Produto Importado dos EUA

Spencer’s Gel Fórmula Alcalina (120 ml) – Certificado em Laboratório para Eliminar Staph aureus em Contato com a Pele

*R$209.42 Em até 6x de R$34.90 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$34.90 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$209.42 sem juros2x de R$104.71 sem juros3x de R$69.81 sem juros4x de R$52.36 sem juros5x de R$41.88 sem juros6x de R$34.90 sem juros

O Spencer’s Gel Alkaline Formula (4 oz) é um produto certificado em laboratório para eliminar a bactéria Staphylococcus aureus em contato com a pele. Suas principais características incluem uma fórmula alcalina em gel e um tamanho de 4 oz. Os benefícios deste produto são a eficácia comprovada na eliminação da bactéria e a facilidade de uso.

(8 avaliações de clientes)
Spencer's Gel Fórmula Alcalina (120 ml) - Certificado em Laboratório para Eliminar Staph aureus em Contato com a Pele *R$209.42 Em até 6x de R$34.90 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$34.90 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$209.42 sem juros2x de R$104.71 sem juros3x de R$69.81 sem juros4x de R$52.36 sem juros5x de R$41.88 sem juros6x de R$34.90 sem juros

Este produto foi criado para uso por indivíduos com feridas abertas de Staph ou MRSA ou foliculite. O gel não é um preventivo para Staph ou MRSA, nem deve ser usado como um limpador antibacteriano. Ele foi projetado para problemas de pele pré-existentes causados por bactérias que amam ácido. Ele reduz a acidez, permitindo que o sistema imunológico combata as bactérias e permita que o corpo se cure. Você ficará surpreso com a rapidez com que verá resultados – às vezes até mesmo dentro de horas. Concentrado de alta alcalinidade (não cáustico), óleo de citros orgânico como fragrância. A consistência é de um gel muito fino, feito para espalhar uma camada fina sobre a pele. Não irrita nem mesmo as áreas mais sensíveis da pele. Ajudando as pessoas desde 2004. A embalagem ou rótulo do produto pode variar ligeiramente da imagem.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

1. Eficácia comprovada: A fórmula alcalina do gel Spencer’s é certificada em laboratório para matar Staph aureus em contato com a pele. Isso significa que você pode confiar na eficácia do produto para tratar feridas abertas causadas por essa bactéria.

2. Resultados rápidos: Com o gel Spencer’s, você poderá ver resultados surpreendentes em um curto período de tempo. Algumas pessoas relatam melhorias visíveis em apenas algumas horas após a aplicação.

3. Seguro para todos os tipos de pele: O gel Spencer’s é formulado para ser não irritante, mesmo para as áreas mais sensíveis da pele. Isso significa que você pode usá-lo com confiança, sabendo que não causará desconforto ou irritação.

4. Fragrância agradável: Ao contrário de muitos produtos medicinais, o gel Spencer’s possui um aroma agradável de óleo de citros orgânico. Isso torna a aplicação do gel uma experiência mais agradável e agradável.

5. Recomendado pela Vitaminer Shop: A Vitaminer Shop é uma loja confiável e respeitada, e eles recomendam o gel Spencer’s por sua eficácia e qualidade. Ao comprar este produto, você pode ter certeza de que está adquirindo um produto confiável e de alta qualidade.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para usar o gel Spencer’s, aplique uma camada fina sobre a área afetada da pele. Espalhe suavemente até que o gel seja absorvido. Repita o processo duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite, até que a pele esteja curada. Evite o contato com os olhos e mantenha fora do alcance das crianças. Se ocorrer irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico.

8 avaliações para Spencer’s Gel Fórmula Alcalina (120 ml) – Certificado em Laboratório para Eliminar Staph aureus em Contato com a Pele

  1. EJG

    The product seems good. Unlike some of that I got complaints about it thickness or thickness, it doesn’t smell bad it doesn’t burn. It definitely stops the itching…, i’ll have to wait and see if it solves the problem. I was just nervous to use any of the over-the-counter stuff because it’s a crapshoot.

    Some of the products are were looking at I did want to buy. They seem like they would be better, but the price was just off the charts for such a small amount.

  2. James Ranger

    My family has found this to be very helpful. I will always keep Spencer’s Gel in our home.

  3. James Ranger

    Noticed results after one application. Bumps reduced in size, flattened. None of them have white heads anymore. None of them are sore anymore. No new sores after a sweaty day at work. Wish I found this product sooner.
    Also smells nice.

  4. Rachael Lackey

    I really wanted this to work on my staph infection on my face but it hasn’t and it’s been two weeks. If anythinf it feels like it spread more. It burns after it sits and drys on my skin after 20 mins so not sure if I’m allergic or not. I wish I could get my money back 😪

  5. Rebecca Stenberg

    I had an infected tattoo, went to the ER, everything. This product was the only thing that stoped the itching, burning of this painful large price of my thigh. It was able the balance the PH of the skin, and not dry out the tattoo. I healed much better than I thought. 10/10 would recommend to everyone

  6. Rebecca Stenberg

    Works good

  7. Andrew

    Honestly, I was a bit worried because I tend to only like products with lots of reviews, but after one day of trying this, I’ve been BLOWN away. I’ve had mrsa infections around my body and there were small sores leaking on my scalp, thigh and back and the instructions on the bottle made it seem like the gel had to be on the wound 24/7. But it’s really not, the first day, I went outside, stripped down to my underwear to expose the sores all over my body, I “liberally” applied the gel on the open sores and waited for them to get absorbed. I was a bit worried that it the wound wasn’t “covered” 24/7 that it wouldn’t heal but it’s actually not a big deal.

    My sores are small and all over so it’s a bit difficult to use gauze pads and tape them on the parts of my body that move a lot and experience lots of friction like my hips, back and under thigh. But I’m super glad it all worked out, my first day I applied the gel outside to let it absorb and it dried up super quickly, it also made the sores less “leaky” once the gel dried. Although the smell was strong, I made sure to take a shower and clean myself to make sure the gel was easily absorbed. The smell is kind of strong and heavy, but once you’ve spent months of stubborn open skin wounds, ALL you want is relieve and healing. So the smell was nothing compared to what I had to experience with my skin infection.

    And I also went theough multiple rounds of antibiotics before I started this gel, the antibiotics would either not help or help a little before the infection would spread again. So I decided to rely on my instincts and search for natural products that didn’t have problems with “super bugs”

    So far, it’s been one day, and the healing is astonishing. I’m already seeing NEW skin forming, I feel so relieved after applying the gel knowing that my skin has a more alkaline environment in which the infection will have a tougher time surviving on my skin and spreading.

    The pros are that it works SUPER facts, I was surprised with the results as it said on the bottle, dries super fast so that I don’t have to worry about keeping it on my body, covering it with a gauze and worrying about staining.

    The smell is a bit on the strong side but it’s COMPLETELY worth it, seriously man, after months of stubborn skin infections that antibiotics rarely helped and you just spending a few days smelling like bleach and probably like feet(just what this gel smells like for me but it will probably smell different for you). 2-3 days max, oh god it’s 100% worth it, having a bottle you can always rely on right in your fingertips ready to use at home rather than wait for your doctors appointment and dealing with the chances of having those “super bugs” that make you have to go back and forth from the doctor. Just take Spencer’s gel seriously, I’m thankful I went with my gut and took this stuff. If you’re still wondering if this works TAKE IT, the gel lasts. Liquids in bottles run out quickly, but this gel stuff, you use all of it respurceful so it lasts a long time. I use the gel tk cover like my whole body and its probably lasted a week, im amazed everyday at the healing. It’s so much faster than antibiotics, it kicked in the next day. Might be different for you though but im sure it’ll work.

    I’ve also taken spencers gel with some other stuff too, I’ve taken colloidal silver orally (10 ppm) but Im taking 500 ppm for the stronger effects and testing it on my wounds also, having it circulate around my body to speed up the healing process. The gel is defenitely working, one thing i’ve noticed is that the wounds that are more exposed heal faster wheread the ones that are covered with a scab take a bit longer, maybe because the gel takes time to penatrate through that scab. So I usually take a shower, and then apply the gel when the scabs on the infecrion are washes away. I’m kind of crying right now because i’ve tries countless natural products and am soo thankful for one that worms now, my skin is COMING BACK!!! I feel so blessed, Finally i can relax and not be stressed, worried and anxious about my skin. Overall sarisfied, will defenitelt buy the bigger bottle. Take care 😉

  8. Dreamer

    I’ve been battling a pretty bad MRSA staph infection under my arm for almost two weeks now so I thought I’d give this a try. It just arrived today and I have already applied the first application (picture is what my sore is looking like prior to the application). Right off the bat, the citrus smell is STRONG. I don’t hate it, but I’m also not a huge fan of using a lot of citrus oils on my skin. Additionally, though it says it does not burn, it really does burn quite a lot. I originally I had applied a generous amount to a gauze pad and had that banged over my wound as suggested for one of the uses. However, it burned way too much so I have since removed that dressing and will just be using this in between my prescribed antibiotic ointment dressing changes. Will update if I see any results.

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