Descrição do Produto: Spray para Garganta Super Kids da Herbs for Kids, 1 Onça
O Spray para Garganta Super Kids da Herbs for Kids é um suplemento herbal especialmente formulado para crianças, que combina eficácia e sabor agradável. Este produto é uma solução ideal para os pequenos que enfrentam desconfortos na garganta e no sistema respiratório. Com uma fórmula livre de álcool, o spray proporciona alívio sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados que podem ser encontrados em outros produtos. As crianças adoram o sabor, o que torna a administração do produto uma experiência agradável e sem estresse.
O Spray Super Kids não apenas alivia a irritação na garganta, mas também atua de forma eficaz no sistema respiratório, promovendo uma sensação de conforto e bem-estar. A combinação de ervas selecionadas é projetada para acalmar e proteger a garganta, ajudando as crianças a se sentirem melhor rapidamente. Este produto é uma excelente adição à rotina de cuidados com a saúde dos pequenos, especialmente em épocas de resfriados e alergias.
– Suplemento Herbal Sem Álcool: Ideal para crianças, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
– Sabor Agradável: As crianças adoram o gosto, facilitando a aceitação do produto.
– Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato para a garganta irritada e desconforto respiratório.
– Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais que promovem a saúde sem aditivos químicos.
– Praticidade: Fácil de usar, tornando a administração simples e rápida para os pais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se agitar bem o frasco antes de usar. Aplique 2 a 3 borrifadas diretamente na parte de trás da garganta, conforme necessário, até 4 vezes ao dia. É importante que a criança mantenha a boca fechada durante a aplicação para garantir que o spray atinja a área desejada. O uso regular pode ajudar a manter a saúde da garganta e do sistema respiratório, especialmente em períodos de maior vulnerabilidade.
JennJenn8 –
This is my second time ordering this Super Kids throat spray because it works phenomenal. Both the adults and kids use it in our home and it works instantly.
I am a huge fan of Herbs for Kids products. They’re 100% natural, herbal-based formula that are effective and entirely safe.
This throat spray tastes great, a mild minty flavor. It helped us with a recent episode of the flu that struck our whole family. This made sleeping much more comfortable and eased the pain associated with abrasive coughing and sore throats. I will not go without this spray!
Great product and price. Delivery was perfect.
cole benning –
I don’t know why me and my son have reaction the same after used this product we’re start racing cough feeling so horrible
Xenocied/Mego –
This product helps SO much for sick little ones. My son gets sick a lot. When he does he coughs a ton and keeps him up. This helps so much with that.
LorenaW –
I use this and so do my kids! It does help alleviate some of the sore throat and the taste is great. It does not remove all soreness but neither does any cough drop I have found.
eveningstargarden –
I can’t say how much I LOVE this stuff!!! It’s sooo worth it! I bought it when my daughter was 3 when her, my husband, and I were all sick and had a soar throat. It’s completely natural (it does however contain glycerin, which is sugar, but still so worth it), and very soothing and numbing. It tastes good, like sweet peppermint. We just got the same cold with soar throat now over 7 months later, and am using the same bottle. We are just finishing the bottle now, and I’m about to order another one. I would compare it to the numbing Vicks spray from when I was a kid. But I love all natural things and appreciate this product so much. Anytime my daughter coughs I give this to her and it ends the coughing pretty much on contact. You obviously have to keep using it over and over, but that’s not a problem to me. The alternative is a coughing child with a soar and eventually raw throat and pain and crying, and not sleeping, yada yada. I use it in the night as well. Two sprays is all it takes each time. Three if it were really bad. So in the end, one bottle lasted about 2 sick times with three people each time. And it’s very effective, and natural. I use it at the first sign of scratchy throat or coughing. It also supports the throat with herbs and the immune system as well. Very worth it! Love this product! Will buy again and again! I also use all the other products from this line “Herbs For Kids”. Cherry Bark Blend is another favorite for soothing the throat and works really well! 🙂 I should also add that I use a spray from Y.S. Eco Bee Farms called Propolis and Herbs (2 sprays each time as well) that my daughter likes (but other children may not, it’s alcohol based), but adults may really like too. It works great for ending the cold quicker. Plus I always add teas (and other home remedies) to remedy colds as well. Anise is an expectorant (to help you/them cough out the muck), ginger (stomach soothing), clove (numbing), black pepper (nasal decongestant), cinnamon (anti viral, and bacterial, anti fungal, etc), cardamom, etc… almost all those herbs are anti-everything bad (viral, bacterial, fungal, etc), and they all do a lot of the same things as each other (numbing, soothing, has minerals, and nutrients, supports the immune system and respiratory, etc) , along with will healing the body quicker. Plus they all aid in relieving any kind of pain or uncomfort anywhere in the body. Chai is great for adults, but a Cinnamon Apple Spice tea and adding those herbs to it is great for kids (sweetening with either monk fruit, raw honey or stevia extract, etc)! Also, sugar impairs the immune system so staying away from sugar as much as possible is a good idea! Just a tip! 😉 If you do use raw honey, raw honey and lemon juice in water is a great cough remedy! Hope any of that was helpful! Cheers to your, and your child’s healing!
Elena –
It does work quite well, but in both our bottles spray nozzles stopped functioning after several days. Going to search for something else.
jlbl1950 –
I thought it to be effective. When sprayed in the back of your throat, it relieves that sensation of needing to cough or to clear your throat. I would think it would work quite well if left at your bedside in case you have a coughing spell in the middle of the of the night. I bought this for my grandson. The taste is strong, so he may have decided not to use it.
Christina –
My husband and my son love this. They hated the normal numbing spray and sore throats always come about with cold weather. I thought I would try this after reading the reviews and I’m glad I did. I will be buying more I’m sure!