Descrição do Produto: Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol para Suporte Imunológico de Animais de Estimação, 4 oz.
O Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol é um produto inovador desenvolvido especialmente para apoiar a saúde imunológica dos seus animais de estimação. Com uma fórmula que contém mais de 98% de íons de prata coloidal bioativa e positivamente carregados, este hidrossol é uma solução eficaz para promover o bem-estar geral dos pets. A prata coloidal é conhecida por suas propriedades antimicrobianas, que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa natural contra patógenos.
Além de apoiar a saúde imunológica, o Sovereign Silver também promove a saúde periodontal dos animais, contribuindo para dentes e gengivas saudáveis. A fórmula é segura para os pets, composta apenas por dois ingredientes: 10 ppm de prata pura a 99,999% e água purificada de grau farmacêutico. A pequena dimensão das partículas (0,8 nanômetros) permite que os íons de prata sejam absorvidos de maneira eficaz pelo organismo, garantindo que os benefícios sejam plenamente aproveitados.
Este produto é vegano, livre de glúten, não transgênico e isento de alérgenos, o que o torna uma escolha ideal para todos os tipos de animais de estimação. A embalagem em vidro não-aderente preserva a qualidade e a estabilidade do hidrossol, garantindo que você ofereça o melhor para o seu amigo de quatro patas.
– Suporte diário à saúde do sistema imunológico dos pets.
– Melhora a saúde periodontal, promovendo dentes e gengivas saudáveis.
– Composição segura e simples, com apenas dois ingredientes.
– Alta absorção dos íons de prata devido ao tamanho reduzido das partículas.
– Produto vegano e livre de alérgenos, ideal para todos os tipos de animais.
Para utilizar o Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol, recomenda-se administrar a dosagem adequada diretamente na boca do seu animal de estimação ou misturá-lo na água ou comida. A dosagem pode variar conforme o tamanho e a condição de saúde do pet, sendo aconselhável consultar um veterinário para orientações específicas. Agite bem antes de usar e mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Marta P. –
freida c. worthington –
My dog had a black rotten tooth. In California it cost thousands of dollars to take to vet. His tooth fell out, I knew it was infected. I remembered in a doomsday book I read how great this was. So I looked it up. Plus I preferr to go natural. I put it in his food. He was feeling better in a few days.
I tell everyone about it. Also you can buy it for humans. Last night I told my boyfriend about it. His dog has hot spots. Anyway while we were talking about it he ordered it.
Once my dog is completely healed I will continue to give it to him a couple days aweek for immune support.
I am all about natural immune support for myself. Also I tasted it, there was no taste that I noticed. I will be buying the human kind for myself.
Jamie –
Excellent product! Will buy again and again!
OK! So this product I am using as an addition to my 3 pups overall health! Shadow (pictured) is 13.5 years young Lab that was recently diagnosed with cushings! While he started regimen of once a day pill, silver I add to food (drop full) to mainline and boost his immune system. Product is excellent, fillers and additives free, tasteless, very high quality! We use sovereign silver for adults as well!! Pups and adults in my household are grateful !!
April –
I bought this product to help 2 kittens, approximately 4-5 weeks old, who showed up on my porch with upper respiratory infections and each having one eye that was very cloudy/discolored and possibly having a corneal ulcer. I treated them for a week with a general antimicrobial gel from the pet store, but kept reading about the colloidal silver products. Trying to avoid a huge veterinary investment at first, I decided to purchase Sovereign Silver for Pets. After 2 weeks of once daily drops directly in the eyes and an oral dose a few days out of the week, which they took both mixed in liquid and eventually straight from the dropper, nose and eye secretions have greatly diminished. Most impressive, however, is the healing of the cloudy discolored eyes. Their left eyes, which were very infected looking in both of them, have returned to almost completely clear and normal-looking eyes after just 2 weeks! The kittens quickly became more active and playful with proper nutrition and Sovereign Silver. They appear to be thriving!
Sherry –
the bottle was broken and it had leaked all over as the bottle was frozen…it would be great if it were in a plastic bottle…I would like to get another bottle but I am uneasy to order as it might be frozen also
I really think this product works however the price is insane for how much u get.
Dee –
Our cat Romeo got an ear infection in October (2022). Our vet gave us some ear drops, instructed us to use them for a week, and said that “he’ll be fine.” BIG LIE. The infection soon spread to his other ear and (even while using the prescription ear drops daily), only continued to get worse. We took him back to the vet a few more times before they finally told us they were stumped and that we needed to see a specialist. We were mind-boggled. Aren’t they supposed to be certified animal doctors? How could an ear infection be something they were not able to treat? At this point, 6 months had passed and Romeo’s infection had gotten really, really bad. His ears were covered in dark wax, and lesions were starting to form all around the skin on his ears. And the irony was that our vet was only making it worse!
So we go see the specialist who had a whole different, much more aggressive treatment plan for Romeo (an extremely expensive one too of course), and the first month of treatment on his new medication went very well. We thought we were finally on the road to recovery, but when we brought him in for his second check-up a month later, the specialist told us the infection was still present and that we would need to continue with the medication and come back next month. Every “check-up” appointment, mind you, cost us over $600. This also now meant we had to keep Romeo on antibiotics and steroids long-term. Over time, the steroids started to give him diarrhea and made him tired, achy, and hungry all the time. Then, the antibiotics started causing a ton of inflammation, which triggered a cystitis flare-up (meaning, he was constantly straining to pee – something that can become life-threatening for a male cat if he gets blocked).
By his third check-up, the specialist told us Romeo’s infection had still not cleared up (the medication was “managing” the infection but not “resolving” it) and that it was probably likely he’d need to get a CT scan and an ear cleaning surgery. Her estimate for this was between $4-6K!!!! And her recommendation for his cystitis flare-up was to just give him more medication for the pain (at this point Romeo was on 4 different long-term medications which were overall making him stressed and groggy, and were becoming so obviously toxic to his little body).
We felt absolutely defeated. We had already spent close to $3K on all the vet appointments and medications, and while they had helped Romeo to a certain extent, they weren’t curing the infection, and ironically the longer he remained on them the more problems they were giving him. Now we were expected to spend an additional $6K on ear surgery?! Think about the absurdity of that. In total that would mean we’d be spending around $10K on an ear infection. Most people can put that amount of money down on a house. And what if we didn’t want to pay for the surgery? The specialist had given us no other alternative, and we knew he couldn’t stay on his medication much longer. If we couldn’t treat the infection, would we have to put him down? Romeo had now had this infection for almost a year, and we were being responsible and doing absolutely everything we could to give him round-the-clock care. It started affecting our lives and our jobs. We couldn’t understand how an ear infection, on an otherwise totally healthy and super spoiled cat, could become this detrimental to his life and ours.
Finally, out of PURE DESPERATION, we started looking into other treatments and stumbled upon the benefits of colloidal silver to treat inflammation and more importantly, infections. Unlike antibiotics, colloidal silver doesn’t destroy the microbiome in the digestive system (whereas just one round of antibiotics can destroy 17 years worth of good gut bacteria, which is essential to immune response) or consequently affect the mitochondria fundamental to the proper functions of the organs. Colloidal silver basically does the same work as prescription antibiotics but without the side effect of microbiome destruction and inflammation. It’s also non-toxic so it isn’t seen by the body as a toxin (unlike his medications) and thereby impacts the lymph system. It also contains STRONG anti-inflammatory properties (whereas anti-biotics cause inflammation and immune suppression all over the body). At first read, we thought it sounded too good to be true, but we were so desperate we decided to give it a try.
First, we decided to take Romeo off ALL of his prescription medication (we didn’t think it was wise to mix it with the colloidal silver). The first two days we gave Romeo half the required dosage orally to make sure he didn’t have any symptoms (he didn’t), and then on the third day bumped it up to the full dose, which we mixed directly into his wet food. We also gave him a small dose of CBD every day as well.
We couldn’t believe it!! His fur was soft and fluffy again (instead of matted and greasy); his energy and personality came back (it had been SO long that we had forgotten how athletic, playful, and sassy he was!); he completely stopped shaking and scratching at his head from the constant pain his infection was giving him; and his cystitis flare-ups completely stopped. We continued the full dose once a day for 4 weeks to make sure the infection was gone completely. Romeo only continued to get better and better and is now happier and healthier than he’s ever been. I don’t know if this product works for every pet, but it literally saved Romeo’s life, and saved us thousands of dollars in additional vet expenses. I will forever be grateful for finding this product for Romeo, and will always make sure to have a bottle in my possession.
Susan –
Giving one dropperful in my pets water bowl everyday when I change their water. We have one small dog and one cat. Using it to supplement their diet and immune systems. Only downside is the glass dropper is hard to use because you can never get it filled up-have to keep trying to squeeze it over and over in order to get the silver in it.
Hilly –
This product is very good, high quality. Would highly recommed, daily for pets.