Conheça o Spatone: Suplemento Líquido Natural de Ferro com VIT C para Mulheres e Homens – 100ml, um produto inovador que se destaca pela sua formulação única e pela praticidade que oferece. Este suplemento líquido de ferro é extraído das montanhas do País de Gales, onde a pureza da água e a riqueza mineral do solo garantem um ferro de alta qualidade. Com um sabor agradável de suco de maçã concentrado, o Spatone é uma opção deliciosa e eficaz para quem busca aumentar os níveis de ferro no organismo sem os efeitos colaterais comuns associados a suplementos tradicionais.
O Spatone é especialmente formulado para ser facilmente absorvido pelo corpo, o que o torna uma escolha ideal para aqueles que têm dificuldade em tolerar suplementos de ferro em forma de comprimidos. Sua composição suave é adequada para todas as idades, desde crianças a adultos, e é uma excelente opção para veganos, vegetarianos e mulheres grávidas ou lactantes. Cada sachê contém a quantidade ideal de ferro, permitindo que você o leve para qualquer lugar, garantindo que sua ingestão diária de ferro esteja sempre em dia.
Além de prevenir a anemia, o Spatone contribui para o aumento da energia e a melhoria da saúde geral, proporcionando um suporte essencial para o bem-estar diário. A adição de vitamina C não só potencializa a absorção do ferro, mas também oferece um impulso extra ao sistema imunológico, tornando este suplemento uma escolha inteligente para quem busca saúde e vitalidade.
- 1. Suplemento de ferro líquido único e conveniente, ideal para o dia a dia.
- 2. Fonte natural e testada ao longo do tempo, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
- 3. Alta absorção e suavidade para o estômago, minimizando desconfortos.
- 4. Adequado para toda a família, incluindo veganos e vegetarianos.
- 5. Coberto pela Garantia de Satisfação de 45 dias da Nelsons, proporcionando segurança na compra.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir um sachê de Spatone Natural Liquid Iron Supplement Plus VIT C for Women – Men por dia. O produto pode ser ingerido diretamente do sachê ou misturado com um suco rico em vitamina C para potencializar a absorção do ferro. É importante agitar bem antes de usar e armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Essa prática garantirá a preservação das propriedades do suplemento e maximizará seus benefícios para a saúde.
Tinker-bella –
I’ve tried a fair few iron supplements, including several liquid supplements and they all taste pretty awful. This liquid supplement by Spatone was a surprise! I rather like the taste and it is very gentle on my digestive system. It seems like a strange way to take iron, but I can see myself taking this until my levels are up where my doc wants them. I think they would be very easy to mix into apple juice for a kid too as the flavor is very close anyway. Great stuff!
Jus Kaur –
This is the only iron that works for me. It’s easy to take and does not taste disgusting. It also works very fast and is very easy on the stomach.
A friend recommended this product to me years ago. She and I both used it in pregnancy to keep our iron levels up. (She is vegan so she really needed supplements.) I kept using it afterwards as my iron levels tend to be low naturally and this product keeps my iron levels in normal range. I just drink one packet most mornings and eat breakfast about 20-30 minutes later. The taste is pleasant to me. I have no GI tract issues with Spatone that I had back in the day taking iron pills. I recommend this product. (And I never ever got any for free as I see in other reviews. I wish!)
Leeza –
I add this iron supplement to a salt drink. Adds a slight apple taste which is good. No strong iron taste like I was expecting.
Ms.Tia –
Okay, so this is probably mostly on me and not the actual product… but supplements can be difficult to rate as not only do we not actually have empirical data that we can rely upon, but our own preferences or idiosyncracies can make the reviews largely subjective.
I always have issues with my labs when it pertains to iron, and many forms I just do not metabolize and absorb. I thought I would try an alternative to the liquid version I currently use (but find rather expensive).
This is where my rating becomes subjective… I have a very enhanced sense of smell; some might refer to as hyperosmia, but that friends or family will often call me “cadaver dog nose.”
When I opened one of these sachets (?), I was transported back to my great aunt and uncle’s old farmhouse in Knox, Indiana during my childhood. The smell could only be associated with what it would be like to drink from that rusty brown tap.
For that reason, I cannot properly rate this product objectively… hence the 3 star rating. It may actually be a 5-star product, but I cannot get past the copper penny experience.
Jus Kaur –
I was introduced to this product over the summer as my sister initially reccomended it for energy. I gave it a try daily, without expectation. Think of it as a juice in a pack, easy to travel with and a kick of fruity flavor also (much better than popping the iron pill that I constantly forget to take!)
2 months later…. My hair has stopped falling, energy levels are up and I have less of a brain fog! After a year of hair loss and breakage, and two months of Spatone, I have visibily seen the positive effects and honestly it’s been the best thing I never knew my body needed. I’ve reccomended it to others and they are seeing similar results also – wish I’d known about it earlier on in life. Please try this, it’s changed my life!
PS. If you take it daily, I reccomend you incorporate more fiber into your diet also!
Liveonamazon –
These supplements are the best, there is just one pack to use daily and absorbs so well. Helps to improve iron and the added vitamin C helps with the absorption. There is no side effects and you can mix with water or take alone.
MonkeyGirl –
No constipation!! Great taste. Makes me feel alive! Really this
Wish I found it while pregnant. Still, helps a lot.woth day to day. Better.for me than coffee. I can do one every 2 days or so. Lasts a long time!!