Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals OptiZinc Zinc Methionine Sulfate Complex
O Source Naturals OptiZinc é um suplemento de zinco monometionina, uma combinação patenteada de zinco e o aminoácido essencial metionina. Pesquisas mostram que essa formulação torna o zinco mais absorvível do que outros compostos de zinco, tornando-o mais prontamente disponível para as necessidades do corpo.
Este suplemento é recomendado para aqueles que buscam os benefícios do zinco monometionina. O zinco é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel vital em várias funções do corpo, incluindo o suporte ao sistema imunológico, a saúde da pele, a função cognitiva e a saúde reprodutiva.
O Source Naturals OptiZinc é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, em Scotts Valley, CA, seguindo as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos dos Estados Unidos (FDA). Isso garante a qualidade e a segurança do produto.
Além disso, este suplemento é bem formulado, não contendo levedura, laticínios, ovos, glúten, milho, soja ou trigo. Também não contém amido, conservantes, corantes, aromas ou fragrâncias artificiais. Essa formulação cuidadosa garante que o produto seja adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares ou sensibilidades.
A Source Naturals é uma marca confiável, com mais de 40 anos de experiência em fornecer suplementos de alta qualidade. Fundada em 1982 pelo CEO Ira Goldberg, a empresa tem como objetivo apoiar o potencial de todos para desfrutar de uma saúde ótima.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Absorção aprimorada
O Source Naturals OptiZinc utiliza a forma patenteada de zinco monometionina, que é comprovadamente mais absorvível pelo corpo. Isso garante que o zinco seja facilmente utilizado pelo organismo para atender às suas necessidades.
2. Qualidade garantida
Este suplemento é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, seguindo rigorosas Boas Práticas de Fabricação estabelecidas pela FDA. Isso garante a qualidade e a segurança do produto, proporcionando tranquilidade aos consumidores.
3. Livre de alérgenos comuns
O Source Naturals OptiZinc é formulado sem a presença de alérgenos comuns, como levedura, laticínios, ovos, glúten, milho, soja ou trigo. Isso o torna adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares ou sensibilidades.
4. Apoio ao sistema imunológico
O zinco é conhecido por desempenhar um papel crucial no suporte ao sistema imunológico. O Source Naturals OptiZinc fornece uma forma altamente absorvível de zinco, ajudando a fortalecer a imunidade e promover a saúde geral.
5. Marca confiável
A Source Naturals é uma marca com mais de 40 anos de experiência em fornecer suplementos de alta qualidade. Sua reputação é baseada em sua dedicação em oferecer produtos confiáveis e eficazes para promover a saúde e o bem-estar.
1. Melhora da Imunidade: O zinco é essencial para a função imunológica, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
2. Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a manutenção da pele saudável, auxiliando na cicatrização e na prevenção de acne.
3. Função Cognitiva: O zinco é importante para a saúde cerebral, podendo melhorar a memória e a concentração.
4. Apoio à Fertilidade: O mineral é crucial para a saúde reprodutiva, beneficiando tanto homens quanto mulheres.
5. Antioxidante Natural: O zinco atua como um antioxidante, combatendo os radicais livres e reduzindo o estresse oxidativo no organismo.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Amazonカスタマ –
サンジのはは –
山田 広治 –
1tablet daily with a meal.とパッケージに書かれていますよ。%DVも272%(アメリカの基準で1日の必要量の272%含有)です。
with a mealなので食事と一緒に摂りましょう。
oosaka –
Arrived on time and in good quality.
Kayla Fitzgerald –
Usually low in cadmium, zinc monomethionine is better absorbed and better utilized by the human body compared to all other forms of zinc including zinc picolinate (excellent absorption), zinc citrate (good absorption), zinc acetate (good absorption), zinc gluconate (good absorption, always lowest in cadmium, and gentle on the stomach), zinc carbonate, zinc oxide, and zinc sulfate (can cause stomach irritation). Both ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and methionine (monomethionine) help the human body get rid of cadmium, which on average is 20 times more plentiful in one multi-mineral tablet than one zinc tablet. [I suspect that dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate), which is in your kid’s rock collection and was once used in most multi-mineral and multi-vitamin pills, is very high in cadmium. Calcium carbonate appears to be OK with respect to cadmium. Japanese natto, which is very high in vitamin K2/MK-7, vitamin K2/MK-8, nattokinase, soy isoflavones, soy saponins, vitamin PQQ, and vitamin C, is also low in cadmium and very high in every mineral listed on your multi-mineral supplement. Wheat germ and shiitake mushrooms are both low in calcium but very rich in all other beneficial minerals]. The food in the typical daily American diet contains about 15 times the amount of cadmium contained in the average zinc tablet. Smokers inhale large amounts of cadmium. Also, chocolate, seaweed, and sea salt are high in cadmium. If taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms, zinc reduces the duration and severity of the common cold. Zinc is found in high concentrations in the retina and the amount declines with age so zinc supplementation may help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Zinc also helps heal acne and cold sores, improves overall immunity, and is used to treat people with an impaired ability to taste. Some people believe that together with selenium and vitamin C, zinc might help the human body to slightly more rapidly detoxify itself of mercury, lead, arsenic, and other unwanted metals. Other people believe that men, but not women, drain themselves of zinc regularly and need to replenish their supply. It’s difficult to get even half of the Recommended Daily Value of zinc from eating all foods that are considered moderately high in zinc. However, oysters are an extremely, extremely rich source of zinc, containing much, much more zinc than one OptiZinc tablet. No other food contains anywhere near as much zinc as one OptiZinc tablet. Because they never have sand inclusions, small oysters are worth much more per pound (but not priced any higher) than large oysters, which frequently have sand inclusions. Swallowing more than one OptiZinc tablet per day could cause a severe copper deficiency. OptiZinc tablets were made to be swallowed, not chewed. If you accidentally chew an OptiZinc tablet, you will very likely experience an unpleasant, metallic taste in your mouth which won’t go away for several hours. People who swallow zinc tablets to minimize the damage from viruses (common cold, influenza, pneumonia, HIV, HPV, herpes, shingles, hepatitis, meningitis, Epstein-Barr, dengue fever, malaria, etc.) and/or bacteria (gum disease, diarrhea, wounds, etc.) can greatly improve their results by also swallowing at least 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily, by drinking olive leaf tea, and by eating shiitake mushrooms. Some people also use fucoidan capsules, Korean red ginseng capsules, and/or benfotiamine capsules to improve their immune defenses.
Cal &. –
I was breaking out a little more than I normally was and didn’t really have any major changes to my diet or skin care routine. I reached out to my aesthetician and she recommended I started taking zinc supplement. I also learned that you should start taking zinc sample of it about four days before your Botox procedure to help the product emulsify quicker, and based on friends who have gotten Botox before mine appeared sooner than theirs had in the past. So definitely something to look into if you’re going to be getting a Botox procedure done or improve your overall skin health. Obviously discuss this with a doctor or your aesthetician before taking this product but overall this is a part of my daily routine.
I hope I don’t jinx myself. I started taking these about 3 weeks ago to try and help with acne. I’ve always had “struggled” with acne but about 6 months ago I started getting 3-6 cysts at a time around my mouth and neck area. I was popping approx 6-8 zits a day. My acne had gotten to the point to where not only was it affecting me mentally it was affecting my every day life physically. It would hurt to talk, smile, move my head, wear a scarf, put a blanket up up to my neck etc.
Well I’ve been taking these for barely over 3 weeks now and my acne has calmed down. I’ve only had 1 cyst in 3 weeks. I’ve had little breakouts but NOTHING like what I was dealing with before. It’s also only been 3 weeks. When I wash my face at night there’s not 4-8 flared up zits. My skin looks calm after washing now and I just really have like “post acne inflammation” where I have some leftover red spots from previous zits but they have calmed down significantly. They also cover fairly well with makeup. My skin also looks smooth and feels smooth rather than me being able to feel bumps.
The zinc was recommended to me to take by my aesthetician that I’m working with since March but I put off taking it because I hate taking pills. Now I wish I would’ve just started taking the second it was offered to me.
My acne was affecting me so much that I was on my way to take accutane. I had the appointment set with my dermatologist and already had the pregnancy test done and had my primary care sign off on me to take it. My next step was to do my follow up with dermatologist and get my blood work done to get the prescription. My skin had improved so much within these 3 weeks that I canceled my accutane appointment.
Knock on wood but I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. At this moment, I’m no longer in pain. I can smile, sleep with my face touching the bed, etc etc with no pain. I am hoping to provide an update in about 1-2 months.
For reference I’m 5’4” approx 140lbs. I started taking 1 tablet every day for a week. Then I started taking 1 in the morning and at night and this is what I will continue to do until everything calms down. Then I’ll return to taking once a day and then probably every other day etc. I also started taking fish oil approx 2 months ago and a probiotic approx 4 weeks ago. I’ve taken the zinc on empty stomach and have never experienced any side effects from it.
I will say, the tablets do kind of smell. I try to hold my breath when taking it because they taste bad lol (but it’s not overwhelmingly bad by any means)
Ronald M. Chavin –