Sports Shot: Alívio Instantâneo de Cãibras Musculares
ALÍVIO RÁPIDO: O Sports Shot é a solução ideal para quem sofre com cãibras musculares. Com uma fórmula natural de limão, este produto é capaz de prevenir e aliviar cãibras em segundos, proporcionando um alívio eficaz que pode ser sentido em apenas 30 segundos a 2 minutos. Ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas, o Sports Shot é um aliado indispensável para quem busca desempenho sem interrupções.
PRATICIDADE EM QUALQUER LUGAR: Cada embalagem contém 15 sachês práticos, que são fáceis de transportar. Não é necessário misturar ou preparar, basta abrir o sachê e consumir diretamente. Isso torna o Sports Shot perfeito para ser levado em treinos, competições ou até mesmo em passeios, garantindo que você esteja sempre preparado para enfrentar qualquer cãibra que possa surgir.
FÓRMULA NATURAL: O Sports Shot é feito com ingredientes 100% naturais, sem adição de conservantes ou substâncias artificiais. É uma opção vegana e sem glúten, ideal para quem busca um produto saudável e eficaz. A combinação do sabor refrescante de limão com a eficácia do alívio de cãibras faz do Sports Shot uma escolha saborosa e funcional.
TESTADO E APROVADO: O Sports Shot é utilizado por atletas profissionais e amadores em todo o mundo. Cada lote é rigorosamente testado para garantir a segurança e a eficácia do produto, proporcionando confiança a quem o utiliza. Com a garantia de qualidade, você pode se concentrar no que realmente importa: seu desempenho.
DESENVOLVIDO NO BRASIL: Produzido com os mais altos padrões de qualidade, o Sports Shot é desenvolvido por especialistas em nutrição esportiva, garantindo que cada sachê contenha a dose ideal para o alívio e prevenção de cãibras musculares.
- Alívio rápido e eficaz de cãibras musculares em segundos.
- Fácil de transportar e consumir em qualquer lugar.
- Fórmula totalmente natural, vegana e sem glúten.
- Produto testado para segurança e eficácia, ideal para atletas.
- Desenvolvido com rigorosos padrões de qualidade no Brasil.
Elle –
Does not taste like pickle juice. It is sweet and tastes like strong chemicals. Almost made me vomit. There are better ones out there- I didn’t need the torture from this one. Returned the remainder of the product.
Blessed Duo –
On my first ride in over two years, I started cramping. I thought I was well hydrated, but cramped up anyway. Luckily, I had one of these pouches in my pocket. I pulled over and slammed one down (which I do not recommend!!!). The juice is really strong and tart and will make you gag. Take it slowly and in moderation, due to the strength of the juice. As advertised, in no time, the cramps went away and did not return for the rest of the ride (which was another 35 miles). I truly believe in this product and even recommended it to my sister, who suffers from regular leg cramps. Once she tried these, the cramps went away, so she makes it a practice of keeping this around her house. It definitely works as advertised.
Karen –
I tend to cramp a lot and find that these little packets work perfectly. They are easy to carry on a plane where you have size restrictions on bottles, and seating comfort. I will take an entire box of them and spread them throughout my luggage, bags and pockets. One time, I ordered a box of them and had it shipped to my destination. What a convenience! Needless to say, the product works well in stopping cramping. I also make sure I hydrate while traveling, preferring water, whether hot or cold, rather than coffee, tea, or alcohol. By the way, they do taste like hell no matter what the flavor. But I would rather endure a minute of bitter taste rather than an endless round of cramping!
Amazon Customer –
When I received the product the box containing the actual product was damp, so in further investigation there were some of the packages punctured. So, I really didn’t get all the packets that I paid for!!
Sean33Negz –
After suffering from cramp issues for years on the tail end of long cycling days (sometimes cutting the day short), I had tried just about every product to help. I found a lot of products that helped, but nothing really worked. I stumbled on Cramp Fix at a century ride last year and bought a box as soon as I got home. It really works within seconds. Yes, the flavor is powerful, but I don’t care. If it means no cramps to finish a ride I’ll deal with it. Plus, for me it doesn’t taste bad, just strong.
Melissa Booth Hall –
This stuff is so spicy, it’s dangerous. No joke. Should be banned by CPSC or FDA. I’m a cyclist and tested this out on a routine training ride. So strong that it made me gag and vomit. My eyes watered. It literally burned my lips. Thought I might crash. I say this as someone who likes Thai food as spicy as anyone will serve it and treats Tapitio like ketchup. I used Hot Shot for years — this is like 10x by comparison. Do not buy this because Pickle Juice is out of stock. In fact, just do not buy this.
Decaturranger –
Helps me with post workout cramps, and I mean bad ones. I have used it for 2 weeks instead of pickle juice
Fantastic so far
MJ –
Straight pickle juice can’t come close to this cramp remedy. Most awful tasting shot but brings instant relief. After weeks of painful, nightly leg and foot cramps I tried this product one night and the cramps stopped within seconds. No reoccurrence for 3 weeks. Second time I convinced myself to get past the awful, burning taste in the back of the throat for the freedom from an incessant cramp that would only get worse. Relief within 10 seconds. Gets my endorsement. First relief I’ve found.