Descrição do Produto: Jamieson Melatonin Sleep Spray – Sabor Natural de Menta, 58ml
Em um mundo onde o ritmo acelerado da vida moderna muitas vezes nos priva de uma boa noite de sono, o Jamieson Melatonin Sleep Spray surge como uma solução inovadora e prática. Com um sabor refrescante de menta, este spray de melatonina é formulado para ajudar a melhorar a qualidade do sono e aumentar o tempo total de descanso. Cada dose fornece 1 mg de melatonina em apenas um segundo, tornando-o uma opção ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para adormecer ou que precisam ajustar seu ciclo de sono devido a viagens.
O Jamieson Melatonin Sleep Spray é especialmente eficaz para aliviar a fadiga diurna associada ao jet lag, um problema comum para viajantes frequentes. Ao reduzir o tempo necessário para adormecer, ele ajuda a restabelecer o ciclo natural de sono-vigília do corpo, permitindo que você acorde renovado e pronto para enfrentar o dia. Além disso, sua fórmula é livre de cores e sabores artificiais, garantindo uma experiência mais natural e saudável.
Prático e fácil de usar, o spray é uma alternativa conveniente para aqueles que têm dificuldade em engolir cápsulas ou comprimidos. Seu tamanho compacto o torna perfeito para levar na bagagem de mão, permitindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma solução eficaz para noites mal dormidas, seja em casa ou em viagem.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: A melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
2. Aumento do Tempo Total de Sono: Com a administração rápida do spray, é possível prolongar o tempo de sono, essencial para a recuperação do corpo.
3. Alívio da Fadiga Diurna: Ideal para quem sofre com os efeitos do jet lag, proporcionando energia e disposição ao longo do dia.
4. Fácil de Usar e Transportar: O formato spray é prático, permitindo uma aplicação rápida e sem complicações, perfeito para viagens.
5. Sem Ingredientes Artificiais: A fórmula livre de cores e sabores artificiais garante uma opção mais saudável e natural para o seu bem-estar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o frasco antes de usar. Aplique 1 spray na boca, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes de dormir. Evite ingerir alimentos ou bebidas imediatamente após a aplicação para garantir a máxima absorção do produto. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. O Jamieson Melatonin Sleep Spray é uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca um sono de qualidade e um despertar revigorante.
J Williams –
I bought this to help my 9 yo son get to sleep. He had a very tough time going to bed, sometimes two or three hours tossing and turning, even with a consistent routine. One spritz and a chapter of a story and he’s out like a light. We don’t use it every night, sometimes he asks for it when feeling anxious, and I tell him ill check on him in 15 mins and he will be calm enough with that he will fall asleep. It’s efficacy has also helped him mentally relax enough to sleep,(even on the nights he doesn’t use it, just knowing we have it) which really was the battle. I’ll be re-purchasing when we run out. The cost is great compared to gummies, and I like how you can control the dosage accurately.
Daniella Salomon –
Did not help at all
Nicole Vincent –
Very effective
MeeMee –
I have suffered with insomnia for years, sometimes going 3 days with no sleep despite being dead tired. I did not want prescription strength medication so I tried multiple brands of melatonin tablets. None of them worked for me. I saw this product and thought it looked gimmicky but I had nothing to lose at this point. The reviews looked promising. Well, I can’t thank the company enough for this formulation. I now get between 5-9 hours of mostly uninterrupted sleep per night. It might not work for everyone but for me it is a miracle product. I occasionally get some unusual dreams (not nightmares) but am willing to put up with that over no sleep. Please note that you do need to shake it well before using or it does not work as well. The taste is not the best but it is a small price to pay for a restful sleep. I am so grateful for this product.
Staqui –
Great way to take your melatonin for better sleep. Absorbs really fast. You can feel effect in about 15-20 min. It has a nice taste too. We use it for adults and kids in our family
Pal –
This Jamison Melatonin 1mg Spray works to induce sleep. It sprays very easy use into mouth with a quarter, a half, or a full push on the pump. The top lid is air vacuum secured and frustrating to pull off and put on again. It has a slight minimal sour taste that disappears quickly with a sip of water. One full spray creates and is 1mg of melatonin. Needed 1.5 to 2 sprays about 20 minutes before sleep each night.
It works after lay down. Then 1 more spray upon waking. Taking 3 sprays at once created no diff as still needed another half or full spray later. Same for me with a pill format. More than 3 sprays was doze overload and hard to rise and wear off. Product lasted 60 days.
It worked quickly, consistently, and effectively. Much better then other pill form brands which were not as consistent and strong. However it is more expensive, strong acting. About the same end result as a pill. May or may not use again.
Julia Wiklander –
Sleeping like a queen with this product.
Mike M –
I use a couple of sprays and keep in my mouth 1 minute for fast sublingual absorption.
You can adjust how many melatonin mg with each spray.
MyntFresh –
I suffer from insomnia and some other things that prevent me from falling asleep easily unless I’m exhausted physically and have been awake for a long amount of time. I’ve used and still use various prescribed medications that do the trick but when used several days in a row all end up having diminishing returns. Melatonin pills are lightweight compared to what I use and never did anything for me. I got this spray to try and maybe use as something in addition to the rest, but much to my surprise I’ve found that it works well enough on it’s own. It puts me down FAST. I’m impressed.
I shake the bottle as instructed and use 5 quick sprays. Taste is pleasant. I mean it’s not something I’d want to drink, but it’s definitely not bad and I don’t need to rinse my mouth after. Then again I handle NyQuil just fine too, so your mileage may vary. Suffice it to say it’s not a “strong” taste either way and it doesn’t linger long at all.
I’ve used it several days in a row and it really just knocks me out somewhere between 5-20 minutes each time. It does leave me a bit drowsy in the morning, in the sense that I really don’t wanna get out of bed and I can easily fall back to sleep if I want to. And this is coming from someone who is used to way stronger stuff. That said, once I do push myself and get up there is no lingering drowsiness with or without coffee. A quick shower and I’m wide awake. Again, your mileage may vary here. My gf tried it, loved how quickly it knocked her out (and she’s also used Melatonin pills in the past that didn’t have nearly the same effect), but was very drowsy for a decent amount of time after waking up and therefore will not use it during her work week.
All of this info is based on using 5 sprays. So maybe try 2 or something when you first use it. But for those of you who don’t believe in Melatonin as a sleep aid (like myself prior to this), give this a shot. We’re all different and have different backgrounds, needs, etc. It won’t be for everyone, but my anecdotal experience from 2 people who don’t get much out of “standard” Melatonin pills (various brands/strengths) and have used much stronger prescription medicine as sleep aids, is that this stuff is up there and well worth having. Not to mention it’s super convenient to use.