Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals St. John’s Positive Thoughts
Em um mundo repleto de desafios e pressões diárias, encontrar um equilíbrio emocional pode ser uma tarefa árdua. O Source Naturals St. John’s Positive Thoughts surge como uma solução inovadora, combinando ervas calmantes, fatores relaxantes e aminoácidos que elevam o ânimo. Este suplemento, disponível em frascos de 90 comprimidos, é formulado para apoiar um bom humor e promover uma sensação de bem-estar.
A fórmula contém extrato padronizado de erva de São João, que fornece 0,3% de hipericinas, um composto conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas para o humor. Além disso, a mistura inclui valeriana, Relora, GABA, magnésio e aminoácidos como taurina, N-acetil L-tirosina, L-teanina e L-fenilalanina. Cada um desses ingredientes foi cuidadosamente selecionado para oferecer um suporte abrangente à saúde mental e emocional.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 comprimidos diariamente. Para uma absorção ideal, é aconselhável tomar os comprimidos entre as refeições ou junto a uma refeição rica em carboidratos. Um comprimido pode ser consumido antes de dormir, proporcionando um efeito relaxante que pode melhorar a qualidade do sono. Embora os benefícios possam ser percebidos em um período mais curto, é recomendado o uso contínuo por pelo menos 6 semanas para resultados otimizados.
Com mais de 35 anos de confiança, a Source Naturals foi fundada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg, com a missão de apoiar o potencial de cada indivíduo para desfrutar de uma saúde ideal. Todos os produtos são fabricados nos Estados Unidos, em Scotts Valley, Califórnia, garantindo qualidade e segurança em cada comprimido.
– Suporte ao Humor: Ajuda a promover uma sensação de bem-estar e felicidade.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Composição baseada em ervas e aminoácidos que favorecem a saúde mental.
– Efeito Calmante: A valeriana e o GABA contribuem para a redução do estresse e da ansiedade.
– Fácil de Usar: Comprimidos práticos que podem ser tomados em qualquer lugar.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado nos EUA com rigorosos padrões de qualidade.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Source Naturals St. John’s Positive Thoughts, recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 comprimidos ao dia. Para uma absorção ideal, consuma os comprimidos entre as refeições ou junto a uma refeição que contenha carboidratos. Um comprimido pode ser tomado antes de dormir para auxiliar no relaxamento noturno. Para resultados mais eficazes, utilize o produto por um período mínimo de 6 semanas, embora muitos usuários relatem benefícios em um tempo menor.
Christian Herrera –
I’ve been taking this product regularly. I use to take a very small dose (20mg) of fluoxetine. This product is pretty close to getting me to a more stable mind set. Its not as powerful as the drug but I prefer the natural stuff any day. I stopped with the Fluoxetine due to side effects. AS long as I take it three times, in between meals as directed, I’m seeing great benefits. Better mood, less likely to feel negative, lower anxiety. A few times I’ve forgotten to take it with me on long weekends and I’m definitely feeling the change by monday. Id highly recommend to someone who prefers natural over a drug and is willing to do some self work to combat anxiety.
dngray –
I am extremely pleased with this product. It has a good mix of ingredients that will improve your mood and brain function. I am prescribed Adderall for my ADHD and when I go off my medication, this supplement definitely helps and I can notice a difference. Long term Adderall use can deplete your brain of certain neurotransmitters and lead to a depressed, foggy minded, and unmotivated state of mind. I believe from my personal experience that this supplement helps restore brain chemistry and lifts my mood.
Be careful though, St. John’s wort is essentially a herbal SSRI and SSRI’s interact with a lot of things. And be mindful that if you are taking a serotonin precursor like 5-htp, taking an SSRI can lead to serotonin syndrome which can be fatal.
No –
I have never been on antidepressants or any other such medication. However, I have a lot of anxiety and recurring depression and it has been that way for many years. It gets really bad sometimes to the point that I cannot deal with my everyday life. It has affected my moods so much and has caused so many problems for me. It got so bad that I knew I needed to do something about it, but I didn’t want prescription medications because they scare me. I decided to give this a try after researching and reading the reviews.
First of all, these are solid pills–not filled capsules. They are quite standard in size–not horse pills but not small. The smell and taste isn’t bad. You are supposed to take one pill three times a day. If you take them as often as you should, this bottle will last you for one month because it contains ninety pills. They are easy for me to swallow and they have never upset my stomach or caused me to experience any negative side effects. I drink coffee every day (sometimes twice) and I haven’t noticed the caffeine affecting the pills, like other reviewers have, but I would still warn you to watch out for that just in case.
The pills are very effective! One the first day of taking them, I noticed results. My mood was improved. I was actually in a very good mood and that caused me to get a lot done around the house that I wouldn’t have completed otherwise. Easing my depression and anxiety gave me the energy to do things. These keep me from dragging through the days. I continued taking them for a while. I started noticing little changes here and there. Not only was my mood improved, but I felt as if I had better mental clarity (maybe because the fog of depression was lifted). Normally when I’m in public, I struggle for things to say when people talk to me and I end up being way too quiet and sort of blah when I talk. I think I come across as being completely uninterested, which puts people off. On the days I take these pills, I notice that I am a lot more talkative and I can actually think of more things to say than I normally do. I am also less irritable and snippy with my husband, and I don’t get as hurt over the way people treat me when they do something I don’t like.
Eventually I stopped taking these because I suffered a loss and just didn’t think about these pills for a while until the heaviest of the grief had passed (though they probably would have helped me with that at least a little bit). Today I took them again for the first time since then (months ago). I went out in public like I often do, but when I got home I realized something about my day: I had been in a very happy, perky mood all day and had been a lot better in conversation than I normally am. My head felt clear and I was much happier. People seemed to stay around me longer because I was more talkative and perky instead of walking away from me after my awkward silences. It made me remember how effective these pills had always been and now I will continue taking them. It feels good to feel like a normal person for once.
WickedSmart –
Relaxed feeling, but at the same time provided a lot of energy – so much that I felt like working out! The irritating moments I’d been having were dumbed down a lot / much less noticeable just after my first day of taking this (though, I’d been taking St. John’s Wort by itself about two weeks before getting this). Effects started showing 30 – 60 minutes after I took it, while I was taking a shower. Really started showing the ‘positive thoughts’!
It stinks quite a bit (pretty sure it’s the Valerian) and tastes awful if you don’t swallow it down immediately, but I didn’t taste it in my burps.
Update: After a month of taking them, I noticed they’ve helped a -lot-. I realized when I had gotten in a very rotten mood a few days ago, it was partially because I’d forgotten to take them (I moved all of my medicine to a different part of the room).
Carona –
This product has been a part of my life since it came out in mid 90’s. Better than any psychotropic medication I have ever used. Excellent product with healthy benefits and no real side effects
curious –
I cut my dosage of wellbutrin (buproprion specifically) from 300mg to 150mg about 6 months ago due to wellbutrin’s harmful side effects (irritability, anxiety, numbed affect, and even some out-of-nowhere suicidal thoughts). While all the above negative side effects are basically gone, I noticed the depression returned. Specifically I know my serotonin is down because in the mornings my mind seems like it’s out to get me. Negative, anxious thoughts were flooding my brain when I woke up. Still, I really want to get off the antidepressants so I checked these out on recommendation of my therapist.
So far it’s only been a week and I have definitely noticed an improvement. I take these along with EPA supplements. The morning time negative thoughts are much less intrusive and dark; I feel less agitated and more able to handle situations. An added bonus: my motivation to run has come back. After I cut back on the wellbutrin, my energy level went down too. I still ran/walked, but I was much slower and it felt like a chore. Now I feel energized again and running 3-5 times a week. Yay. 🙂
I think combining these supplements with exercise, and healthy diet (no refined sugars for me- they cause a flare up in the depression/anxiety) is a literal life saver. Thank goodness I found them. Thank goodness for therapists who aren’t drug-pushers. 😉