Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Pancreatin 8X, 500 mg Enzimas Digestivas – 100 Cápsulas
O Source Naturals Pancreatin 8X é um suplemento de enzimas digestivas que combina uma mistura poderosa de enzimas pancreáticas, projetadas para otimizar o processo de digestão. Com 500 mg de pancreatina por cápsula, este produto é formulado a partir de pancreatina suína, que possui uma composição semelhante à do pâncreas humano. Essa mistura inclui proteases, que são essenciais para a degradação de proteínas; amilases, que facilitam a digestão de carboidratos; e lipases, que desempenham um papel crucial na quebra de gorduras.
A utilização deste suplemento é simples e eficaz. Para um auxílio digestivo, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas imediatamente antes de uma refeição. Para um suporte sistêmico, a orientação é tomar 1 a 2 cápsulas uma hora antes ou após a refeição. O Source Naturals Pancreatin 8X é um suplemento bem elaborado, livre de levedura, laticínios, ovos, glúten, milho, soja e trigo. Além disso, não contém açúcar, amido, conservantes ou corantes, sabores ou fragrâncias artificiais, garantindo uma opção saudável e segura para o seu dia a dia.
Com mais de 40 anos de confiança, a Source Naturals foi fundada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg, com a missão de apoiar o potencial de todos para desfrutar de uma saúde ideal. O produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, em Scotts Valley, CA, seguindo as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela FDA, o que assegura a qualidade e a eficácia do suplemento.
– Apoio Digestivo Eficiente: Melhora a digestão de proteínas, carboidratos e gorduras, promovendo um melhor aproveitamento dos nutrientes.
– Fórmula Segura e Limpa: Sem aditivos prejudiciais, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Facilidade de Uso: Instruções claras para maximizar os benefícios antes e após as refeições.
– Confiança e Qualidade: Fabricado por uma marca respeitada com mais de quatro décadas de experiência no mercado.
– Produzido nos EUA: Garantia de qualidade e conformidade com as normas rigorosas de fabricação.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Source Naturals Pancreatin 8X, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas imediatamente antes das refeições para um suporte digestivo eficaz. Alternativamente, para um auxílio sistêmico, tome 1 a 2 cápsulas uma hora antes ou após a refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para maximizar os benefícios das enzimas digestivas e garantir uma experiência positiva.
Josepha –
When I first bought this product, the bottle was labeled 750mg. I was unable to find the same bottle when I looked again to repurchase, but I did find a bottle with 500mg on the label. Then, I noticed was that the amount of pancreatic enzymes in the 750mg bottle was the same as the amount of enzymes in the 500mg bottle. Oops! So I emailed the company, saying: “Why have you stopped selling pancreatin 8x in a 750mg capsule? Looking closely at the label, I see that the 500mg capsule lists the same ingredients, in the same strengths, as the 750mg capsule. It makes me think you are not labeling your products correctly. Please clarify this for me: what exactly does the 750mg capsule contain? What does the 500mg capsule contain? How many USP units of enzymes are in each product? Thank you.
Here is the reply: “Greetings. Thank you for contacting Source Naturals. We are no longer making the 750mg capsule of Pancreatin 8X. Our files show that the 750mg capsule had 1.5g of the pancreatin ingredient, but the USP units of the enzymes were the same as our 500mg capsule. Our 500mg capsule has 1g of the pancreatin ingredients and has 200,000 USP protease and amylase and 16,000 USP Lipase.
Meghan Mooring, Technical Researcher, Threshold Enterprises, LTD, Source Naturals/ Planetary Herbals.
Sooo, for those of you who wondered what happened….
Now, today, while getting ready to order the 500mg capsules, I noticed that the amount of lipase listed in the “Ingredients” section was 36,000USP. This is an error. Scanning the back of the bottle shows that there are 16,000USP per 2 capsules. I gave feedback to the company about that. This review is dated 9/11/13, so hopefully, it will be corrected after this time.
They seem to have a good product. But their labeling/documentation makes me REALLY NERVOUS…!
Christina F. –
My father went to his doctor for a medical issue and was prescribed a medication that has the almost exact same ingredients (by percentage) as this has. The only real difference was a few percentage points of each ingredient and the PRICE. His prescription was going to cost him over $4,000 per year.
My sister is a nurse and asked him “Why don’t you just get the over-the-counter version? It’s got the same stuff in it, only it won’t cost you an arm and a leg?” So we did some research and found that yes, his medication’s ingredients were almost exactly like the ingredients in Pancreatin.
Since the percentages of the ingredients weren’t exact, we decided to only buy one bottle and see if that fixed his digestion issue. It did. We figured we’d be stupid to pay over $4,000 to the pharmaceutical companies when we can get exactly what he needs over the counter. He has been taking Pancreatin over the counter for more than two years now and hasn’t had any problems at all with his digestion.
Rich Smith –
Seems to work good
Connie McMahon –
This digestive enzyme is Great. At my mature age, I’ve found my food doesn’t want to digest as quickly. Especially at night. Instead it would just “lay” there.
flora ramey –
I love food (not my own cooking) and my diet is really diverse. I eat so much variety that I am bound to have intolerance to some foods. I told my doctor 25 years ago, “I don’t feel like I get energy from my food”. She didn’t have a suggestion for me. I went to my sister’s doctor 5 years ago, repeated that I wasn’t getting energy from my food and her next question was…”do you take digestive enzymes “? I said that I did not, but, come to think of it my mother had to take them (grandmother too). Source Naturals is the brand she recommended to me. I use them every day. Using them has actually helped me to realize which foods I should avoid. If I feel bloated and disconnected after a meal and enzymes I look at which food made the difference. Red meat, any sausage, donuts and sugary or simple carbs, even chicken (amount). Then I shop for how I want to feel AFTER eating.
Russ Adams –
I lost about 45 pounds due to some kind of bug I picked up. Besides losing 45 pounds, I also contracted Pseudomonas. It is very similar to pneumonia, but much more dangerous. It is a massive amount of fluid in the lungs and huge amounts of mucus and phlegm coming up constantly. Several doctors I went to could not figure out what I had. Finally, an Infectious Disease Doctor I went to nailed it right on. It was called “Pseudomonas”. I was treated with a very, very powerful antibiotic and it got rid of the Pseudomonas, but the weight I lost was now a major problem. I went from 148 pounds to 109 pounds.
I looked like I just got out of a concentration camp.
Nothing worked. I couldn’t gain a pound no matter how much I ate. I finally was told I had Mal Absorption. I wasn’t absorbing any of the nutrients in my food. Everything I ate came out with all the carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins and everything else. I was getting nothing of value from my food. Then my Gastro doctor suggested Pancreas Enzymes because my system wasn’t producing the enzymes I needed to absorp the carbs, fats and proteins I needed to gain weight. This product works. Pancreatin 8X really does work. In less then 2 months of taking it, I have gained about 35 pounds and feel great.
Sorry for this long winded review, but I thought it would help to hear the whole story. I am still taking the Pancreatin 8X and will gladly take it forever. It works and I feel great. I really did get my life back thanks to this amazing Enzyme.
I hope that anyone with a similar problem gets the help I received from this product. It really is a life saver.
BTW, not only do I feel great, but I look terrific. At least that’s what my wife says. Good luck to all.
WiseCrew –
I have been using this Pancreatin to detox any possible hidden mold in my body. I was just muscle tested for this today & it tested great for me. My doctor said to DEFINITELY keep using it. I also give it to my kiddos as it really helps their guts digest their meals, just like it does for me.
I have purchased this twice already & it is on my SUBSCRIBE & SAVE, so YES, I WOULD purchase it AGAIN!!