Descrição do Produto: Spray de Garganta Herbal 100% Natural – Suporte Imunológico Natural
O Spray de Garganta Zapper é o seu aliado diário para o suporte imunológico e alívio da dor de garganta. Elaborado com uma mistura potente de ingredientes naturais, este spray é projetado para apoiar a saúde respiratória, reduzir a inflamação e promover o bem-estar geral, fornecendo ao seu corpo as ferramentas necessárias para se manter resiliente contra patógenos. Com uma fórmula que combina a eficácia do Prata Coloidal, a Echinacea, a raiz de Osha e o gengibre, o Zapper não apenas alivia a irritação da garganta, mas também fortalece o sistema imunológico, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e eficaz.
O Spray de Garganta Zapper fortalece seu sistema imunológico com uma combinação de ingredientes naturais. O Prata Coloidal ajuda a combater bactérias nocivas, enquanto a Echinacea estimula a produção de glóbulos brancos para combater infecções. A raiz de Osha e o gengibre apoiam a saúde respiratória, reduzindo a inflamação e promovendo o bem-estar geral. Este spray é livre de álcool, possui um sabor amigável para crianças e não contém açúcares refinados ou ingredientes sintéticos, tornando-o uma opção segura e prática para toda a família.
– Alívio da irritação na garganta e dor de garganta.
– Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico com ingredientes naturais.
– Eliminação do mau hálito, proporcionando frescor.
– Suporte à função respiratória saudável.
– Promoção do bem-estar geral sem adição de conservantes artificiais ou açúcares refinados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o frasco antes de usar. Aplique de 2 a 3 borrifadas diretamente na parte posterior da garganta, até três vezes ao dia, ou conforme necessário. O uso regular do Spray de Garganta Zapper pode ajudar a manter a saúde respiratória e a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, especialmente em períodos de maior exposição a agentes patogênicos. É recomendado que o produto seja utilizado em conjunto com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável para maximizar seus benefícios.
Lisa Heffner –
I bought this on the recommendation of a friend for a dry sore throat. While it did seem to help my cough, I started to look into the ingredients and quickly threw it in the trash. Please do your research on the ingestion of colloidal silver before using this product.
Little Swan –
I have used this spray for about 4 years as recommended by Shelly at Devon, PA Whole Foods! It keeps sore throats at bay! You get that funny feeling at back if throat. Spray. No sore throat the next day. THE VERY BEST! It does not taste good but not bad. Totally worth it.
Janis M. –
I first bought this in desperation for a remedy for my chronic coughing caused by taking medicine that occasionally dries my and particularly when I lay on one side in bed. Just two or three sprays works perfectly for me. I gave my first bottle to my sister to use for her coughing caused by allergies and a dusty work environment and it immediately worked for her too. I attempted to order a second one for me and they were out of stock so I had to order something else which did not work at all. I kept checking to see when this was in stock and was happy when I was able to reorder. My daughter developed a chronic cough that was keeping her from sleeping and I had one delivered to her home, since she lives in another city. She used it as she got in bed and slept through the night without waking up to cough. Her only disappointment was that she could taste licorice which she does not like, but said that because it worked so well, she could overcome the licorice taste.
cch253 –
This throat spray works and it tastes great with an herbal aftertaste. I have tried too many products to recognize only this spray works for me. It was actually my FIL that recommended this awesome throat spray. I keep it next to my bed and in my handbag. I have chronic sore throat and just to share with everyone that I learned sometimes it is the throat, sometimes it’s because of the stiff muscle directly to the back of our neck. If you find the spray doesn’t work, draw an invisible line from where the pain is at your throat and try to loose the muscle in the back. I am currently using the spray and massaging and the pain is going away.
Yes –
Emily G –
I love keeping this throat spray on my nightstand for itchy or irritated throat in the middle of the night. I keep it in my purse during allergy season too. post nasal drip always makes my throat sore and this cuts through that and soothes my throat. helps kill any bacteria and get over sore throat faster too.
Janie Varnadoe –
I love the fact that it has nothing artificial in the ingredients. It taste great and at the first sign of a sore throat i use it and it knocks it out before it gets started good.
Staci D. –
This helped a bit with dryness, but the taste was medicinal and it really didn’t do much. Would not recommend.