Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Prosta-Response
O Source Naturals Prosta-Response é um suplemento formulado especialmente para apoiar a função prostática e promover um fluxo urinário saudável. Com 90 comprimidos em cada embalagem, este produto é uma escolha ideal para homens que buscam manter a saúde da próstata e otimizar seu bem-estar geral. A fórmula avançada do Prosta-Response é projetada para oferecer suporte abrangente, incluindo:
- Prosta-Response apoia a regulação hormonal, regeneração celular, defesa antioxidante, a bexiga e o trato urinário, além dos mecanismos naturais de alívio do corpo.
- Uso Sugerido: Tome 5 comprimidos diariamente durante os primeiros três meses. Pode tomar de 3 a 5 comprimidos diariamente para manutenção. Para melhores resultados, distribua as doses ao longo do dia, no café da manhã e no jantar.
- Suplemento Bem Elaborado: Contém soja.
- Mais de 40 Anos de Confiança. A Source Naturals foi criada em 1982 pelo CEO Ira Goldberg para apoiar o potencial de todos em desfrutar de uma saúde ideal.
- Fabricado nos EUA. Produzido em Scotts Valley, CA, sob as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos dos EUA (FDA).
O Prosta-Response não é apenas um suplemento; é um aliado na busca por uma vida saudável e equilibrada. Com ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, ele atua em sinergia para promover a saúde da próstata, ajudando a regular os hormônios e a proteger as células contra o estresse oxidativo. A sua formulação também é benéfica para o trato urinário, proporcionando um alívio natural e eficaz para aqueles que enfrentam desconfortos relacionados à saúde prostática.
1. Suporte à Saúde Prostática: Ajuda a manter a função saudável da próstata, essencial para o bem-estar masculino.
2. Fluxo Urinário Saudável: Promove um fluxo urinário adequado, reduzindo desconfortos e melhorando a qualidade de vida.
3. Regulação Hormonal: Contribui para a regulação dos hormônios, essencial para o equilíbrio do corpo.
4. Defesa Antioxidante: Protege as células contra danos oxidativos, promovendo a regeneração celular.
5. Fórmula Confiável: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, garantindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Source Naturals Prosta-Response, recomenda-se iniciar com uma dose de 5 comprimidos diariamente durante os primeiros três meses. Após esse período, a dose pode ser reduzida para 3 a 5 comprimidos diários para manutenção. É aconselhável distribuir as doses ao longo do dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições, como no café da manhã e no jantar, para otimizar a absorção e eficácia do suplemento.
Amazon Custome –
Years ago a doctor put my husband on prostate medications. They caused several bad side effects. I read a research article from a university which said this product worked. My husband has been using it for several years now without any side effects, AND it works BETTER than the prescription medications! Several friends have tried it with the same results.My husband’s doctor now recommends it in place of the prescription meds which have terrible side effects. My husband started out taking four a day for a month, then cut down to three for a couple years. Now he takes one to two daily. When he quit taking them two years ago prostate issues returned. He started taking it again and now will not go on long vacations without it. He did find the benefits took 2 weeks to quit working when we went to Panama. However, the prescription meds would stop working after only one day.
Grampa Al –
I have been using Prosta-Response about two years now. This is the only natural product I have used that helps my overnight urination. I was getting up for or five times a night while on ProstaEnsure by Puritan’s Pride, after being on Prosta-Response for less than a week, my noctural trips were down to two. Some nights I get away with only one trip.
Unfortunately, my prostate continues to enlarge so I am getting a CAT scan to see how it is affecting my urinary tract. There seems to be an increase of fluids around the left kidney – possibly as a result of back pressure on the bladder.
Krylos –
I’ve been using this product for a few years. Was surprised to see it for such a good price on amazon, so this is my first purchase here.
This product works well and without the undesired side effects of products like yohimbe which i still use on rare occassion. This is a much gentler and healthier approach in my opinion. Though not as aggressive as yohimbe.
William B –
Not only did they cut all the active ingredients (100mg Flower Pollen vs 300mg old formula, everything else reduced too), but the serving size is now 5 pills for less ingredients versus 3 pills for the old formula that actually worked.
This should be illegal. The new formula is completely ineffective compared to the old formula. Plus the new pills are much larger and hard to swallow so they must be packed with useless filler since they contain much less active ingredients.
Don’t buy. If you have one of the old bottles or a photo of the old ingredient list, buy the ingredients separately and take them that way. This formula doesn’t work. The old formula worked within less than a week. I guess the company makes a lot more money selling something you have to take constantly in hopes of a little relief than a product that actually protects, prevents and cures. Big Pharma strikes again
Pierre Mannequin –
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The oversimple package is pretty loose when I received . Open and found one is missing , only 5 bottles , short of 1. And I believe the bootle could easily comes out from the package or human error. My order is 8 bottles but it comes in 2 separate package . Please check and send me 1 bottle back
Common sense –
The ingredients, performance, health benefits, of which I’ve experienced with this product is unlike no other. This product from Source Naturals is absolutely the best product for all men at this stage of life. I, without question, absolutely recommend buying and using this product as directed, and you’ll be very pleased with your results.
Thanks Source Naturals Men’s Life Force for such a magnificent product
Amazon Customer –
The product is working fine.
The Witchdr –
This is a great product & you can trust this company.Great price but the tablets are big but it works.