Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) Net WT. 35 Ounce (1,000 Grams) – Pó
O Source Naturals MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) é uma importante fonte de enxofre dietético biodisponível, um mineral que desempenha um papel fundamental na manutenção da integridade e elasticidade dos tecidos conectivos e outros tecidos. É um componente importante de proteínas encontradas em todo o corpo, como cabelo, unhas, pele e tendões.*
Modo de Uso Sugerido: 1/2 colher de chá diariamente, misturado vigorosamente com 240 ml de água ou suco.
Adequado para vegetarianos. Não contém levedura, laticínios, ovos, glúten, milho, soja ou trigo. Não contém açúcar, amido, sal, conservantes, corantes ou aromas artificiais.
Mais de 40 anos de confiança. A Source Naturals foi criada em 1982 pelo CEO Ira Goldberg para apoiar o potencial de todos em desfrutar de uma saúde ótima.
Fabricado nos EUA. Fabricado em Scotts Valley, CA, seguindo as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos dos EUA (FDA).
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Fonte de Enxofre Dietético Biodisponível
O MSM é uma importante fonte de enxofre dietético biodisponível, fornecendo os nutrientes necessários para a manutenção da integridade e elasticidade dos tecidos conectivos e outros tecidos do corpo.
2. Componente Essencial de Proteínas
O enxofre é um componente essencial de proteínas encontradas em cabelo, unhas, pele e tendões. O MSM ajuda a fortalecer e manter a saúde dessas estruturas.
3. Adequado para Vegetarianos
O Source Naturals MSM é adequado para vegetarianos, pois não contém ingredientes de origem animal.
4. Livre de Alergênicos Comuns
Este produto não contém levedura, laticínios, ovos, glúten, milho, soja ou trigo, tornando-o uma opção segura para pessoas com alergias ou intolerâncias alimentares.
5. Fabricado nos EUA sob Padrões de Qualidade
O Source Naturals MSM é fabricado nos EUA, em Scotts Valley, CA, seguindo as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela FDA. Isso garante a qualidade e segurança do produto.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 1/2 colher de chá do Source Naturals MSM diariamente. Misture vigorosamente com 240 ml de água ou suco para obter melhores resultados. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Recomenda-se tomar 1/2 colher de chá do Source Naturals MSM diariamente. Misture vigorosamente com 240 ml de água ou suco para obter melhores resultados. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Oplakany –
I have been using MSM capsules for several months, and this product for about 2 weeks. I’m a very active 50+ guy, and I take various supplements to ease inflammation (fish oil, glucosamine, turmeric and MSM). I’m not sure about the effectiveness of MSM quite yet, it does seem to provide some relief but frankly I’m taking these supplements on faith as much as anything. My review is focused on the usability and value of the product. I take a half teaspoon every morning mixed with a pint of PowerAde Zero and some whey protein. I use it to wash down my morning supplements. In addition I’ll take another half teaspoon in a protein shake after lifting weights (3-4 times a week). The powder seems to dissolve easily with no grainy after taste or residue in my shaker. It does have a slightly sour taste, largely masked by the PA Zero. I love eliminating 8-10 capsules by using this product. If I were to take 10 grams a day it would last over 6 weeks, and I’m guessing many of you take less than that. I give it a thumb’s up, I’ll continue using it.
OK –
This is a good quality MSM; this is basically a sulphur supplement. It helps reduce inflammation and I use it to minimize hand pain from playing sports like golf.
I use a heaping teaspoon in about 4 ounces of water daily in the AM; most people will prefer to mix it in juice to disguise its somewhat bitter flavor (reminds me a little of grapefruit). Begin with about 1/4 teaspoon and work your dosage up to allow your digestive system to get used to it. MSM has the side benefit of improving the texture of hair, skin, and nails and I’ve found it helps improve my flexibility and reduces joint pain.
I’ve recommended this heartily to my own friends; investigate Amazon’s Subscribe & Save price to get the best price deal.
Me –
I’m taking this with collagen and vitamin c to help my hair grow back after a medication I was on, plus stress caused a lot of sheding.
My hair is growing back quickly and I’ve noticed it feeling extra soft. I’ve also noticed my nails growing in stronger. The collagen is probably helping as well.
The flavor is very, very bitter so you can’t add it to anything. But it dissolves fast and I take it as a quick shot.
I’ve used msm alone years ago and it helped my hair grow in faster and paired with collagen and vitamin c I think it’s helping a lot.
AMiran –
I love this MSM. My usual brand is out of stock. But this is essentially the same thing: OPT MSM. I always mix it with spring water and Acacia powder to activate it, because it needs to be taken with vitamin C. This MSM is amazing for flexibility. I also use it to relieve an aching body in the morning. Great find!
Stephanie Wilson –
This product instantly changed my life. I had very bad pain in my knees that has been cut down by 60-70%. For the first time in years I’m able to walk around without having to wear my knee support all the time. Other added bonuses are my nails are so much stronger and my hair has grown longer and healthier.
QueenBStill –
This is a powder and WILL help your muscle spasms. I suffered from restless leg syndrome for 3 years and was prescribed Mirapex. I was totally dependent on it. If I didn’t take it, my calf muscles locked up and cramped. Mirapex affected my mood. I was relieved to discover magnesium as a naturally occurring mineral that could help. Although our bodies produce it from the foods we eat, maintaining proper levels of magnesium in our bodies diminishes as we age. This means as we age we absolutely need to supplement this mineral. Also many medications deplete magnesium in our bodies even when we are younger. This is my soapbox because I can truly testify to the successful use of magnesium powder. Drink it every night before you go to bed. Start with a small dose 1/2 teaspoon and increase to 1 or 2 teaspoons as your body learns to tolerate it. (Increased amounts will increase bowel movements in some people so use it to your preferred tolerance level up to the recommended dose. )
Spice –
My go-to MSM brand discontinued on Amazon so I’ve been trying to find a replacement… The source naturals is powdery vs the one I’ve been using (discontinued) for my hair growth and the other one in this video (Sulfur defense, also from Amazon but I dont trust after a review analysis). I’m used to a more crystallized version, so I’m concerned whether there’s a bunch of anti-caking fillers in this…
The Nameless One –
Wife review:
Very quality brand! I am new to the wonders of MSM and this was my introductory product. It only took about a week to really feel the difference — the energy that it gave me was amazing! I am known to take many supplements in a never-ending quest to find that perfect combination for my peak health; yes there have been some hits, but more misses. This one was definitely a hit, and ever since I experienced the results myself I have been recommending it to anyone who will listen. The taste is bitter to most, but I really didn’t mind it that much when I diluted it with a 20oz container of water. When someone would take me up on an offer to sample it I noticed they had an easier time taking it “shot-style” with some juice. I recommend this to those who absolutely cannot stand the taste. Aside from that I cannot stress enough that you should stick with it! It will pay off if you are patient. Start small and work your dosage up to a comfortable level. Don’t overdo it, in this case accumulative is much more beneficial to the body than shocking it with large quantities too early.