Descrição do Produto: Spray de Óleo de Magnésio Puro
Descubra o poder do Spray de Óleo de Magnésio Puro da WALLZON, uma solução inovadora e altamente concentrada que oferece 27mg de magnésio por spray. Este produto é ideal para quem busca um impulso de energia, alívio de dores musculares, redução do estresse e melhora na qualidade do sono. Com uma textura oleosa que é rapidamente absorvida pela pele, o spray é formulado sem aditivos, garantindo uma experiência amigável e sem irritações.
- Spray de óleo de magnésio único para pés e corpo, ultra concentrado, sem aditivos, com textura oleosa, mas de rápida absorção, amigável à pele e sem irritação.
- Aplicação Tópica: O spray de óleo de magnésio WALLZON permite uma fácil aplicação tópica do magnésio, que pode ser absorvido pela pele para melhorar a recuperação muscular e o relaxamento.
- Usos Versáteis: Além de acalmar músculos doloridos, o spray de óleo de magnésio pode ajudar a reduzir o odor corporal, aliviar o estresse, melhorar a qualidade do sono e apoiar o bem-estar geral.
- Spray Conveniente: O spray de óleo de magnésio WALLZON permite obter a quantidade apropriada de óleo de magnésio para aplicação direcionada e cobertura uniforme nas áreas desejadas do corpo.
- Ingredientes Puros: Formulado com apenas dois ingredientes – cloreto de magnésio e água purificada – o spray de óleo de magnésio puro WALLZON é livre de aditivos ou fragrâncias artificiais.
1. Alívio Rápido de Dores Musculares: Ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas, proporcionando recuperação muscular eficaz.
2. Melhora na Qualidade do Sono: Ajuda a relaxar o corpo e a mente, promovendo um sono mais profundo e reparador.
3. Redução do Estresse: A aplicação tópica de magnésio pode ajudar a acalmar a ansiedade e o estresse diário.
4. Controle de Odor Corporal: Contribui para a redução do odor, mantendo a frescura ao longo do dia.
5. Fácil Aplicação e Absorção: A textura do spray permite uma aplicação prática e rápida, sem deixar resíduos pegajosos.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Spray de Óleo de Magnésio Puro WALLZON, aplique de 5 a 10 sprays diretamente nas áreas afetadas do corpo, como músculos doloridos ou pés cansados. Massageie suavemente a área até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Para benefícios adicionais, utilize o spray antes de dormir para promover um relaxamento profundo e melhorar a qualidade do sono. Reaplique conforme necessário ao longo do dia para alívio contínuo e frescor.
Lola –
This is my third or fourth magnesium oil to try, but my first one in spray form. I followed the instructions and used the oil on my feet at night. The first couple of nights I wasn’t sure if it was doing anything, but I did appreciate the little bit of self care right before bed. I have very dry feet so even just as an oil, this felt good. I have a little bit of restless leg syndrome in my calves at night and I feel like this has been helping! Of course it could be the placebo effect, but that’s ok if I feel like it’s making a difference. I will definitely continue to use this nightly!
Elizabeth Brown –
Aún siguiendo las instrucciones el producto quema la piel no lo recomiendo
Justin –
This oil works great! I spray it on my feet before going to bed and it helps to fall sleep. I get some weird dreams (not nightmares) but just extra weird! But I can be relax to sleep and that what I wanted them for! This is a big bottle and the price is very affordable!
kathleen delatte –
The sprayer is defective, so I was unable to use it properly. I had to transfer the oil to another container. Other than that, the oil works very well.
Edwin Ortiz –
This is the first magnesium oil spray I’ve ever used so I can’t compare it to anything, but I really like it! I’ve used it a few times on my sore muscles before I go to bed. I dislike the “salty” feel on my skin so I didn’t keep using it that way. You can wipe it off after 20 or so minutes, but I find that it relaxes me so much that I fall asleep or I just don’t want to get out of bed to rinse it off! It did leave a sort of oily residue on my sheets afterwards when I used it that way. Lately I have been dealing with heart palpitations during the day as a result of stress + being on a stimulant. I’ve started applying a small amount of this on the bottoms of my feet and then putting socks on, and within ~20 minutes I am calmer and the heart palpitations are noticeably reduced or completely gone!
Jeanne Romig –
I spray it on my legs and arms to put magnesium in my body.
Melina –
Really good product
kathleen delatte –
Works great but after a week the sprayer stops working this is my second bottle. It happened both times and I had to put in a new bottle
Scott J. Smith –
I’ve been using magnesium oil spray for a few days now, and while I’ve noticed a slight improvement in muscle relaxation and sleep quality, the spray bottle didn’t work properly. The nozzle got clogged almost immediately, making it difficult to apply the oil. I ended up having to transfer it to a different spray bottle. The product itself seems effective, but the packaging needs improvement. Would still recommend for the benefits, but be prepared for potential issues with the spray mechanism.
Paula M. –
I’m not a scientist. I don’t know much about the periodic table or what certain elements are good for. However, I am a server/bartender and as such I spend a lot of time on my feet, running back and forth from tables to the bar to the kitchen. I’m not young. My job hurts me. My spouse doesn’t do restaurant work, but has a job that demands even more physical exertion per shift. We feel our age after every shift. It’s not fun.
Often we have leg spasms, anxiety, sleeplessness, and other unpleasantness that keeps us awake. So when I read about what magnesium could do to help abate these issues I had to find a product that would be simple enough for us both to use and maybe even revive a bit of life quality for us. I opted for this Pure Magnesium Oil Spray.
As with most oils/sprays, I assumed I would have to apply it in the morning after my shower. Nope. This was a little different. It is suggested you apply it at night… and mostly on your feet. For anyone who has used essential oils before, applying oil to your feet isn’t that strange, so I wasn’t very shocked by this.
Well we both had long difficult shifts the day this product arrived. I simply said “Trust me” and I applied the oil to by partner’s legs and feet and (per request) shoulders. I could see the change in facial expression. It went from agony to confusion. The nagging pain was subsiding that quickly.
I tried it on myself. I basically needed it on my feet and shins/calves. It wasn’t a complete numbing sort of sensation, but the muscles seemed to relax almost immediately.
So this is what magnesium does? Why didn’t I know about this years ago? The fact that this product comes as a convenient spray if fantastic. I was a little concerned about putting oil on my feet because I thought I’d slip on our tiled or hardwood floors, but it penetrated so quickly I didn’t need to worry about it.
Neither of us worked today, so I don’t feel that we need to apply it. But tomorrow we both have long days. This will definitely greet us when we get home. I just couldn’t believe what a difference it made in such a short time span. Who would have thought it?
I can’t speak to some of the other promises espoused on the product’s Amazon page. I have no idea if it will battle fatigue or help with muscle growth. (I sort of doubt it will.) But as a relaxing muscle tension relieving agent, I’m convinced it works.