Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Wellness Formula Bio-Aligned Vitamins – Suplemento de Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico
Em um mundo onde a saúde é uma prioridade, o Source Naturals Wellness Formula se destaca como uma solução premium e confiável para o suporte do sistema imunológico. Com mais de 35 anos de experiência, esta fórmula inovadora estabeleceu um novo padrão na categoria de saúde imunológica, combinando uma mistura abrangente de ervas, vitaminas e nutracêuticos que oferecem defesa imunológica, respiratória e antioxidante. Para milhões de pessoas, desde os palcos da Broadway até as estrelas de Hollywood, o Wellness Formula se tornou o produto essencial para o suporte diário do sistema imunológico. Seja você alguém que busca evitar dias de doença ou um atleta que deseja potencializar seu regime de desempenho, esta fórmula é a escolha ideal.
Os antioxidantes desempenham um papel crucial na saúde imunológica, prevenindo a formação de radicais livres e protegendo as células brancas do sangue. O Wellness Formula é enriquecido com antioxidantes essenciais, como vitamina C, vitamina A, beta-caroteno e extrato de semente de uva, que oferecem uma defesa antioxidante robusta. Além disso, doses clínicas de zinco e cobre são incluídas para combater radicais superóxido, fortalecendo ainda mais a resposta imunológica do corpo.
Reconhecendo que o estresse emocional e fisiológico pode impactar significativamente o sistema imunológico, a fórmula inclui eleutherococcus e astragalus, adaptógenos que ajudam o corpo a responder ao estresse e a nutrir o sistema imunológico. Com o Wellness Formula, você terá a defesa necessária para enfrentar prazos estressantes, gerenciar uma casa movimentada ou explorar o mundo.
A complexidade da defesa imunológica é abordada com doses clínicas de nutrientes-chave, como vitamina A, beta-caroteno, vitamina D e zinco, que são fundamentais para um sistema imunológico saudável. Ingredientes tradicionais, como bulbo de alho e própolis, são incorporados por sua longa história como impulsionadores do sistema imunológico. Além disso, a fórmula inclui Echinacea, sabugueiro e horehound, que são conhecidos por melhorar a função imunológica, enquanto astragalus e folhas e raízes de isatis oferecem defesa adicional.
O suporte ao sistema respiratório é igualmente importante, e o Wellness Formula fornece ingredientes que ajudam a manter a função das membranas mucosas durante períodos de desequilíbrio. Com uma fonte de alta potência de vitamina A, essencial para a manutenção das passagens nasais e a umidade das membranas mucosas, esta fórmula garante que você respire com facilidade, apoiada por mullein, horehound e polygonatum.
– Suporte Imunológico Abrangente: Combinação de ervas e nutrientes que fortalecem o sistema imunológico.
– Defesa Antioxidante Potente: Protege as células do corpo contra danos causados por radicais livres.
– Resposta Natural ao Estresse: Adaptógenos que ajudam a gerenciar o estresse emocional e físico.
– Saúde Respiratória: Ingredientes que mantêm as membranas mucosas saudáveis e funcionais.
– Uso Tradicional e Eficaz: Baseado em práticas de medicina tradicional, oferecendo uma abordagem holística para a saúde.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 3 comprimidos ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Wulfstan –
I have found that Source Naturals Wellness Formula is the Real deal. Skip those fancy and overpriced fizzy drinks, which are basically just Vitamin C.
Not just Ascorbic acid, these guys have:
Vitamin A
100% Vitamin C (from ascorbic acid, zinc ascorbate, Metabolic C™ [PureWay-C®-a proprietary blend of ascorbic acid,
calcium & magnesium ascorbates)
2,150% Vitamin D-3
400 IU 100% Zinc (as zinc ascorbate)
23 mg 153% Selenium
60 mcg 86% Copper
300 mcg 15% Sodium 15 mg
Garlic Clove 360 mg Propolis 324 mg Echinacea purpurea and pallida Root Extract (1.5:1) 220 mg Polygonatum odoratum Rhizome 200 mg Boneset Aerial Parts 158 mg Echinacea purpurea Root 135 mg Propolis Extract (2:1) 126 mg Isatis Root & Leaf 102 mg Horehound Aerial Parts 100 mg Olive Leaf Extract (15% oleuropeins) 100 mg Bioflavonoids 84 mg Elecampane Root Extract (4:1) 80 mg Andrographis Aerial Parts Extract (10% andrographolides) 75 mg Eleuthero Root Extract (5:1) 68 mg Mullein Leaf 66 mg Goldenseal Root Extract (5% alkaloids) 59 mg Astragalus Root 54 mg Angelica Root 52 mg Pau D’Arco Bark Extract (3:1) 33 mg Cayenne Fruit 30 mg Boneset Aerial Parts Extract (4:1) 25 mg Horehound Aerial Parts Extract (4:1) 16 mg Grape Seed Extract (Proanthodyn™) 15 mg Ginger Root Extract (5% gingerols) 15 mg Isatis Root Extract (4:1) 11 mg Angelica Root Extract (1% ligustilide) 11 mg Isatis Leaf Extract (4:1) 6 mg Astragalus Root Extract (10:1) 5 mg .
Take them at the first sign of the Flu or similar illness and I have found that for me, half the time, the “second sign” never shows up, or if I do get sick, it doesnt last as long and the symptoms are milder.
Ben the bulldog –
I took these cuz the whole house was sick and it taste so bad! However it has a lot of healthy things in them.
DrL –
These are the go to for my entire family and many friends. There is nothing that works to boost the immune system for us better than these and we have tried zinc (which works but with major side effects) and colloidal silver, oregano, garlic, echinacea and elderberry. In fact we have mastered our immune boosting by starting these 3 days before travel and continuing 3 days after…now we are never sick. We used to be sick after every flight. We combine these with elderberry spray and a mushroom complex and now we rarely get sick. When we do succumb, our diseases are more mild and shorter lived. You cannot go wrong with these. I even give them to the kids but only 1 three times a day. These are much better than the kids syrup b/c there is so much sugar in the syrup you might as well not being boosting your immune system when you are killing it with the sugar. The only virus I find these do not help with is the rotavirus or stomach viruses. But all of the rhinoviruses and flu viruses take a beating with this stuff. I have a friend with cold sores and this helps her and my mother swears it helps her allergies. It’s a good daily supplement too and helps with vitamin D which most of us are deficient in but we typically take it for travel or during cold seasons or if someone in the house brought something in we don’t want to catch. I rarely take it daily. Be sure to buy the tablets so you don’t have to take as many. The capsules require 6 ,three times a day while the tablets are 3, three times a day. If you have a gag reflex, you may opt for the easier to swallow capsule. These are big and odiferouos (lots of garlic) but my 6 and 8 year old take them like champs. If you get your cold soon enough, i’m talking that funny tickle in your throat feeling, or that weird sneeze that keeps popping up, you can prevent the disease entirely. If you catch it late, you’ll still get sick but to a much lesser degree and a shorter time. If you appreciate my review, please let me know! Thanks
justamom –
These are a staple in our house. we always have them available to take at the first sight of a cold. They work great at stopping colds or at least shortening the duration. They are big and don’t taste that great but they work!. I think the tablets work better than then capsules though. We recommend wellness formula to everyone
Lucrecia A Rodriguez –
I’m trying to reduce chemicals and this is the best source that I use for years !!
Kari Jo –
Nothing beats Wellness Formula. I have been using this myself for years and recommending it to friends, family, and clients with incredible results. If there is anything that has a chance of preventing or shortening the span of a cold, flu, strep, or any other similar ailment, this is it. I take a reduced dose anytime I travel, and full dose when I’ve been around people who are sick, anytime I start to feel under the weather, and when I suddenly come down with something. This works every time without fail for me. I always take it with a little food and I prefer the tablets (you take less of them). I also break the dose up to 2 tablets three times a day and have great success with that. (Instead of 3 twice a day) I’ve never seen any other product even come close to performing as well as this, its ingredients are legit (as opposed to that insanely overpriced Oscillo’ sugar pill containing an utterly useless uber speck of a fraction of a Muscovy duck liver enzyme… the dilution of the enzyme is so small it’s comical: 1 part enzyme to 10 to the 400th power parts water, that’s so many zeros it should make your head spin. come on.). WF has real ingredients, and will really help, if anything can. I’m sure it doesn’t always work for all people, but across the board this is the one product I have seen the most repeated success with the largest variety of people.
“Audentes fortuna iuvat.” –
I reearched the product and found that the CA formula is ideal and that the tablets are the best option for me. I found this seller and they are professional and prompt to answer your questions. I plan to reorder shortly as school as started and my immune system goes down around new people and new germs. Hand washing is the best remedy but these tablets are great. The only request would to sell a bottle of larger quanity of tablets. Thank you so much for this product and I reccommend this product and seller to anyone looking for it.