Precisando de um alívio rápido e refrescante para a região íntima? O Spray Herbal Perineal da Earth Mama é a solução ideal para quem busca conforto durante a gravidez e na recuperação pós-parto. Com uma fórmula que combina hamamélis orgânica revigorante e pepino refrescante, este spray proporciona um efeito calmante e alívio natural após o parto. A embalagem inovadora de cabeça para baixo permite uma aplicação fácil e precisa, alcançando as áreas sensíveis sem esforço.
Este produto é um item essencial para a bolsa de hospital, garantindo que você tenha à mão um alívio imediato após o parto. Borrife quantas vezes for necessário, especialmente após o banho ou uso do vaso sanitário, para um conforto duradouro. O Spray Herbal Perineal da Earth Mama é livre de produtos químicos preocupantes, como conservantes artificiais, fragrâncias, butano, álcool ou benzocaína. Com ingredientes herbais seguros e eficazes, ele é vegano e certificado pela Leaping Bunny, assegurando que nenhum teste em animais foi realizado.
Para um alívio ainda mais refrescante, você pode armazenar o spray na geladeira. Ele também pode ser combinado com o Bálsamo Perineal Orgânico da Earth Mama para um conforto em dobro, funcionando como uma alternativa ao gel de papel higiênico ou como um substituto de lenços umedecidos.
1. Alívio refrescante: Proporciona um alívio imediato e refrescante para a região íntima, essencial durante a gravidez e pós-parto.
2. Fácil de usar: A embalagem de cabeça para baixo facilita a aplicação em áreas sensíveis, garantindo um cuidado suave e eficaz.
3. Essencial pós-parto: Um item indispensável na bolsa de hospital, oferecendo conforto e alívio após o parto.
4. Ingredientes naturais: Com uma fórmula livre de produtos químicos prejudiciais, é feito com ingredientes naturais e orgânicos, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
5. Vegano e certificado: O spray é vegano e possui certificação Leaping Bunny, assegurando que não houve testes em animais durante sua produção.
Agite bem antes de usar. Borrife o Spray Herbal Perineal da Earth Mama na região íntima conforme necessário, especialmente após o banho ou uso do vaso sanitário. Para um efeito refrescante adicional, recomenda-se armazenar o spray na geladeira. Para melhores resultados, combine com o Bálsamo Perineal Orgânico da Earth Mama, garantindo um cuidado completo e eficaz para a sua recuperação.
Isabelle –
First I like to say I have grade 3 hemorrhoids diease complicated daily by IBS symtoms. I am not a good candidate for Hemorrhoidectomy surgery. I have tried most prescription creams on the market and most do a really poor job at shrinking and allievating the pain. Out of sheer desperation, and reviewing previous comments a sprang and purchased earth mama bottom balm, because alot of people said it helps for hemmorrhoids. This product is great, it has worked where all others have failed. I gave this a 4 star rating, which should really be 4.5 stars but that was not an option. I have found the cream works better when kept cold. It has a menthol type of smell, and when applied cold at first gives a cool feeling tham a warm feeling which some how reduces the hemorrhoids and takes away the pain. Depending on how bad my hemorrhoids are on a given day, the results could range from 5 minutes to one hour for resuts. Take in mind most people dont have hemorrhoid disease they just are deal with maybe a single one or two. Also this cream works on both prolasped internal and external ones. For me there is only one negative to this product, which is that after a couple of days I got really itchy in the area where I applied the cream. Since the product works so well, I decided to experiment, I noticed if I applied a very so small amount, that the itching result was drastically reduced but not gone altogether. My conclusion is that since some of the ingredients have flower extracts in them it could be possible that these extracts are causing some type of allergic reation in my body. Since everyone’s body is different and not everyone is allergic to the same things, I cannot possibly say this will happen to anyone. All I am saying is that this side effect, while annoying has is not enough of a deterent for me to stop using a product that works when all else have failed. I have learned that in very small amounts I can achieve the same results and if I get itching in the area I use aquaphor to relieve those symtoms. This product has helped me so much, with mild to medium out breaks. I would reccomend this product highly.
C. Vines –
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Have not yet tried this on my bottom yet but I can’t wait to use it. I love the smell and the texture seems like it will be good to use and soothing too. If you love lavender this is perfect it has just enough of a lavender smell but it’s not overpowering at all.
Elizabeth Devlin –
spray is ok. The cream feels cool and makes you feel better after use. I loved it.
Ashley Bryer –
Honestly the best product for postpartum care! Every first time Mom deserves this product whether you give birth vaginally or not. I suffered second degree tears and experienced a lot of discomfort but this cream soothed me and helped a lot when I was healing and taking care of a toddler at the same time. I went through two jars! The tingling sensation feels so nice and you feel so fresh and soothed and it smells amazing!
Patrick –
Amazing product for postpartum moms! Was my life saver after the birth of my second child!
Allanah –
I loved this alternative to the other perineal sprays on the market. This one has the best scent I’ve found in a spray and instantly soothed my pains. So grateful I found this just in time! I recommend this product.
Isabelle –
I bought this witch hazel-based spray after realizing I hated the Tucks pads provided by the hospital. I think witch hazel spray is much more useful than the rounds! Provides great PP relief and is great for making cooling “padsicles” ahead of time too!
4hisglory –
So calming and soothing after birth. Bottle sprays upside down! Great price for clean and helpful ingredients.
Kahley Heikes –
I like that this is a soothing spray that has clean ingredients. I used this postpartum with both of my kids and would recommend it to someone looking for aftercare postpartum. The price point is great and I think it really helps with the healing process.
Elizabeth Devlin –
This is a must-have for after birth! I bought it before my first birth, but ended up having a csection and didn’t use it. However, when my baby got bad diaper rash I started spraying this on her butt, along with adding diaper rash cream. It helped to clear it up and helped with the pain/burning of the rash. With my 2nd pregnancy, I got hemorrhoids (which I didn’t even know what it was?!) and it helped with the itching and took down the vein swelling to help them go away. After this natural birth (VBAC), I used it once all the cooling pads were used up. When you spray, it’s nice and cooling – don’t spray too much or it will drip. I kind of have to hover and spray but the newer bottles spray at any angle (unlike my first bottle) and that’s so helpful when you can’t move bc your butt is sore. I love the ingredients and how it’s all natural. The smell is so refreshing with cucumber 🥒 and lavender and peppermint. My hemorrhoids lasted after I needed this for my sore and torn vagina so I kept using it until they went away. The Tucks pads are recommended for hemorrhoids but they are just witch hazel and since this has witch hazel as a main ingredient I used it instead and think it worked better! I used about a bottles worth over the course of 6-ish weeks healing and will keep some on hand for the next round of diaper rashes to come. I wouldn’t say there is instant relief – it is cooling but not an intense cool, but the ingredients definitely help your body to heal naturally over time (so there isn’t quite as much instant or immediate pain relief as you might like). I never tried putting it in the freezer like they recommend but I definitely think that would intensify the cooling and relief.