Descrição do Produto:
O Spray de Óleo de Magnésio Swanson, com a fórmula exclusiva da Dr. Barbara Hendel, é um produto inovador que combina a pureza do magnésio Zechstein com a praticidade de um spray. Com 8 fl oz (237 ml) por frasco e disponível em um pacote com 4 unidades, este óleo é ideal para quem busca alívio muscular, nutrição da pele e redução do estresse. O magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções corporais, incluindo a regulação do sono e a manutenção da saúde muscular. A absorção rápida do produto permite que os usuários sintam os efeitos benéficos quase imediatamente após a aplicação.
O Spray de Óleo de Magnésio Swanson é especialmente formulado para proporcionar um alívio eficaz para músculos cansados e tensos, promovendo uma sensação de relaxamento e bem-estar. Além disso, sua aplicação tópica ajuda a nutrir a pele, deixando-a macia e hidratada. A fórmula é livre de aditivos químicos e é ideal para uso diário, tornando-se uma adição valiosa à rotina de cuidados pessoais. Com a sua origem no leito de sal Zechstein, na Holanda, o magnésio utilizado é de alta qualidade e pureza, garantindo que você receba todos os benefícios desse mineral vital.
– Alívio Muscular Imediato: O magnésio ajuda a relaxar os músculos, aliviando tensões e desconfortos.
– Nutrição da Pele: A aplicação do óleo proporciona hidratação e suavidade à pele, melhorando sua aparência.
– Redução do Estresse: O magnésio é conhecido por suas propriedades calmantes, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e promover um estado de relaxamento.
– Melhora na Qualidade do Sono: O uso regular do spray pode contribuir para um sono mais profundo e reparador.
– Fácil Aplicação e Rápida Absorção: O formato em spray permite uma aplicação prática e a absorção rápida do magnésio pela pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Spray de Óleo de Magnésio Swanson diretamente nas áreas desejadas do corpo, como músculos tensos ou áreas com desconforto. Agite bem o frasco antes de usar e pulverize uma quantidade generosa sobre a pele. Massageie suavemente para facilitar a absorção. Recomenda-se usar o produto à noite para maximizar os benefícios relaxantes e promover um sono reparador. Evite aplicar em áreas sensíveis ou feridas abertas. Para uso diário, a aplicação pode ser repetida conforme necessário, garantindo que você aproveite todos os benefícios do magnésio em sua rotina.
Linda G. Shelnutt –
Since my cat is addicted to this product, I purchased this 64 oz refill for my spray bottles of magnesium chloride brine mined from the Zechstein Seabed buried in pristine antiquity a mile underground in The Netherlands. If you’re interested, Google “ZECHSTEIN” to get to the web site of this hydro-efficient mining process. This product refills the revolutionary Swanson’s Ultra Magnesium Oil 8 fl oz (237 ml) Spray used for transdermal applications (see my review on that Amazon page for insights into causes and cures of magnesium deficiency which is believed by many to be the root factor of most health problems which have names (maybe that should be “pseudonyms”).*
For me, this product’s potency is validated by Arzel’s reaction to it. When I pick up the 8 oz bottle, and spray it into the palm of my hand, Arzel (my tortoise-shell bobtail cat), stations her furry presence at my feet, nosing upward with anticipation. She remains stationary as I rub the liquid (clear brine water with a slightly oily feel) along the fur covering her spine. As anyone knows who has lived with felines, cats do not stand (or sit) still for this type of process. Arzel exits in turbo-activated mode when I open the Clove Oil bottle… with the exception that when she has a snotty eye from an infection, she endures a drop of that oil massaged onto the top of her head (between the ears, not too near the eyes; the aromatic flow carries the essence where needed). She has learned that essential oil of cloves will usually cure an eye cold within hours. But if she doesn’t have a swollen, watery eye, she’ll move away from the burning intensity of concentrated clove oil. Arzel will also endure a sniff of Anise oil if she has an upset tummy… now that I think about it, she will usually snuff at the aroma of Anise even if she feels fine.
An application of Swanson’s Ultra Magnesium Oil will cause Arzel to purr more loudly than under any other circumstances, with the sound fluctuating between deep rumbles and high trills. She not only allows these applications from my initiation; she periodically comes to me for more. What gave me the impulse to try this oil on Arzel was that I had recently noticed her spinal nodes had been more protruded than normal, which to me indicated the possibility of a worm type invasion. I believe that magnesium, among its impressive list or cures (check this vital book for background, The Magnesium Miracle), will remove parasites. Evidently, Arzel knows that. Or, possibly she just likes how the oil feels. As noted above, Mg oil is reputed to cure most ailments (or to prevent them when it’s in adequate supply within the system). It’s also promoted as a natural pain reliever and mood lifter.
I trust Arzel’s reaction in this type of situation. I trust my body’s response to use of this oil (and of Dr. Shealy’s Biogenics Magnesium Lotion; see my review for info on that equally miraculous product).* I trust reviews posted by individuals who have used various magnesium products, and I recommend reading them as well as Googling any related topics your brain might conjure.
* In my review of the lotion hyperlinked in the above paragraph, I featured some of the pros of that product. For the sake of balance, I’ll note a couple advantages of the basic brine with nothing added, over the lotion, with its enhancing ingredients blended into the Mg chloride: 1. I’m comfortable using the basic brine on teeth and gums, as recommended by Dr. Barbara Hensen on the Zechstein web site, and I’m not concerned about working with food when I have residuals of the brine on my hands. 2. I need to have on hand at least one product with nothing added or removed from the naturally occurring, pristine Magnesium Chloride brine water from the Zechstein Seabed. I have no concerns about overdoses or becoming addicted to Magnesium, but the added ingredients could potentially become problematic with extended usage.
You will find on Amazon several helpful products and books related to these issues, including Transdermal Magnesium Therapy and The Magnesium Factor. I plan to get a copies of those books and a few others when they come out on the KINDLE Wireless Reading Device (6″ Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation). I do nearly all my reading on Kindle, as well as the majority of my Google searches (through the ease of Kindle’s free Whispernet using Sprint’s cell tower access).
I recently purchased from Amazon (using my Kindle) 5 extra bottles of the Swanson Ultra 8 oz spray, which had been reduced to the incredible price of $5 @. I keep on hand several of Swanson’s unique spray bottles (their label design and information is appealing, validating, and helpful). Every time I see a sadly debilitated, deathly pale person hobbling along hooked to an oxygen bottle, I wish I could hand him a labeled spray bottle of Zechstein brine water (it wouldn’t be a good idea to approach strangers in this way, but I can post reviews like this one, and I can retain a supply of this product, just in case). If not for what I’ve learned over the past 62 years in studies of herbs, oils, and various home remedies (driven partially by a lifetime of dealing with a hypo-functioning liver), I would be hobbling along, permanently tethered to an O2 bottle… if I could hobble at all.
Thank you, Swanson, for providing some of the best products available for building essential magnesium reserves in the body, and for offering them sometimes at give away prices. I’m hoping to be ready soon to attempt to do justice to a review Dr. Carolyn Dean’s Miracle of Magnesium (linked above), which provides excellent background on why magnesium products like these have become so vital. One of my next Google searches will be on Dr. Barbara Hensen; I’d like to acknowledge her contribution to Swanson offering this product.
With Appreciation,
Linda Shelnutt
Arzel sends purrs!
FAIR HOME POLICY NOTATION: The Shelnutt household is shared with three cats, all loved equally. Ariel and Greasy generally stay in their cozy areas, whereas Arzel often follows my ramblings around the house, which is why she is accessible to sharing my health routines.
Paul M –
Magnesium oil is incredible. I chose this brand but there are others to try as well. Magnesium has sincerely taken me from a feeling that I was going to honestly die prematurely to having lots of energy and new positive outlook on life. I know this sounds like snake oil but you need to investigate deeper about what serious role magnesium has in the body. Say goodbye to chronic back pain, no more hand and feet callouses and hello to skin that looks almost like antiaging medicine has been applied to it, no more acid reflux, no eye twitching, no internal nervousness substituted for a nice zen calmness, constipation gone, and for me big Kahuna was an AFib diagnosis that overwhelmed me enough to find an alternative to what the doctors wanted to do to me. In less than six months I am 99% AFib free, repeat, I am 99% AFib free, AND any AFib episodes I have now are very, very short in duration (seconds) and almost imperceptible. This is opposed to years of long durations(sometime hours) and very noticeable (very pronounced erratic heart beat). They were downright scary to experience and I knew I had no choice but to sign up for the doctors protocol or give it hell trying to find some other thing on my own that could save me from heart attack or stroke. To the readers I probably sound like a quack but I assure you I am not and I know where I am today has only to do with two things. 1. Oral magnesium drink and 2. This oil. They actually are both needed. Important- Don’t take my word on anything I say. You need to educate yourself about the importance of magnesium in the body. There are scores of articles that speak about its importance of magnesium in the body and a huge amount of the American population is chronically deficient in this very vital mineral. If you are one that suffers from AFib not caused by a heart valve issue, you need to get Mag oil and Mag drink into your bodyTODAY! My AFib was really bad and at 58 it was only going to get progressively worse. That is what happens with AFib as you get older. The secret my heart doctor, who was also a friend by the way, did not tell me was to try magnesium supplementation because Magnesium supplementation does not make the hospital or the doctors any money. Magnesium controls calcium levels in the body and controlling calcium is vitally important. The high calcium level in my body was the main driving force in my own accelerated declining. Yet, here I am AFib free for the first time in years. So many positive effects with this downright miracle in the form of a little mineral supplementation. No doctor is going to tell you about Magnesium. You owe it to yourself to at least try magnesium. I encourage the oil and oral forms. Powder drink types over pill supplements. I am 5 months into this supplementation and things are only getting better physically. I am not one to leave feedback but wonders of magnesium supplementation must be shared to as many as possible. Good luck to you all!