Descrição do Produto: Quantum Health TheraZinc Oral Spray
O Quantum Health TheraZinc Oral Spray é a solução ideal para quem busca suporte imunológico eficaz e alívio para a garganta, tanto para adultos quanto para crianças. Com uma fórmula inovadora à base de gluconato de zinco e ingredientes naturais como sabugueiro, equinácea, óleo de hortelã-pimenta, mentol e extrato de casca de cereja, este spray proporciona uma sensação suave e saborosa, tornando-se a alternativa perfeita aos tradicionais pastilhas de zinco.
Este spray de zinco é projetado para liberar zinco ionizado diretamente na boca e na garganta, oferecendo um impulso rápido para o sistema imunológico, especialmente em momentos críticos. É uma excelente opção para viagens aéreas e passeios prolongados em família, garantindo que você e seus entes queridos estejam sempre protegidos.
A fórmula poderosa do TheraZinc não só inclui equinácea e sabugueiro, mas também óleo de cravo e mentol, que proporcionam uma sensação refrescante. O extrato de ulmeiro escorregadio ajuda a revestir a garganta, enquanto o sabor natural de hortelã-pimenta, sem açúcar, torna a experiência ainda mais agradável. Reconhecido como um dos melhores impulsionadores de imunidade, o TheraZinc foi premiado com o Prêmio Essentials de 2018 pela revista Taste for Life.
Com mais de 40 anos de experiência, a Quantum Health é uma líder confiável na indústria de produtos naturais, sempre buscando os ingredientes de mais alta qualidade e respaldados por pesquisas para oferecer produtos que realmente fazem a diferença.
– Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato para a garganta irritada, ideal para momentos de desconforto.
– Suporte Imunológico Eficaz: A combinação de zinco, equinácea e sabugueiro fortalece o sistema imunológico, especialmente em épocas de resfriados e gripes.
– Fácil de Usar: O formato em spray é prático e conveniente, perfeito para uso em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor natural de hortelã-pimenta torna o uso do produto uma experiência agradável, especialmente para crianças.
– Sem Açúcar: A fórmula sem açúcar é uma escolha saudável para toda a família, sem comprometer o sabor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o frasco antes de usar. Aplique 2 a 3 borrifadas diretamente na boca e na garganta, até 4 vezes ao dia, ou conforme necessário. É recomendado não comer ou beber por pelo menos 30 minutos após a aplicação para maximizar a absorção dos ingredientes ativos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
D.M. Droogleever –
Good stuff; cured after 3 applications
D.Ann –
We start using it at the FIRST inkling of a sore throat. Works like a charm. Use exactly as directed and you won’t be disappointed (dont forget to shake it up too). If we also start getting the sniffles, we use the Zicam nose swabs along with this spray (used exactly as directed). Double whammy for nasty colds! All cold symptoms usually GONE by day 2/3. Oh, and the taste is a strong mint. It will sort of numb your throat at first too (nice relief) and food will taste off for maybe 20 min./half hr., so don’t take it “right” before your meals. My husband and kids ask for this stuff now because they know how well it works! I used to have to “make” them take it. Lol
writergal –
School has started and with that comes the sore throat, stuffy noses, etc. My daughter typically gets sick within the first two weeks of school. After the first week back to school she started getting a sore throat and a stuffy nose. We tried gargling with salt water, drinking ACV with honey, and a host of other things but wasn’t getting better after the first 24 hours of the various dosing. I remembered that I had some of this product and had her squirt her throat 4-5 times every 3-4 hours the first night. She was shocked as she told me the sore throat went away almost immediately and she woke up the next morning FINE! I’ve ordered extra and we now have this available with everyone getting a couple squirts a day to be pro-active. Seriously, best product! Any time I feel like I’m getting sick I use this a few times and if I get it RIGHT away at the beginning the sickness quickly goes away or is stopped right in it’s tracks. The taste is a strong minty taste- a little strong, but again, it works beautifully! This is our family’s go to product for sickness.
Netsa –
I just received the product I was going through a detox because I was exposed to a time release room fresher sitting in a rest room on the SINK.
I GOT SPRAYED!!! The cleansing process for chemicals in your bloodstream, is detailed. I experienced lung and throat irritation among other side effects. My throat was so sore and inflamed drinking anything was painful because of all the coughing and expelling of mucous. Well I opened this little bottle and sprayed it in my mouth and within 5 mins my throat felt better. I am amazed because now it’s been 15 mins and I can swallow without pain and no mucous right now it was coming up every 3-5 mins. and I seem to not have to cough as much. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Cliente Amazon –
It works. I would recommend it .
Emily –
Im adding an update to my review. I started using this again because I had a little bit of a cold and this time I sprayed it pointing all the way up towards the roof and back of my mouth and throat. It wasn’t bad at all. If you don’t spray it onto any part of your tongue it’s doable and the clove taste doesn’t spread as much, and it’s kind of soothing numbing and would be great for a sore throat. The last time I used it I sprayed it pointing towards the back and it was bad, this time I pointed the spray all the way up towards the ceiling. I don’t know if It helped my cold go away but I like to think I was helping things along. I couldn’t do 8 whole sprays at a time like it says though, I just did a few whenever I thought about it. I’ll add on a star for 4. Here’s my old review:
I just got this and have used it twice. Yesterday I sprayed it mostly on my tongue and it was too much, I was put off by the taste. This time I got it mostly on the back of the throat like you’re supposed to but the aftertaste was still too much. The too much part is the clove oil in it, it’s too much and it permeates your entire mouth. It reminds me of when I tried a remedy of putting clove oil on a canker sore and it was like oooooh jeez what did I do…
And I’m not someone who hates cloves or anything. So I might not use this that much. Maybe I could water it down without reducing its effectiveness? 😕 Anyway, that’s my two cents. If I use it, I can comment on its effectiveness later, I guess.
And I’ll add that I bought this to try to get rid of a little bit of a sinus-y cold that won’t go away. I don’t have a sore throat at all. Maybe it would be worth it to save it for a bad sore throat, I bet it wouldn’t be as bad. But as a preventative zinc supplement I’ll probanly get another bottle of Mesozinc, which is expensive but tasteless colloidal zinc.
D. Post –
I am a biologist and have used zinc sprays for years now, The second you feel a cold coming on you have to spray the back of your throat well 2-3 times a day and keep doing it for several days. If you wait too long you might get a little cold, but if you keep using it for 10 days, you will only get a slight cold. This stuff is ESSENTIAL when traveling. I spray my throat well before flying and during the flight (make sure to buy a small spray bottle that will go through security), and spray for a day or two after I get to London. I NEVER get sick anymore. And I get sick if I just look at someone with a flu or cold. This stuff really works. You catch a cold from the virus binding to receptors in your nose and throat. If it is coated with zinc the virus cannot take hold. In other words it make the area inhospitable for the virus. Doctors say we are low on Zinc anyway so it is a good thing to take for your health. Cheers
Andrew –
This spray is amazing! I use 2 or 3 spurts whenever my throat begins to get scratchy and it only takes one or two doses for the symptoms to disappear.
It has definitely become a staple in my medicine cabinet.
Candice –
I’m asthmatic and have very weak bronchial tubes so any time I get a cold or flu, I’ll get a cough and I’ll cough so much that my throat gets really irritated and wakes me up constantly at night. This MIRACLE IN A BOTTLE actually lets me get some sleep. Any time I feel a tickle (like a “frog in the throat”, which all sounds very cute for something that feels like hell especially when you’re woken mid-way through a REM cycle!), I spray 3 blasts of this down my throat and go back to sleep. I can’t tell you how much faster I’ve been able to recover simply because I’m able to sleep and don’t have my throat waking me up every few hours. Will be a customer forever!
LeAnn –
I love the taste and how soothing it is on my throat