O suplemento de fibra Species Nutrition Fiberlyze é à base de Psyllium e possui características e benefícios importantes. Ele ajuda a promover a saúde digestiva, auxilia na regularidade intestinal e contribui para a sensação de saciedade. Além disso, o Fiberlyze é solúvel em água, fácil de consumir e pode ser adicionado a bebidas ou alimentos.
O Fiberlyze se destaca por sua potência, sendo 8 vezes mais eficaz que a aveia, o que o torna uma escolha superior para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de fibras. A maioria das pessoas não consome a quantidade adequada de fibras em sua dieta, e o uso diário deste suplemento pode ajudar a eliminar toxinas do corpo, melhorando a saúde intestinal e reduzindo problemas como constipação e inchaço. Com dois sabores deliciosos, manga e ponche de frutas, o Fiberlyze é uma opção saborosa e livre de açúcar, glúten e gordura, garantindo que o consumo de fibras não seja apenas benéfico, mas também prazeroso. A qualidade do produto é garantida, com ingredientes selecionados para máxima eficácia e segurança.
1. Potência Superior: Fiberlyze é 8 vezes mais potente que a aveia, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para a ingestão de fibras.
2. Eliminação de Toxinas: Ajuda a remover resíduos do corpo, aliviando problemas como constipação e inchaço.
3. Saúde Digestiva: Promove a regularidade intestinal, contribuindo para um sistema digestivo saudável.
4. Sensação de Saciedade: Auxilia no controle do apetite, ajudando na gestão de peso.
5. Sabor Agradável: Disponível em sabores deliciosos, tornando o consumo de fibras uma experiência prazerosa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de sopa de Fiberlyze em 240 ml de água fria ou em sua bebida favorita. Recomenda-se o consumo uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio. É fundamental beber bastante água ao longo do dia para auxiliar na digestão e na absorção adequada da fibra. Não exceda a dose recomendada para garantir a eficácia e segurança do produto.
Kent –
Dont buy from here it’s a rip off. Good product but buy direct. Was charged $136 for 1 x 360 grams, bought 4 x 360gr direct from the USA for $200
JR S. –
This has to be the worst product description and product I have ever purchased on Amazon. The container is literally 2/3 empty when open, it arrives in a big plastic container to make it seem you are getting more of the product. When you combine water with the product (one scoop) it doesn’t even dissolve in the water or liquid and remains lumpy and the color is awful brown, very unappetizing. Then the flavor “fruit punch” what a joke, no flavor what so over and the fruit punch color is brown! This product should be removed from Amazon for marketing scam! Save your money it is not worth it!
Kate –
It seems that the contents are good based on the ingredients. The problem is that is lumpy. I’ve tried 6oz. 8oz. Warm water, cold water. I put it in a plastic container and stir heavily with a small whip, shake it, then suck it up a straw as fast as I can, stopping to stir and smash, several times, constantly trying to un lump the lumps. The flavor is unique, but it’s drinkable.
Peter Casias –
The absolute best quality fiber PERIOD! I am a personal trainer with people constantly asking me about gut issues. I am always recommending this product and it works for everyone! Its more then just fiber its a healer!
AmberJo –
No complaints, really enjoy this product. Though one thing, if you leave sit in water for more than a few mins it turns into like an applesauce texture.
Chuck –
I was a bit skeptical because the previous reviews said it was clumpy and had the texture of apple sauce. If you let it sit too long it definitely will turn thick. Regular psyllium husk also does this. This is not a drink to sip on or take your time with. Also, you need plenty of water as with any fiber supplement.
With that said it get’s 4 stars. Here’s why.
Pros- Flavor was good, mixed well, produced a huge you know what this morning.
Cons- Product image says it contains hemp but it no longer does. The new label gets rid of hemp and adds corn bran. Also, in comparison to other brands, which may or may not be as good, $24 is a lot for fiber. You don’t get much product and if you take 1-2 scoops twice a day you will burn through this very quickly.
Alex Shaw –
This is my all time favorite supplement. One scoop before bed, and the doodoo basically falls out the next morning. Soft, formed, and basically no mess (1 tissue is all you need). My gut visibly shrank. I feel cleaner and lighter. It can cause some bloating as fiber supplements do, but that’s why I recommend taking it before bed. You do have to mix it and pound it though. If you let it sit, or you take your time sipping on it, it turns into a sort of gel that’s hard to get down. Would (and have) recommend this to everybody.
william m wilson –
My title is because that’s what I say every morning, I’ve used this product over the years and somehow got away from it, I recently got back on it because of some health and treatment issues, highly recommend this for anyone look for help in this area.
Todd L –
Been using for about a month and I’m very regular now! Taste is pleasant and not too gritty like some other fiber supplements. A little on the pricey side. My tub arrived seemingly half full (I realize it’s measured by weight, but seeing it half empty when first opening it was a surprise). Sometimes I use less than a full scoop because it really works well!!