Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Men’s Life Force Multiple Daily Multivitamin
O Source Naturals Men’s Life Force Multiple Daily Multivitamin é uma fórmula premiada que eleva a suplementação masculina a um novo patamar. Com uma combinação de ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, este multivitamínico foi desenvolvido para atender às preocupações específicas dos homens, promovendo a saúde da próstata, a saúde reprodutiva, a regulação hormonal e muito mais. Ideal para homens de todas as idades, ele fornece energia celular profunda para os principais sistemas do corpo, enquanto cuida das necessidades diárias que suportam funções cognitivas, cardíacas e celulares saudáveis. Além disso, contém ingredientes que ajudam a manter a saúde da pele e dos ossos, o metabolismo e a função imunológica.
Este multivitamínico é uma fonte completa de bem-estar, contendo todas as 13 vitaminas essenciais, incluindo as vitaminas A, C, D, E, K e as vitaminas do complexo B (tiamina, riboflavina, niacina, ácido pantotênico, biotina, vitamina B-6, vitamina B-12 e folato). As vitaminas A, C, D e E, juntamente com o zinco e o selênio, apoiam um sistema imunológico saudável. A inclusão de magnésio é fundamental, pois a ingestão adequada deste mineral parece apoiar a saúde cardiovascular. Além disso, nutrientes como colina, tiamina, CoQ10, ácido fólico e vitamina B6 podem ajudar a manter a cognição saudável, o humor e a função cerebral.
O Men’s Life Force também oferece suporte avançado para as necessidades masculinas, incorporando saw palmetto, semente de abóbora e urtiga, que têm sido utilizados tradicionalmente para apoiar a função da próstata, a saúde reprodutiva e a regulação hormonal. O saw palmetto, em particular, pode contribuir para a saúde da próstata e do trato urinário.
Com poderosos antioxidantes, este multivitamínico fornece suporte antioxidante com vitamina A, beta-caroteno, astaxantina, vitamina C, vitamina E, ácido lipóico, selênio, luteína, extrato de chá verde, manganês, CoQ10, luteína e cobre. A vitamina C atua como um antioxidante que neutraliza radicais livres potencialmente danosos, enquanto a vitamina E protege as membranas celulares. O selênio é um antioxidante chave necessário para a função das células brancas do sangue.
Por fim, o Men’s Life Force oferece uma fonte natural de energia, fornecendo tiamina, riboflavina, ácido pantotênico, niacina e niacinamida, além de coenzima Q10 para suporte energético. A vitamina B-12 é essencial para níveis saudáveis de energia, e o ácido pantotênico é um cofator importante no metabolismo energético mitocondrial. A coenzima Q10 é crucial no transporte de elétrons, um processo mitocondrial responsável por 95% do metabolismo energético humano, enquanto a biotina apoia o metabolismo normal que produz energia.
– Suporte à Saúde da Próstata: Ingredientes como saw palmetto e semente de abóbora promovem a saúde da próstata e do trato urinário.
– Aumento da Energia: Fórmula rica em vitaminas do complexo B e coenzima Q10 que ajudam a manter níveis de energia saudáveis ao longo do dia.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Contém antioxidantes e vitaminas essenciais que ajudam a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Saúde Cognitiva: Nutrientes que suportam a função cerebral e o humor, contribuindo para uma mente mais clara e focada.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: A presença de magnésio e outros nutrientes que promovem a saúde do coração e do sistema circulatório.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 comprimidos ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
I switched from Rainbow Light Men’s One and started taking this multivitamin a month ago. I decided to move to this multivitamin because its highly regarded and more bioavailable. Life Force Multiple was rated #5 out of 101 by one study: […]. When choosing a multivitamin I think its really important that the vitamin and minerals come in good forms. From what I’ve read, this multivitamin has the best forms and uses multiple forms for many of the vitamins. Since taking this, I’ve felt a more positive mood and have been more focused at work.
Having said that, there are a few things I don’t like about this multivitamin. Vitamin K is not listed in the label and so I do not think it is included in this multivitamin. Vitamin D is kind of low at only 400IU, which is bad for me because my vitamin D levels came back really low and barely within range even though I had been taking Men’s One that has 800IU everyday. So I have been taking Twin Lab D3 plus K2 dots along with this product. This Vitamin has green tea extract, which can be up to 10% caffeine so one serving can have a max of 7.5mg caffeine. Because of the caffeine and B vitamins, I would say that this multivitamin is not good to take before bed.
I really like this multivitamin and plan on either sticking with this or moving to the regular Life Force Multiple No Iron tablets. I have a hard time justifying buying these when there isn’t too much more added and it is so much more expensive. Its ~$17 per month for these and only ~$11 per month for regular Life Force Multiple No Iron tablets if you take 1 serving per day. For the extra $6 a month you get 200mg of saw palmetto, 150mg of ashwagandha, 100mg of damiana, 100mg of Asian ginseng root extract, 75mg of Swedish Flower Pollen Extract, 60mg of bromelain, 60mg of stinging nettle root, 50mg of pygeum bark, 50mg of wasabi rhizome, 50mg of oat straw aerial parts, and 25mg pumpkin seed extract.
dparm –
Without getting to science-y, I will say that this multi uses very good vitamin forms/sources. A high-quality source means your body will be able to maximize the benefits with fewer chances of waste or interactions. I am a big fan of the fact it’s a men’s formula, too.
Those high-quality vitamin sources don’t inflate the price either. This is actually cheaper than the competing multis like NOW ADAM, Gaspari Anavite, Controlled Labs Orange TRIad, and SAN Dr. Feel Good. Subscribe and save makes it cheaper still.
I do have some relatively minor complaints. One is that these things smell disgusting (other reviewers mentioned this). The other is that there is no capsule form of the men’s formula, just tablets. You can get capsules with the non-gender-specific Life Force Multiple, so hopefully they’ll offer this soon. If they do, I would definitely buy it.
The last complaint is minor: they are using some unproven/questionable “extras”, such as inositol and MSM. It’s not that these extras are horrible for you, it’s just that there is not enough scientific research available to strongly prove/disprove their supposed benefits. It’s a bit dubious to put all these extras in here and is a bit puzzling given that the rest of the vitamins/minerals are actually very high quality. Regardless, I will probably buy this again but if a competing product like the ones I listed above (most of which do not use as many extras) comes down in price, I would probably switch.
Gabriella Lewis –
Excellent vitamin!
None –
Source Naturals Men’s Life Force Multiple is a game-changer in the world of daily multivitamins. Tailored for men, this powerhouse supplement not only offers essential nutrients, but also supports immune health. The diverse blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants makes it an all-encompassing choice for those seeking a comprehensive daily boost.
With its easy-to-swallow tablets and convenient packaging, incorporating this supplement into a daily routine is a breeze. The potency and efficacy of the ingredients are evident in the increased energy and overall well-being experienced after consistent use.
One downside is the need to take multiple tablets daily, but the benefits far outweigh this minor inconvenience. Source Naturals has truly crafted a superior product that caters to the unique needs of men, promoting optimal health and well-being. I highly recommend this supplement to anyone looking to elevate their wellness journey.
Common sense –
The ingredients, performance, health benefits, of which I’ve experienced with this product is unlike no other. This product from Source Naturals is absolutely the best product for all men at this stage of life. I, without question, absolutely recommend buying and using this product as directed, and you’ll be very pleased with your results.
Thanks Source Naturals Men’s Life Force for such a magnificent product.