Descrição do Produto: Spray Líquido Lipossomal para Sono | Suporte ao Relaxamento e Sono | Vegano | Não-OGM | Sem Açúcar | Sem Glúten | Suprimento para 30 Dias
Descubra o poder do descanso reparador com o nosso Spray Líquido Lipossomal para Sono. Este produto inovador combina uma mistura única de Melatonina, GABA e L-Theanina, proporcionando um suporte completo para o sono sem a sensação de sonolência ao acordar. A fórmula foi cuidadosamente desenvolvida para acalmar a mente e promover um relaxamento profundo, permitindo que você desfrute de uma noite de sono tranquila e revigorante.
- Suporte Completo para o Sono sem Sonolência Matinal: O nosso Spray de Sono Lipossomal é uma combinação única de Melatonina, GABA e L-Theanina que ajuda a acalmar o cérebro, apoiar o descanso e a relaxação, e fornecer suporte ao sono. A combinação de uma dose mais baixa de melatonina, juntamente com L-Theanina e GABA, promove um sono reparador sem causar sonolência ao acordar.
- Melatonina: A melatonina ajuda a regular o relógio biológico do corpo. O nosso Spray de Sono Lipossomal inclui uma dose precisa de melatonina, ajudando a adormecer mais rápido e a desfrutar de um padrão de sono mais consistente.
- GABA: O GABA é um neurotransmissor produzido naturalmente pelo corpo que ajuda a acalmar a mente, promove o relaxamento e apoia o sistema nervoso.
- L-Theanina: A L-Theanina proporciona um efeito calmante no cérebro e oferece relaxamento. A incorporação de L-Theanina em nossa fórmula incentiva um descanso pacífico e ininterrupto durante a noite.
- Lipossomas Nano de Ação Rápida: Nossos lipossomas de tamanho nano ajudam a entregar esses ingredientes diretamente na corrente sanguínea, garantindo máxima absorção e eficácia imediata. Versátil para Hora de Dormir e Viagens: O nosso Spray de Sono Lipossomal é ideal não apenas para a hora de dormir, mas também para viagens. Este spray prático pode ser útil para gerenciar o jet lag, ajustar-se a um novo fuso horário ou ajudar a recuperar o sono necessário enquanto está em movimento.
- Qualidade e Pureza: O Spray de Sono Lipossomal da VitaminAlly é Vegano, Não-OGM, Sem Glúten, Livre de Principais Alérgenos, Sem Açúcar e não contém Cores ou Sabores Artificiais, além de não ter Aditivos ou Preenchimentos.
1. Sono Reparador: Promove um sono profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
2. Sem Sonolência ao Acordar: A fórmula equilibrada garante que você acorde revigorado, sem a sensação de cansaço.
3. Fácil de Usar: Spray prático que pode ser utilizado em casa ou em viagens, facilitando a rotina de sono.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Composto por ingredientes veganos e não-OGM, ideal para quem busca opções saudáveis.
5. Ajuste ao Fuso Horário: Perfeito para viajantes que precisam se adaptar rapidamente a novos fusos horários.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o frasco antes de usar. Pulverize de 4 a 6 vezes diretamente na boca, 30 minutos antes de dormir. O spray pode ser utilizado também durante viagens para ajudar a regular o sono em novos fusos horários. Evite o uso excessivo e consulte um profissional de saúde se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Gnan reddy –
I’ve been using this sleep spray for a few weeks now, and it’s really helped me wind down at night. The spray is easy to use, just a couple of spritzes under the tongue, and it doesn’t taste bad. I’ve noticed that it makes me feel more relaxed and helps me fall asleep faster, thanks to melatonin, GABA AND L- theanine. I don’t feel groggy in the morning either, which is a huge plus. Overall, this product has been a great addition to my night time routine.
Carol Evers –
The only thing I’ve noticed in using this spray is that it leaves a long-lasting bitter after-taste on my tongue.
anne harvey –
I suffer from insomnia and welcome any natural supplement that can help me fall asleep before 4am every night without morning grogginess. I have a 3 year old that wakes up early, is active and expects me to be active too, so sleeping is something I really need not only for my own health but for my son’s. I have tried many “sleep inducing” supplements and so far none have worked, including melatonin.
So I did hope that the combination of ingredients in this spray would help.
The spray bottle itself is nice quality and sprays easily and evenly. I don’t think the flavor is very strawberry-ish and the initial flavor is not what I would call delicious, but also not horrible. I personally like the after taste strangely enough. I think it’s one of those flavors you can tolerate and maybe enjoy, or just plain dislike.
So effectiveness? Unfortunately none. I have taken the suggested dose of 6 sprays, and then some. When I took this I tried at 10pm, then again at 1am. No sleepiness whatsoever.
The Melatonin content is extremely low per serving (2mg) even being in Liposomal form.
I usually take 15 mg of chewable gummy melatonin which still doesn’t do much. I didn’t realize the low amount until I received the product. As for GABA and L-theanine, these are known to help calm and relax but from my research are not proven to be very instrumental in actually inducing sleep.
So it was worth a try but looking at the ingredients and amounts per serving, I’m not surprised this did not work even with them using the ‘Liposomal technology’. Liposomal means better bioavailability/absorption.
So overall I am a bit disappointed but not surprised. I do think that maybe for someone just looking to relax after a busy day and not fighting insomnia, this might work better since there is less expectation.
I feel bad as this is a small business which I wholeheartedly support, however I must be honest with my review too.
Chebosky –
I typically take 5mg melatonin most nights to help me get sleepy because I tend to have a hard time falling asleep otherwise. Once I’m asleep I don’t usually wake up throughout the night, so I primarily just need something to help me go down. This spray seemed like a nice alternative to avoid having to take tablets or gummies
This has a relatively low dose of melatonin with 2mg per six sprays, but it also contains GABA and L-Theanine. It is non-GMO, sugar free, gluten free, and dairy free so it should be fine for most people with dietary restrictions. It comes out as a fine mist that absorbs quickly using liposomal technology. It has a mild strawberry taste but it doesn’t linger very long
I started with 3 sprays and it did help me get drowsy, but wasn’t as effective as my usual melatonin intake so I went up to the recommended 6 sprays. At that level it did make me sleepy and helped me go down for the night, and it didn’t take long to kick in, probably quicker than tablets or gummies. I like using a spray because I didn’t need to wash it down or have gummy pieces stuck between my teeth
However, this did make me groggy in the morning which I usually don’t experience when just taking melatonin, so I don’t know that this is something I would want to use regularly if I need to get up and moving quickly. With 3 sprays I wasn’t as groggy but it also didn’t help me fall asleep as well, but with 6 sprays I fell asleep easily, but had a hard time getting up in the morning. I will probably use this when I have plenty of time to sleep in and don’t have to be out the door quickly in the morning
Chebosky –
I was disappointed, I have used Liposomal melatonin spray in the past. Unfortunately Solar discontinued their melatonin spray. I was hoping this product would be a good replacement. For starters the spray I ordered did not come in a spray bottle, just a small bottle. . I tried contacting the company via email and did not hear back. I tried adding the substance to my own spray bottle, took the number of sprays suggested and it was not effective.
Anonymous Coward –
I’ve tried plenty of sleep supplements and few of them actually work for me, so when I saw this sleep spray I almost didn’t order it. I regularly take 5mg of melatonin, but have tried doses as high as 12mg. While melatonin generally helps me get to sleep, I often wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep. Gummies, quick dissolve tablets, pills, teas… I’ve tried a lot, but had little success
Each serving is only 2mg of melatonin, so I was surprised to find that a half dose knocked me out. Even when I woke up in the middle of the night, I had no trouble getting back to sleep. The only downside is that I woke up a little groggy–nothing too extreme, but similar to when I take a small dose antihistamine. A cup of coffee and I was good to go and didn’t have any afternoon crashes since I was fully rested.
The strawberry flavor isn’t the best, but it dissipates within 15 seconds or so. I haven’t been rinsing/drinking anything afterwards, but I haven’t really felt the need to. Even if you hate the taste, it’s worth powering through.
While this is pretty pricy, if I can get by using half doses without developing a tolerance I’d definitely get this again. If you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked, take a chance on this. I’m glad I did.
Trinity –
My husband has issues sleeping the night through your product taken as directed helps get him a good nights sleep carol