Descrição do Produto: Beekeeper’s Naturals Propolis Nasal Rinse Spray Max
O Beekeeper’s Naturals Propolis Nasal Rinse Spray Max é uma solução poderosa e natural para quem busca alívio da congestão nasal. Com uma fórmula inovadora que combina propolis, óleo de orégano, eucalipto, xilitol e solução salina, este spray nasal é projetado para desobstruir as vias respiratórias e proporcionar uma respiração mais profunda e confortável. Cada borrifada age como um decongestionante potente, ajudando a limpar as irritações nasais causadas por alérgenos como pólen e poluição, além de outros agentes irritantes.
- POTENTE SPRAY NASAL HERBAL DECONGESTIONANTE PARA REVIGORAR OS SINUS: Cada spray ajuda a limpar a congestão nasal com uma dose potente de propolis, óleo de orégano, eucalipto, xilitol e solução salina, permitindo que você respire profundamente. Nosso spray nasal eficaz expande o canal nasal para limpar e desobstruir a congestão, eliminando irritantes dos seios nasais.
- FÓRMULA REVIGORANTE PLUS: Esta fórmula poderosa é elaborada com propolis, óleo de orégano, eucalipto, xilitol e solução salina para desobstruir a congestão nasal e as passagens.
- NÃO CAUSA DEPENDÊNCIA: Feito com ingredientes naturais, este spray nasal pode ser eficaz contra passagens nasais irritadas e coceira sem o uso de produtos químicos, como esteroides e medicamentos. Ele atua como uma solução natural que expande as vias aéreas e reduz o inchaço.
- COMO USAR: Agite bem. Aperte duas vezes e assoe o nariz suavemente para limpar a mucosidade.
- COMO OBTEMOS: Nunca colhemos em excesso de nossas colmeias e sempre garantimos que nossos apiários verdes estejam remotos e longe de produtos químicos nocivos.
1. Alívio Rápido da Congestão Nasal: Proporciona alívio imediato para quem sofre de congestão, permitindo uma respiração mais livre.
2. Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma fórmula livre de produtos químicos, é uma alternativa segura e eficaz para o cuidado nasal.
3. Não Causa Dependência: Ao contrário de muitos descongestionantes, este spray não gera dependência, podendo ser utilizado regularmente sem preocupações.
4. Ação Antisséptica: O óleo de orégano e o propolis possuem propriedades antissépticas que ajudam a combater infecções nasais.
5. Fácil Aplicação: O design prático do spray permite uma aplicação simples e rápida, ideal para o uso diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Beekeeper’s Naturals Propolis Nasal Rinse Spray Max, comece agitando bem o frasco. Em seguida, posicione o bico do spray na narina e aperte duas vezes, permitindo que a solução atue nas passagens nasais. Após a aplicação, assoe o nariz suavemente para remover a mucosidade. Este procedimento pode ser repetido conforme necessário, garantindo que suas vias respiratórias permaneçam limpas e desobstruídas.
Amazon Customer –
Like it because it’s good nature ingredients, but it’s not working for me at first spray, maybe I need to keep using. But works for my wife, after she finish garden works, she’s not allergic to flowers anymore.
Bill twiggs –
Been using the steroid to little, to no effect on my sinuses. Saw this as I was looking for a saline, for $13? I thought it’s expensive, but I’ll give it a try at this point. Got it in, and the first couple of times I used it, my nose ran, as though it was flushing my nose out.
Been on it now for over a week, and it works so well, I’m able to skip days as my symptoms have all but disappeared. Value for the money, it’s more expensive than other sprays, but since it works. It’s a better value. Little to no taste, pain relief is almost instantaneous.
Overall, a very good product, and it works, and I’m a smoker too. I will order more
Update: I just got in the “max” formula. Wow! It’s got a nice, powerful strong punch to it, with a nice fragrance, like a “vape-o-rub”, Not sure, but really nice blast to clear out your sinuses. I like the max formula as well, I’m going to keep both the regular and max formula on hand.
Foodie A –
Beekeepers Natural Nasal Spray works to keep your nose hydrated with zero after flavor. It clears your sinuses instantly. Great value for its size with ease of use. Give it a try.
marycf –
I was looking for a product I could use more than once a day if needed and found it with Beekeepers Nasal Spray. Many of the otc/prescription sprays says to use once a day and in one product says to not use more than 3 days. My nose is either dry or gets stuffy in the early mornings even with a humidifier/air purifier and drinking plenty of liquids every day. I wake up from my sleep if I can’t breathe. This nasal spray helps alleviate some of the pressure even though I do have to spray 2-4 times a night. I can’t say it works 100% of the time but it works well enough for me to not be without it.
sunshine –
Needed a nasal spray for stuffiness and you just spray twice and your nasal passages open up immediately. Cannot ask for anything better than that. The scent is not overpowering, at all. And it is 100% natural and that, to me, is the most important thing of all. Glad I found this product, because my old faithful was discontinued. Many thanks for a super product that works. Highly recommend! 🙂
kathy –
I like that this spray is not perfumy. I like that they are natural. My nose is always stuffy. I hate nose spray but this spray doesn’t make me gag like others. I used them twice and was amazed that I could breath through both nostrils at yhe same time. That is something I haven’t been able to do for over 20 years. This spray is amazing!
Abi –
Maybe works for minor congestion, or works via placebo effect for some, or just not working for me. I’m not sure. I have chronic sinus issues (congestion, pressure, sneezing, post nasal drip, etc…) so maybe my issues are too severe for this to make any difference? It’s mostly just helpful for “rinsing out” the mucus that’s already coming out with a tissue and a strong blow. Essentially like blowing your nose in the shower, with steam, etc. this just helps me rinse out a bit of mucus but does NOT help with preventing or treating congestion, no matter how many times I use it. It’s also got a very strong floral scent. I’ll use the rest of the bottle but will just order something like Mucinex or Flonase to actually get the decongestant job done in the future. I’m sad because I was hoping for a more holistic approach, but no luck.
***Update*** I received a refund and lollipops from the seller for my inconvenience, I truly appreciate the customer service. Although I wouldn’t purchase this specific item again I would purchase something else from the seller.
MissMegan211 –
I was looking for an alternative to Afrin due to its addictive and rebound properties. This was a great product. I didn’t have any issues with any nasal drip. It cleared my nose quickly. Will purchase again.