Descrição do Produto: BetterYou Magnesium Oil Body Spray
O BetterYou Magnesium Oil Body Spray é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para quem busca suporte na recuperação muscular natural e na função do corpo. Este spray corporal é formulado para ser absorvido rapidamente pela pele, permitindo que o magnésio penetre nas camadas dérmicas e atue de forma eficaz. O magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na absorção de cálcio, na redução da fadiga e no impulso das funções fisiológicas normais. Ao aplicar o spray, você proporciona ao seu corpo uma dose concentrada de magnésio, que ajuda a revitalizar e restaurar a energia após atividades físicas intensas.
Após um treino extenuante, o BetterYou Magnesium Oil Body Spray se torna seu aliado perfeito. Ele não apenas ajuda a aliviar a fadiga e a dor muscular, mas também promove a recuperação e o reabastecimento dos músculos. A combinação de mentol e óleo de eucalipto proporciona um efeito refrescante e uma leve sensação de calor, acelerando a regeneração dos músculos doloridos. Isso é especialmente benéfico para quem busca manter a flexibilidade e a função articular regular, garantindo uma noite de sono reparadora.
A BetterYou se orgulha de criar produtos que atendem a todos os estilos de vida. Com uma formulação natural, mineral e à base de vitaminas, este spray é dermatologicamente testado e adequado para peles sensíveis, além de ser aprovado por pediatras para a pele dos bebês. Livre de óleo de palma e totalmente vegano, o BetterYou Magnesium Oil Body Spray é uma escolha consciente para quem busca qualidade e eficácia em seus cuidados diários.
– Absorção Rápida: O spray se dissolve facilmente na pele, garantindo uma entrega eficaz de magnésio.
– Alívio da Fadiga Muscular: Ideal para recuperação pós-exercício, ajudando a relaxar músculos tensionados.
– Redução da Dor Articular: A combinação de mentol e eucalipto proporciona alívio imediato para dores musculares e articulares.
– Apoio à Saúde Óssea: Melhora a absorção de cálcio, contribuindo para ossos mais fortes.
– Produto Dermatologicamente Testado: Seguro para peles sensíveis e aprovado para uso em bebês.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o BetterYou Magnesium Oil Body Spray diretamente nas áreas afetadas, como músculos cansados ou articulações doloridas. Agite bem antes de usar e pulverize uma quantidade generosa sobre a pele limpa e seca. Massageie suavemente para facilitar a absorção. Para um efeito ainda mais relaxante, utilize após o banho ou antes de dormir. Recomendamos o uso diário para maximizar os benefícios do magnésio e promover uma recuperação muscular eficaz.
Pastor –
I like it so far only tried out twice and it seem to work
Jennifer R. Parks –
I had a horrible reaction and had to call 911. My BP went through the roof within just a few minutes of application. I almost passed out and my heart was racing and beating so fast. I am not sure what caused it or if there are any additives, but I will never try a product like this again.
Anita Moore –
I got this to help with leg cramps at night. I have honestly noticed a reduction in the number of times I wake up with them. I put it on the bottom of my feet and cover with socks before laying down. Good product I will continue to use.
Lili B –
I had been having issues going to and staying asleep after recovering from a bad cough. I was a zombie and was willing to try just about anything. I had read someone’s recommendation to spray this on your feet before bed but l was skeptical. I had tried magnesium pills but those worked with unpleasant side effects. This spray helped me fall asleep more quickly and l slept through the night the very first night. I am on day 4 and same result every night. I felt very well rested and do not seem to have any negative side effects. I wore fuzzy socks on my feet to avoid getting any oil on my sheets. And l don’t even care if it does end up staining my sheets since the trade off is getting much needed rest! I highly recommend it to anyone who needs help staying asleep. Note: l believe l have sleep apnea and at the very least have a hard time ‘shutting down my brain’ at night. I even stopped tossing and turning. I don’t know how this spray works, all l know is that it DOES!
Akshay solanki –
Fast delivery nice product
S. Sanders –
My son’s toes felt like they were “twisting” during swim team. I heard about this spray and he uses it on his feet before swim team practice. He said it helps a lot!
charlotte –
Really impressed, first time using a magnesium spray and I’ve used it on me and my partner. As directed, after showering at night have sprayed on bottom of feet and massaged the excess up legs (I put socks on to help it soak in). I’ve now used it 3 nights in a row.
Main difference for me is I’ve fallen asleep very quickly, I’m normally quiet anxious and think about everything while trying to get to sleep, but that’s stopped and reviewing my Apple Watch stats ive fallen asleep quickly and had longer and deeper sleep.
Whats worth noting is that the recommended daily amount of magnesium is around 300mg for adults. I’m using about 5sprays (100mg) and taking a multivitamin that contains 100mg so I’m using this as a top up to diet and supplement. I think 10 sprays is quite a lot of oil to use to achieve 200mg.
I also think you’d need to use this consistently for a few nights rather than judging it on one night… it needs time for your body to be able to start using it.
Dick & Joan –
This spray leaves a sticky moisture like film on the skin which also rubbed onto the bed sheets. I didn’t notice a difference in better sleep. Also didn’t realize this is not returnable!
Amy Satterfield –
This is a great product and it does work to help alienate pain in sore muscles, but it is not a miracle spray! Keep your expectations at an achievable level and you will be very, very pleased with this product. It is perfect for when you wake up in the middle of the night with stiff/sore joints! I spray this on and massage it in and I am able to fall back asleep much easier. That is why I bought it in the first place, after hearing it was good for pains. I will likely continue to purchase and keep this in my medicine cabinet.
brittni –
I wanted to love this product so bad. I’m 35 weeks pregnant, having aversions to pill so this seemed like the perfect solution…..It stings so bad when used on legs. Not even with open cuts, it gives me rashes and burns. I’m so sad