Descrição do Produto:
O suplemento alimentar Source Naturals Cat’s Claw Bark Una de Gato 1000 mg é uma poderosa fórmula que apoia o sistema imunológico, oferecendo 120 comprimidos de alta qualidade. Extraído da casca da planta Uncaria tomentosa, conhecida popularmente como unha de gato, este produto é amplamente utilizado na medicina tradicional para promover a saúde e o bem-estar. Cada comprimido contém 1000 mg de casca de unha de gato, proporcionando uma dose concentrada que pode ajudar a fortalecer as defesas naturais do organismo. Ideal para quem busca um suporte adicional para a imunidade, este suplemento é uma escolha prática e eficaz para integrar à rotina diária.
1. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e o envelhecimento saudável.
3. Ação Anti-inflamatória: Contribui para a redução de inflamações, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo o bem-estar.
4. Suporte Digestivo: Melhora a saúde intestinal, auxiliando na digestão e absorção de nutrientes.
5. Fácil de Incorporar na Rotina: Com 120 comprimidos, é prático e conveniente para uso diário, facilitando a adesão a um estilo de vida saudável.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 comprimidos por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante beber um copo de água ao ingerir o comprimido para garantir uma melhor absorção. Para resultados otimizados, mantenha o uso contínuo e combine com uma dieta equilibrada e hábitos saudáveis. Não exceda a dose recomendada.
Veronica Retana –
I have been taking this medication for my arthritis and it works, it has reduced the pain greatly.
quality & comfort –
a great product, but the rough pills are huge! I am ok at swallowing pills, but if you aren’t, this one is not for you. It’s not smooth and it’s BIG! It is not a capsule, but an oblong pill. Cat’s Claw is great for helping your immune system though. You can also get Cat’s claw tea, etc… But a good product
Terrell L. Bowers –
I had a ‘hard’ heart beat once or twice each day, plus a hesitation beat during the process. My chest was tight because of air quality and both of these have cleared up. I have to wonder how many heart-valve-blockage surgery doctors are performing when this can clean the veins in a few weeks. I’m 69 and don’t go to doctors much. I was glad this cleared up a couple of my concerns — a lot less money than a visit to the doc too.
Mary Paula Reese –
Somewhat helpful, I did notice a difference to my stiffness and aches and hot flashes but the pills are huge and difficult to swallow. I ended up switching to another brand which I found to be much more effective and easier to swallow.
Melissa M. –
Aside from the fact that I discovered I’m severely allergic to cat’s claw, it’s an amazing herb. I learned of it through my mother-in-law to support the immune system when getting sick or in an environment when one may become sick. It’s been very effective for my husband in that regard. I am not able to take it because I’m so allergic to it. But, here’s what I found in my research about it… it’s good for MUCH MORE than supporting the immune system! I have also found that Source Naturals is one of the most trustworthy brands on the market.
Benefits attributed to cat’s claw include:
• reduce pain and inflammation of rheumatism, arthritis and other types of inflammatory problems.
• have anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties that inhibits cancerous cell formation.
• promote the healing of wounds.
• be useful for treatment of gastric ulcers and intestinal complaints
• help to relieve chronic pain.
• enhance immunity by stimulating the immune system.
• help people experiencing stomach and bowel disorders, including colitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky bowel syndrome, gastritis and duodenal ulcers, intestinal inflammation.
• help fight both viral and fungal infections such as Herpes and Candida
Properties attributed to cat’s claw include:
• Adaptogenic
• Anti-microbial
• Antioxidant
• Anti-viral
• Anti-inflammatory
• Anti-tumor
If you think my review is interesting or helpful, please rate it as “helpful.” I always enjoy writing reviews on products that I love. I make most of my daily purchases on Amazon and base my purchases on reviews from others. I know that honest and helpful reviews can make all the difference in a purchasing decision.
David E Hillhouse –
My sister and I both have rheumatoid arthritis. She opted for this product over poisonous chemical prescription drugs immediately opon her diagnosis. I, on the other hand, took prescription drugs for almost 20 years.
After I saw how much this product was helping her, I stopped my Remicade infusions and never went back!
I started Cat’s Claw almost 2 months ago and have NEVER felt better. Highly recommended. It seems to strengthen and correct the immune system!
Mary Rae Fouts –
I am a very active 49 years old who has arthritis in my thumbs and lower spinal column. At times the pain would be so bad my eyes would water, I would wake up multiple times at night due to discomfort.
Four days ago I started Source Naturals Cat’s Claw, 2000 mg every morning and evening, hoping for a Hail Mary arthritis relief. One word: Miraculous! I noticed a decrease in arthritis pain after taking only 2 doses. My arthritis pain is now 75% better, I am much more mobile, I have not slept so well and restful in several years. I am hoping for additional improvement as I continue to take the supplement.
Highly recommended for arthritis pain relief and increased mobility. A great Amazon Prime value.
Kim Karas –
Someone suggested (after seeing rainforest remedy topic on Dr. Oz) that I try this as an anti-inflamitory for arthritis and recurring muscle strains in my arm. For me it’s worked wonderfully. I also suffer from psoriasis and it helps some with that too so that tells me it does impact the immune system. I use the cat’s claw daily one in the morning and two at bed and it really helps me with stiffness and pain. I haven’t used my Alieve or Tylenol really at all since I started this. I did not expect it to make that much of a difference but I have been pleasantly surprised. I will say that the very first tablet I took did make me feel a little funny, warm temperature and tingling skin… that was only the very first time though. Even if that was an ongoing side effect, it wouldn’t deter me from using it.