Descrição do Produto: Source Naturals Time Released Melatonin 3 mg – 240 Comprimidos de Liberação Prolongada
O Source Naturals Time Released Melatonin é um suplemento cuidadosamente formulado para apoiar o seu ciclo natural de sono. Com 3 mg de melatonina por comprimido, este produto é ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades em adormecer, especialmente em situações como viagens, onde a mudança de fuso horário pode causar desajustes no ritmo circadiano. A melatonina é um hormônio produzido naturalmente pelo corpo, que desempenha um papel crucial na regulação do sono. A liberação prolongada deste suplemento garante que você tenha um sono mais profundo e reparador, ajudando a minimizar a sonolência diurna e a promover um despertar mais revigorante.
Os comprimidos são compostos por ingredientes de alta qualidade, incluindo fosfato de cálcio dibásico, celulose microcristalina, acetato de celulose, ácido estearico, estearato de magnésio e sílica. Esses componentes não apenas garantem a eficácia do produto, mas também a sua segurança e qualidade. Com mais de 40 anos de confiança, a Source Naturals foi fundada em 1982 por Ira Goldberg, com a missão de apoiar o potencial de todos para desfrutar de uma saúde ótima. O produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, em Scotts Valley, CA, seguindo as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) estabelecidas pela FDA, assegurando que cada comprimido atenda aos mais altos padrões de qualidade.
– Regulação do Sono: Ajuda a restabelecer o ciclo natural de sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo.
– Liberação Prolongada: A fórmula de liberação prolongada garante que a melatonina atue ao longo da noite, evitando despertares indesejados.
– Facilidade de Uso: Comprimidos práticos que podem ser facilmente integrados à rotina noturna.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
– Apoio em Viagens: Ideal para quem viaja frequentemente e precisa ajustar seu relógio biológico rapidamente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 comprimido de Source Naturals Time Released Melatonin aproximadamente 30 a 60 minutos antes de dormir. É importante seguir a dosagem recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde caso tenha dúvidas ou condições específicas de saúde. A melatonina pode ser uma aliada poderosa para melhorar a qualidade do seu sono e, consequentemente, a sua qualidade de vida.
Larisa Thomason –
For almost a year, I’ve had sleep issues. No problem falling asleep, but I’d wake up 3 hours later and be up for the next 2-3 hours. I’d finally fall back asleep just a bit before the alarm and spend the rest of the day in a fog. It didn’t matter whether I went to bed at 8:30 pm or 11pm – I was still up by 1:30-2 and awake for hours. It gradually got worse and I got desperate.
A friend recommended Melatonin and I resisted at first, having tried it after our daughter was born (almost 15 years ago). The tablets I took then had some odd side effects and I only took them for a few weeks before throwing the bottle away. Now, I think I have have been taking far too high of a dose, because these 3mg tablets work great.
Be careful when you take them! I’m awake and alert for about 20 minutes and then zone out totally – even in the middle of a conversation. After a couple of months, I’ve learned to just lay a tablet on my nightstand and take it when I’m ready to turn out the light. It works great: cured the problem of middle of the night sleeplessness. I still wake up sometimes at night, but have no trouble dropping back off to sleep. And when I wake up in the morning, I’m alert, energetic, and not already counting the hours until I can go back to bed to get a good night’s sleep.
For me, this supplement would have been a good buy at twice the price – and my family agrees. I’m rested, cheerful, and so happy I gave it a try.
So far, no bad side effects. In fact, no side effects at all. I am taking it daily, but considering trying it on a more limited basis because of concerns about long-term effects. Considering, but haven’t done it yet because I’m so enjoying a good night’s sleep that I’m afraid to tinker with success!
Although I saw results the very first night I took this, I waited to write a review just in case it was a placebo effect at work. But it’s been 11 weeks and I’m confident that this product is really effective for me.
Kim –
Makes you sleepy real quick! Works like a charm
Amazon Customer –
Take nightly and helps with sleep.
Paul Belanger –
Melatonin, in my experience, is a very subtle drug. I took it for about a month and then stopped before I actually saw what it was doing. It allowed me to fall asleep quicker and when I woke up during the night, to fall back asleep quicker as well. No more tossing and turning. I prefer the timed release version since I tend to sleep about 4-5 hours straight and then wake up sporadically after that. I had been buying the timed release from GNC but this brand is much cheaper, more pills, and just as effective. I’ve also tried popping another one after that initial 4-5 stretch of sleep to further prolong sleepy time, but I don’t know how effective that is. It doesn’t put you to sleep, so there’s no grogginess when you wake up. It just jump starts the natural process.
Madelene Caselli –
Used this brand before… when refill needed, came back for more. Time release is the best way to go as it works all night.
Not one big hit when you 1st go to sleep… A nice “hit”… to get you to sleep and then a slow release of the rest, to KEEP you asleep…
Don’t think you’ll be disappointed. I use sustained release with any vitamin/supplement I take (assuming the company makes it) .. including this. It’s the best way to allow your body to utilize the product.
Vibliophile –
We’ve used this for years. This is really useful for helping people with minor difficulty falling asleep as well as adjusting to time zone changes. The time release form helps to stay asleep better as well.
The key is to make sure that you take it right before you try to sleep. We found that if we took it too soon, we would miss the window of mild sleepiness that it creates, & then it was as if we hadn’t taken anything.
Melissa B. –
I don’t sleep very well anymore so I figured I would try a time-released melatonin. I took one pill the first night I received these and slept GREAT. I was curious as to how I would feel in the morning because I like to wake early and workout. I woke up without any problems. Yes, I was still a bit tired but not lethargic, just relaxed. When I got to the gym, I could not get going. My legs and arms felt like lead! I was yawning the entire hour I tried to workout. I wasn’t nearly as strong as I usually am in the weight room. The entire morning, I felt horrible, like I needed to sleep. I couldn’t concentrate so I drank coffee. Funny enough, coffee didn’t help me at all. The next night, I cut the pill in half. Again, I slept very good but my workout sucked again! The next night, I took the other half of the pill and again, my morning workout was not good. I even feel asleep at my desk. By noon, I started filling like myself, full of energy again. This time release pill definitely works! But, I am an early riser so it isn’t for me. I gave several pills to my friend who has trouble sleeping and she said she slept so well and felt great all weekend. She ended up buying the bottle from me.
Suzanne R. Lehrberger –
Not only helps you fall asleep, it helps you stay asleep. No after effects in the morning, either.