’s!
Word of advice, definitely do it outside and plan to let them sit outside for at least 24 hours, the fumes are strong. Also, I think the advertisement is a bit misleading, one 10oz can is about enough to do a full jacket OR a pair of pants. One can will do both a pair of shorts and T-shirt together. To get full protection I think this is the minimum, however don’t do what I did, it is way overkill, unless you are planning on spraying it on your space suit to explore the Methane atmosphere of Venus on foot.