Descrição do Produto: Spray Nasal de Mel Manuka ManukaGuard
O Spray Nasal de Mel Manuka ManukaGuard é uma inovação no cuidado das vias respiratórias, projetado para proporcionar alívio eficaz da congestão nasal, sinusite e alergias. Com uma fórmula única que combina o poder do Mel Manuka de grau médico, MGO 600, e uma solução salina, este spray não apenas limpa, mas também hidrata as passagens nasais, promovendo uma respiração mais livre e confortável. Ao contrário dos sprays nasais comuns, a infusão de Mel Manuka eleva a experiência, oferecendo propriedades antibacterianas e anti-inflamatórias que ajudam a purificar as vias respiratórias de irritantes como poeira, pelos de animais e outros alérgenos que encontramos no dia a dia.
- SPRAY NASAL DE MEL MANUKA: Nosso Spray Nasal Sinusal ajuda o corpo a limpar as passagens nasais de irritantes, como poeira e pelos de animais. Infundido com o poder de limpeza e hidratação do Mel Manuka de grau médico, nossa fórmula estabelece um novo padrão. Uma vez que você experimente, nunca mais se contentará com um spray salino comum!
- INGREDIENTES DE ALTA QUALIDADE: Os Sprays Nasais ManukaGuard são formulados para entregar a quantidade ideal de mel em uma névoa fina. Nossa fórmula é feita com Mel Manuka de grau médico MGO 600, solução salina, glicerina vegetal, extratos naturais de frutas e plantas contendo vitamina C e água purificada.
- QUANDO USAR: Use nosso Spray Nasal quando houver acúmulo nas passagens nasais e/ou para limpeza e hidratação diárias. O material pode ser expelido do nariz, esteja preparado com lenços.
- SUPORTA OS MAORIS NATIVOS DA NOVA ZELÂNDIA: Os maoris da Nova Zelândia possuem e controlam a maior parte das terras de onde nosso mel é colhido. Portanto, adquirir nossos produtos de Mel Manuka ajuda a apoiar economicamente os maoris.
- DAS NOSSAS FAMÍLIAS PARA AS SUAS: A ManukaGuard se preocupa profundamente com nossos clientes e suas famílias. Queremos genuinamente garantir que você tenha uma ótima experiência com nossos produtos. Trabalhamos diligentemente para criar produtos da mais alta qualidade, então, se você tiver algum problema, entre em contato e faremos o possível para resolver.
1. Alívio Rápido da Congestão: O spray proporciona alívio imediato da congestão nasal, permitindo uma respiração mais fácil e confortável.
2. Propriedades Antibacterianas: O Mel Manuka possui propriedades naturais que ajudam a combater bactérias e a promover a saúde nasal.
3. Hidratação das Vias Nasais: A fórmula hidratante previne o ressecamento das mucosas, especialmente em ambientes secos ou durante o inverno.
4. Suporte à Comunidade Maori: Ao escolher este produto, você apoia a economia local e a preservação da cultura Maori da Nova Zelândia.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade e naturais, é uma opção segura para toda a família, sem aditivos químicos prejudiciais.
Para utilizar o Spray Nasal de Mel Manuka ManukaGuard, incline levemente a cabeça para frente e insira o bico do spray em uma das narinas. Pressione suavemente o aplicador para liberar uma névoa fina, inspirando ao mesmo tempo para garantir que a solução alcance as passagens nasais. Repita o processo na outra narina, se necessário. É recomendado usar o spray sempre que sentir congestão ou como parte da sua rotina diária de cuidados nasais. Após o uso, tenha lenços à mão, pois a solução pode causar a expulsão de secreções acumuladas.
M. Smith –
Works well
John S –
I have had a severe sinus infection for over 10 years, even though I exercise and have a very healthy diet/lifestyle. Every day or two I hocked up a nasty nickel size hard and crusty clump of mucus from the back of my throat that sometimes made me gag. Nasty. I got sick in 2015 with a fever and it knocked out the sinus infection, so I know it is bacterial. I was free for like 6 months but it came back. I’ve tried neti pot rinses and all sorts of nasal sprays including Xlear… nothing did much. Finally I stumbled upon this product. The very first day I used this I could tell something about it was different because I could feel it in the back of my throat and not just nasal passages. It was a bit intense. The next day I woke up and had nothing in my throat at all, nothing to cough up. If I had to guess, i think it is because unlike all the other nasal sprays, the honey coats the back of the throat.
Anyway it’s been a week of using this and I’ve had NOTHING to cough up. That’s unprecedented, was almost every day before I started using. In full disclosure, I did also start using triguard plus and sinu orega at the same time, so perhaps those two contributed in some way as well. I will keep using all 3. But I’m pretty sure it’s the Manuka because of how different it feels after I use it.
Maybe this won’t work for you but it did for me in a huge way, so I encourage people to try as it is not expensive, if there is any chance it can help you as it did me. Perhaps combining with triguard plus and sinu orega was the trick, so if this doesn’t work for you by itself perhaps get all 3 and try together. I actually used Xlear and another spray as well since I still had them but they had never done anything previously. I was so sick of having this crap for so long, and am so grateful it’s gone and I found an incredibly cheap and simple solution in Manukaguard!! I know how much a sinus infection sucks, so I want anybody suffering the way I was to get relief if possible. Best of luck to all!
Lilumazuria –
I don’t like to not be able to breathe through my nose. I get claustrophobic, so when I have a cold or sinus problems, I usually go for the 8-12 hour sprays. The problem I have with most of them is they make me sneeze constantly, makes my eyes water non-stop, and you can’t use them daily or they stop working. Then you have to live through the Stuffy period until your sinuses get back to normal. Plus they dry out my sinuses to the point of pain.
This is a GAME CHANGER!!! I only had it sting my sinuses once. It stung up to my eyeballs, but bear it for a few more seconds, it will go away. I guess when you are really inflamed in there, that’s when it stings, because it really never stings me much. It drains my sinuses, and moisturizes at the same time. It’s crazy, and it works! I mean it works ALL DAY! I take one squirt each side once in the morning, and then again at night if I need to, But generally I don’t need to. No sneezing, or eyes watering. I take a teaspoon of Manuka daily, I never thought about my sinuses. I’ll never use any other kind, now. Sure it’s expensive, but pure good Manuka honey is very expensive. It’s so worth it to me, and I’m on a strict budget.
MamaLlama –
Fantastic product!!! Anyone with allergies or prone to sinus infections should absolutely try this! Daughter had massive allergic fungal sinus infection requiring surgery to clean that out plus remove polyps, then a month later it all came back. (Allergic fungal sinusitis is very hard to rid, and often frequently recurs, and may require many surgeries, but we were still shocked it was back so quickly!) as well, when tested there was also pseudomonas and staph, which we were lucky to treat successfully with antibiotics. Howe ever, knowing she’s had sinus issues since birth, and how prone she’s been to sinus infections through the years, I did research which lead me to this product. It is a game changer!!! Before this her inflammation was so bad it was like the surgery never happened; we appealed our insurance to approve her for Dupixent, but while waiting for approval we found this product, and by the next checkup, her inflammation was calmed down to normal and they did not see use for the Dupixent though we finally received approval for it. We since lost that insurance, so Dupixent would no longer be something we could afford, so we are super happy this plus Neill Med Sinus saline rinses (and allergy med during high seasonal allergy times) seem to keep her symptoms finally in check and sinus infections at bay!!!
Gave my Dad a bottle to try when he was thinking he had a sinus infection, it helped clear when completely stuffed and couldn’t breathe through one side, plus he couldn’t believe the stuff that was coming out of his nose!!! Daughter too upon first uses, we even saw one of the fungal balls that the ENT had just seen using a camera at her previous visit, and by that next visit inflammation was down and passage was all clear!
This stuff is totally amazing!!!! Absolutely owe it to yourself to try it, as the cost is so minimal for the relief it may bring. Can’t know until you try it.
Dan S –
Product is great! Shipping was a little delayed due to Royal Mail strikes in the UK. Seller maintained contact and offered to re-ship if it was lost. Arrived all good and really enjoying using it. Would order from this seller again for great customer relations
Jennifer –
This burns worst than a pool treated with chlorine. There’s no way they thought this through. You’re child will be traumatized by this and you’ll have issues with simple saline rinses if you give this to your little ones. While the idea of manuka honey with it’s benefits sounds good in theory, it burns like HELL!!! I tried it myself and felt bad for doing it to my child. Now he won’t let me rinse him with normal saline. Just make your own. Leave this idea with the idea makers.
Amazon Customer –
I used this product briefly, and it wasn’t effective for my symptoms. It may work for someone else.
Honey is antimicrobial, I don’t know if it works in this formulation?
Miximox –
Wow! This is an absolute game changer! I suffer with dry nasal passages at night and wake up to them very sore and cracked, they even sometimes bleed. One spray of this at night and no more problems. Very soothing.