Descrição do Produto: Spray de Óleo de Magnésio, Grande 12 oz, Puro e Orgânico, Extraído do Antigo Leito Marinho de Zechstein
Descubra o poder do Óleo de Magnésio em spray, uma solução pura e orgânica que vem diretamente do leito marinho de Zechstein, na Holanda. Este produto é uma fonte natural de magnésio, extraído de forma sustentável e sem contaminação, garantindo que você receba todos os benefícios desse mineral essencial. Ao contrário de muitos óleos de magnésio disponíveis no mercado, que são produzidos artificialmente ou extraídos de fontes poluídas, nosso óleo é 100% puro e não diluído, oferecendo uma experiência superior e eficaz.
- ➢ Fonte Natural – Nosso óleo de magnésio puro é extraído naturalmente na Holanda e trazido à superfície como uma salmoura de alta qualidade. Muitos outros produtos são feitos a partir de ácido clorídrico e água, ou de corpos d’água poluídos. Não se deixe enganar: nem todos os óleos de magnésio são iguais! Conheça a origem do seu magnésio!
- ➢ 100% Puro, Não Diluído e Eficaz – Ao contrário de outros, não adicionamos ingredientes ou enchimentos para melhorar o aroma do nosso magnésio. Nossa fórmula é a mais pura, sem água ou outros ingredientes que “amenizem” a coceira, como afirmam outros produtos. Obtenha mais valor pelo seu dinheiro e dilua nosso óleo puro de magnésio conforme necessário.
- ➢ Não Processado – Nosso óleo de magnésio transdérmico nunca foi processado e não requer limpeza, vindo diretamente da única fonte do mundo de cloreto de magnésio naturalmente ocorrente, que nunca foi tocada pela poluição – o leito marinho de Zechstein, na Holanda.
- ➢ Absorção Rápida – O nosso óleo de magnésio tópico é melhor aplicado na pele para uma rápida absorção. A via transdérmica é a maneira ideal de repor os níveis celulares de magnésio. Quando os suplementos de magnésio são tomados por via oral, a absorção pelo corpo não é eficiente e doses mais altas podem causar diarreia e outros problemas intestinais. Nosso óleo de magnésio não é pegajoso e não deixa resíduos brancos na pele.
- ➢ Alívio Rápido para Músculos Doloridos e Cãibras! – Recomendado por profissionais de saúde. A maioria das pessoas é deficiente em magnésio! Experimente nosso Óleo de Magnésio hoje e desfrute de uma vida mais saudável!
1. Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato para dores musculares e cãibras, ideal para atletas e pessoas com estilo de vida ativo.
2. Absorção Eficiente: A aplicação tópica permite uma absorção rápida e eficaz, superando as limitações dos suplementos orais.
3. Pureza Garantida: Com 100% de pureza, sem aditivos ou contaminantes, você pode confiar na qualidade do produto.
4. Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Ao contrário de suplementos orais, não causa desconforto intestinal, tornando-se uma opção segura para todos.
5. Fácil de Usar: A aplicação em spray torna o uso prático e conveniente, podendo ser utilizado em qualquer lugar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o spray de óleo de magnésio diretamente na pele, focando nas áreas afetadas por dor ou tensão muscular. Agite bem antes de usar e aplique uma quantidade generosa, massageando suavemente até que o produto seja absorvido. Para uma experiência mais suave, você pode diluir o óleo com um pouco de água, se necessário. Utilize diariamente ou conforme necessário para aliviar a tensão muscular e repor os níveis de magnésio em seu corpo.
cpt –
Works good
Beach Girl –
I started doing research on heart arrhythmia/palpitations, and repeatedly found magnesium listed as a natural facilitator of heart health. I was surprised to come across so much information that firmly stated that the general population is deficient in magnesium, and this deficiency can cause a host of problems. It would be readily processed by the body…if it were actually available to us. But our soil is now void of minerals, as is most non-organic, over-processed food we eat. We don’t swim in the ocean enough to absorb it. Supplementing with vitamins is generally pointless and a waste of money. Traditional “vitamins” are processed and/or comprised of petroleum derivatives. The RDA numbers are calibrated to meet standards, but the body does not recognize petrochemicals as food, and most of it is flushed from the body (and probably causes more harm than good). I was interested in magnesium for heart and nerve function support, but there are so many bonuses that truly benefit the entire body as well as emotional health. My goal was to find a good food-based supplement, and pair that with an oil that could be absorbed through the skin. My research led to this particular magnesium oil. While I strive to find organic products whenever possible, I noticed that none of the organic-labeled products I scanned indicated that the magnesium was organic – only the additives. I also wanted a pure magnesium spray without fillers. This particular spray oil caught my attention because it is sourced in the Netherlands from a deep sea bed and unadulterated with processing or additives. I take about 400mg in food-based supplement and 100mg in Naturally Sourced Best Magnesium Spray daily. I like to use the spray before sleep to help deepen and improve the quality of my sleep. Spraying the soles of the feet is a classic application, but I didn’t want to risk walking around the house with it on my feet, nor was I convinced my soles had enough surface area to get a good dose. So I’ve been spraying it on my stomach, and find it can be fairly well rubbed in without remaining sticky or wet. It does not seem to stain sheets or clothing, and is virtually odorless. I read a lot of reviews that cited itchiness at application site, but I have experienced no such reaction. I have also started spraying it on sore joints and muscles, as magnesium has the benefit of relaxing muscle and nourishing bone. It also reduces lactic acid buildup in muscle. A few times I ran out of my food-based supplement and realized I could get my full daily dose with the spray alone. The bottle indicates 20 sprays is the equivalent of 400mg, so I used 25 sprays to approximate a 500mg dosage. As for results, the calmness in my heart is a welcome relief, and the quality of my sleep has been excellent. I haven’t experienced any middle-of-the-night insomnia since beginning magnesium. There are far too many benefits to list here, and it is amazing to think so much can be accomplished with one mineral, yet we are all deficient in it.
A.Salib –
After doing some research on the benefits of magnesium. I bought my frist bottle of Kaiame natural magnesium oil about 2 month ago based on the reviews and since I didn’t want to take the Magnesium tablets that I bought weeks earlier and was concerned about another huge size tablet going through my digestive system that I have been attempting to clean up by switching to organic foods, jucing, fermented fruits and veggies Etc.
After years of taking a lot of pain medications to treats a severe condition of arthritis, lower back and left hip problems that caused a Havoc on my digestive tracts and that’s when I decided to look for other natural remedies to help with my condition and to ease the pains. The first day I sprayed the Kaiame Magnesium oil on my lower back and hip I noticed that the pain from the tension and the stiffness in my leg muscles were gone/ subsidized also my hip felt more flexible and not bone on bone grinding. Thereafter. I sprayed more of the Magnesium oil on my upper back and neck and shoulder to ease the pain associated with a herniated disc in my neck and again I felt relieve within minutes from spraying the oil. I have been using the oil every day since then and the daily results are still the same as the first day I sprayed it on my aching muscles and herniated joints and bad hip; finally there’s a light at the end of the tunnel no more pain medicine, anti-inflammatory that wreaks havoc on my digestive tracts and organs and doesn’t even treat the symptoms, but now I know that by using magnesium oil that it does my whole body good as it takes care and directs the calcium in the body by getting rid of Calsuim deposits that causes calcification at the hip joints, knees, joints and arteries where the blood can run clogging free of calcium deposits. I like and believes in the Kaiame Oil that I recommend it to my girlfriend who also started using it and I even recommended to my 92 years old neighbor who suffers from heart and arthritis problems, also she loves it and she told me to get her more before she runs out because she doesn’t know how to use internet so I ordered 3 more bottles last week. I like the fact that its pure, has no bad smell, not greasy and doesn’t stain and most of all I like the fact that it works for me. The miracle of magnesium and the magic of Kaiame Magnesium Oil that works like magic on my body.
Magnesium for me is a safe sure choice based on my on line research because of its huge benefits as an essential mineral for heart health ,as the heart has the highest magnesium requirement of any organ. It also functions as an electrolyte, which is crucial for all electrical activity in the body as magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body. Magnesium is by far the most important mineral in the body, After oxygen, water, and basic food. I for myself got to feel the benefits of magnesium and its effects on my body as I started to sleep better after spraying magnesium oil before bedtime also it helped with my digestive system now I move my bowels two times a day minimum where I used to only go once every two days therefore I can say I lost at least 15 lb in the last 2 months as magnesium helped my body get rid of all the toxins in my colon. I also found that I have to increased my intake of calcium because calcium to magnesium ratio is 2 – 1 .; so I started taking a spoonful of powder calcium equal to 1000 mg, which I make by grinding the eggshells of pasture organic chicken. I I also found out that I have to take B6 vitamin supplements in order for the magnesium to work better, and also that I need to take D3 and K2 so that all 4 Magnesium – Calsuim- D3- K2 work in conjunction with each other.
Yeranouhie D. –
I love ❤️ it for muscle pain aches. it doesn’t stain any clothes. I use it at night time love it I highly recommend it Keep up the good work Thank you 💯
Wildflower –
I have no doubt this is a quality product, but it’s just too oily in consistency for me. I’ve used other brands that were advertised as less oily and less irritating (granted that probably equates to being more diluted), but they worked better for my needs as I didn’t feel slick and oily and wasn’t worried about it absorbing into my clothes vs. waiting around a long time for this to absorb. I’m going to try mixing this with a little water to adjust the consistency. I’ve only taken off 1 star for that because, well, this is called magnesium OIL afterall, lol. Also, I don’t generally have sensitive skin, but this stuff is a bit stronger and thus a bit more irritating. Be sure to heed the warnings and never use magnesium oil of any kind/brand on freshly shaved or irritated skin or you’ll be in a world of burning and stinging unpleasantness for a few minutes. However, that is nothing against this particular product as they will all irritate to some degree on sensitive skin areas. As I said, this is a high quality product and I can personally attest to how well magnesium works for stress/anxiety and sleep (it’s a lifesaver in those ways), but this particular one was just too oily for my needs.
I love my copper vessel. It’s so easy to use and the cleaning instructions are extremely helpful. –
This product is very difficult for me to use. It leaves my feet feeling very sticky and has made my feet peel. It’s is useful on other parts of my body. I am a little disappointed with the results.