Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Sleep Science NutraSleep
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a agitação do dia a dia podem interferir na qualidade do sono, o Source Naturals Sleep Science NutraSleep surge como uma solução eficaz e natural. Este complexo de multi-nutrientes e ervas foi cuidadosamente formulado para apoiar o descanso e a relaxação, proporcionando uma experiência de sono mais tranquila e reparadora. Cada frasco contém 40 comprimidos, cada um deles repleto de ingredientes que promovem um estado de calma e serenidade.
Um dos principais componentes do NutraSleep é o ácido gama-aminobutírico, conhecido como GABA. Este composto natural é um suporte essencial para a relaxação, atuando como um neurotransmissor inibitório que transmite mensagens de tranquilidade entre as células nervosas. O GABA é sintetizado diretamente do ácido glutâmico, desempenhando um papel crucial na regulação do estresse e na promoção de um sono profundo e reparador.
O uso sugerido é simples e prático: tome de 2 a 4 comprimidos 30 a 60 minutos antes de dormir. Esta dosagem é ideal para aqueles momentos de tensão ocasional, ajudando a criar um ambiente de calma antes de se deitar. Além disso, o NutraSleep é um suplemento bem elaborado, livre de laticínios, ovos, glúten, soja e trigo, e não contém açúcar, conservantes ou corantes artificiais, garantindo uma escolha saudável e segura.
Com mais de 40 anos de confiança, a Source Naturals foi fundada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg, com a missão de apoiar o potencial de todos para desfrutar de uma saúde ótima. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, em Scotts Valley, CA, o NutraSleep segue as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela FDA, assegurando a qualidade e a eficácia do produto.
– Promove Relaxamento: O GABA ajuda a reduzir a ansiedade e a tensão, facilitando um estado de relaxamento antes de dormir.
– Melhora a Qualidade do Sono: Contribui para um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
– Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes livres de alérgenos comuns e aditivos artificiais, é uma opção segura para todos.
– Uso Prático: A dosagem simples permite que você integre facilmente o NutraSleep à sua rotina noturna.
– Confiança e Qualidade: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo um produto confiável e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Source Naturals Sleep Science NutraSleep, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 a 4 comprimidos, conforme desejado, 30 a 60 minutos antes de se deitar. Esta prática não apenas ajuda a preparar o corpo para o sono, mas também maximiza os efeitos relaxantes dos ingredientes ativos, promovendo uma transição suave para um estado de descanso profundo. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para garantir a eficácia do suplemento e desfrutar de uma noite de sono tranquila.
primal –
I usually take SN Night Rest and it works well, but my natropath wanted me to d/c Melatonin when on day shifts, so I tried this. I like that the Valerian is included in this and it seems to lull me twds sleep quicker than the Night Rest does. No morning grogginess whatsoever! I take 2 30 to 45 min before bed.
When I go back to days I will use the Night Rest again, but for now I am pleased with this supplement and I have tried MANY sleep aids including prescriptions.
Lucas Gonzales –
Great, strongly suggest
Landon Kinkade –
It helps, working with sleep 3 nicely.
Sandra P. –
I have been taking melatonin successfully for years…but it only puts me to sleep for about 3 hours. I wanted to see if this formula could do better. But, it kept me up all night. Very jittery and uncomfortable feeling. To be fair, that might just be my body. NyQuil does the same thing to me although for most people, it knocks them out.
Kelley A Flynn –
These pills have changed my life. They help me fall asleep and stay asleep. They are more effective than expected. Great product. One con is that the pills are rather large to swallow.
G. Rhodes –
I feel well rested when i wake up after a night of sleeping. I also seem to have a better mood during the day when i use this product.
tonygio34 –
I don’t take this every night, but I do seem to fall asleep more easily on the nights I do.
Brian –
This uses GABA which acts on the same receptors alcohol does without being poisonous like alcohol. It calms you down, lowers anxiety and helps you fall asleep. I definitely feel it has helped me get deeper sleep, but I also use it in conjunction with Zzzquil and that combination has been working really well for me. Currently I’m doing 2 NutraSleep pills with 15ML of Zzzquil, which isn’t much of both but together I get very good sleep. Usually I’m able to stay asleep all night with this combination but even then I occasionally wake up early and I want to be able to stay asleep all 8 hours consistently. I may look into other options for but now I really like this.
Getting good and deep sleep is the most important thing in your life for staying happy and healthy. Diet and stress management are also extremely important. You shouldn’t brush off sleep like it will just happen or that it doesn’t matter; if you aren’t getting good sleep you should find ways to fix it, either on your own or if you need supplements then find something weak and safe and work your way up. Be careful and research because you can do it wrong, especially with prescription drugs. Even melatonin can be wrongly used. NutraSleep is a relatively safe and effective option from what I can tell.
Edit: I want to amend this review to give my current perspective. Some time in November I stopped taking sleeping aids altogether because I realized I was just becoming reliant on them. Sometimes I felt dead inside the day after taking Zzzquil, and I didn’t like relying on the Nutrasleep and believed that maybe I could find other ways to recover. Of course, if you really cannot sleep without aids or need a temporary fix for an emergency issue with sleep, then do your best to find the right one(s) and use them responsibly. But I want to admit now that part of my issue that I’m 99% sure of is that if I go to sleep too late (past 4am) I get lower quality sleep due to lack of darkness, and in the past I rarely if ever went to sleep past 3 or 4am. I’m currently working to get better blinds or maybe a sleep mask, but it’s still just better in general for me to go to sleep earlier even though I work evenings. For a couple weeks recently I was waking up around 10am and felt super energized and balanced during that time.
For context, I went through a lot of suffering during fall 2019 due to sleep and health issues issues and believe I’m starting to get better and recover from that. I’m also learning that the body and mind can recover from pretty traumatic and stressful experiences but you shouldn’t subject yourself to them if you can avoid them.
Also if you’re looking into other supplements for health, I now rely on 100% dark baker’s chocolate (no sugar added, from the baking isle) and some of the Yogi teas, specifically the Honey Lavender Stress Relief tea. If anyone ever approaches me about things to help them manage daily stress and pain I just recommend these two things and also mention a variety of vegetables and anti-oxidants. Also in-door air quality matters a lot but I won’t get into that here. People have already responded to me about the dark chocolate working on them, but not just any dark, the no-sugar added 100% dark. It tastes bitter, but I absolutely swear on it now and have been using it daily for months. A couple pieces should get you through a tough day and it might really be the magic bullet for stress you’ve been looking for. It feels strange to say, but I live every day content with my life now and that wasn’t the case for a long time. The lack of stress has allowed my mind to be in a habit of upholding positive experiences and thoughts, and that has also improved my social life. It’s all a feedback loop that keeps me from falling back into anxiety and pain.