Descrição do Produto: Sleep Fast – Spray Oral de Melatonina para Sono
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a agitação do dia a dia podem transformar a hora de dormir em um verdadeiro desafio, o Sleep Fast surge como uma solução inovadora e eficaz. Este spray oral de melatonina, com 32 doses, é formulado para proporcionar um sono reparador e tranquilo, permitindo que você se desligue das preocupações e mergulhe em um descanso profundo. Com uma combinação única de extratos herbais, incluindo raiz de valeriana, erva-cidreira e camomila, o Sleep Fast não apenas ajuda você a adormecer mais rapidamente, mas também apoia um sono mais profundo e ininterrupto.
A melatonina, um hormônio natural que regula o ciclo do sono, é a estrela deste produto. Ao ser administrado sob a língua, o spray é absorvido rapidamente, permitindo que você sinta os efeitos em apenas 30 minutos. Ao contrário dos comprimidos tradicionais, que podem causar sonolência matinal, o Sleep Fast garante que você acorde revigorado e pronto para enfrentar o dia. Com um sabor agradável de romã, este spray é fácil de usar e não requer engolir, tornando-o uma opção prática e sem compromissos para adultos que buscam uma solução eficaz para suas noites de insônia.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
– Adormecer mais rápido: A combinação de melatonina e extratos herbais ajuda a reduzir o tempo necessário para adormecer.
– Sono mais reparador: Promove um sono profundo e ininterrupto, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
– Absorção rápida: A aplicação sublingual permite que o produto atue mais rapidamente do que os comprimidos convencionais.
– Sem efeitos colaterais: A fórmula é projetada para ser suave, evitando a sonolência no dia seguinte.
– Sabor agradável: O sabor de romã torna a experiência de uso mais agradável e fácil.
Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Sleep Fast, recomenda-se aplicar o spray 30 minutos antes de dormir. Agite bem o frasco e, em seguida, pulverize a dose recomendada sob a língua. Mantenha o spray na boca por 60 segundos antes de engolir, permitindo que a melatonina e os extratos herbais sejam absorvidos de forma eficaz. Evite alimentos ou bebidas por pelo menos 30 minutos após a aplicação para maximizar a absorção. Com o uso regular, você poderá desfrutar de noites de sono mais tranquilas e revigorantes.
sloan bayer –
I purchased this product for my daughter. She has ALWAYS had a difficult time relaxing to fall asleep. We’ve been on track for years with making sure all screens in the house are off for at least 2 hours before she goes to bed, ha I g a regular routine at night regardless of whether or not it’s a weekend or week night, nature sound machines, white noise sound machines, you name it, we’ve tried it! The combo that worked best was white noise machine and no screens. But even the , she would take up to an hour and a half to fall asleep.
She’s been using your Spray for 2 weeks straight with 100% success. It seems almost too good to be true! But, honestly, she has fallen asleep within 15 minutes of her head hitting the pillow every single night. And, she’s staying asleep.
This has been a game-changer for us!
Michele –
I don’t like this spray. I have used melatonin pills and they worked within an hour. This does not work. It’s like spraying water in my mouth. I got it to combat jet lag and it simply doesn’t work. If I hadn’t opened the package and used it I would return it. It is the worst melatonin I have ever used and a big waste of money, what’s more it has lowered my expectations of any sleeping product from Tranquility Labs. I felt like they used false advertising.
susuyaya –
I have a real live sleeping disorder and have been on a varying cycle of prescription meds for the past 16 years. With the new FDA regs doctors are now either to cheap to ay additional fees required to order proper class of meds or too chicken. So I end up with less than a month’s supply of sleeping meds and 9 migraine tabs when I average 4/week!
So I started using this and if I go 3 nights without decent sleep I take a pill. This works quite well. I have tried the “wellness”/N.D. route and ended up with a very sick liver. My previous M.D. could balance the herbals with the pharm but he was a master. Now he is retired.
Jamie K –
My sleep issue is I wake up in the middle of the night, almost every night and stay awake for a while till I fall back asleep. So I was excited that I found this product and it had gotten good reviews.
At first this Sleep Fast spray worked pretty well for me. Good enough that I ordered it for a 2nd month. While Sleep Fast did not prevent me waking up in the middle of the night, it seemed that I fell back asleep a little faster. Unfortunately, when month #2 came around, it really didn’t work at all. I have read a person can build up a tolerance to Melatonin. Now I just use it when I absolutely have to so not to build up a tolerance again.
not working for me.. paid too much money for it and i can’t returned it . doesn’t have any effect at all. very bad experience with this product.
ironman –
I see that I’m not the only one losing sleep here. As others mentioned, tried the recommended dosage the first night and no sleep. Doubled the dose the second night and still no sleep. The third night I had considered just drinking the bottle. But seriously, maybe melatonin just doesn’t work for some people, I don’t know. But I’m disappointed. For the cost of this product I’d expect results. On the good side, I do appreciate the all natural ingredients and flavor.
Simona –
It works for me; I fall asleep in a matter of minutes and serves its purpose. Good product.
Jackson –
I have had trouble sleeping since my son was born (he’s 16 now) and I lost my mother 8 weeks later. I saw a sleep specialist who told me that traumatic events can cause a disruptive sleep pattern and if not corrected will continue. I have tried everything: valerian, melatonin and ambien, ambient worked great until I became addicted to getting 8 hours of sleep and then vivid nightmares. Sleep fast is not perfect for me but most certainly helps. I usual wake up around 2 or 3 in the morning and am up for several hours, this has been the only product that helps me get back to sleep quicker. I do the 6 recommended sprays; 2 at a time under the tongue, wait as long as possible before I swallow,within an hour of going to bed, it’s worth a try for the price if you are having trouble. Give it a full 2 weeks before deciding.
Update 11/9/17 don’t appreciate the hike in cost, it’s been $19.95 for over a year now it’s $23.95. If price does not drop back down may find something else.
Actually going to try the “dreampad” pillow I saw on shark tank
L. Quam –
I have tried every sleep aid product on the market including Ambien which I refuse to use regularly due to the addictive nature of the product. After trying virtually every herbal or natural sleep aid this is by far the best product. I was using a variety of liquid Melotonin products but after buying a book authored by a sleep MD specialist Robert Rosenberg I did two very important things I read exactly what’s in the natural sleep aids I was using and discovered they contained sugar, corn syrup and alcohol and I followed the pre sleep advice in the book. Insomnia solved. Thanks Tranquiltiy! This is best fast acting Melonotin on the market and I have been trying different products for several years.
Amazon Customer –
Very effective, easy to use spray. Use it just as you are heading to bed.